Ch- 12 Detention

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"What do you guys have after this?" Whispered Blaise, as Draco and i where writing are potions exam.
Three days in. Only three days into year two and Snape already gives us an exam, its crazy.

I peaked open my schedule to check what class was next. I was obviously disappointed.

"Defence against the dark arts." I sighed. I used to like that class, but professor Lockheart ruined in for everyone. Now its everyones least favourite subject, except for quite a few of the girls who fancied him.

"Hah, screw you guys i have a free period after this." Draco bragged. I rolled my eyes. Blaise was focused on something behind me. I turned around to see Pansy giving me the stink eye.

"Oh god not her." I mumbled.
"Why does she hate you so much?" Blaise asked.
I smiled, thinking about how funny it is that i cursed her. I mean she does deserve it. I cant have anyone knowing about the trial right now.

"Im not sure." I lied.
"The only person who likes Pansy, is Pansy." Said Draco. I gave him i high five.

"Malfoy and Potter." Scoffed Snape.
"Sorry Severus." I teased.
"Students shall address me by professor Snape and Professor Snape only. Mrs. Potter." He demanded.

Blaise, Draco and i giggled, while handing in our exams.

After potions, me and Blaise walked to defence against the dark arts together.

"Wait, didn't we need to bring something for class this period?" Blaise asked. I thought for a moment, then I realised.
"Shoot, yea we need our textbook, cmon i'm sure Lockheart wont care if we're late." I offered.

We both ran back to the Slytherin common room and grabbed our textbooks, then we quickly ran back to class.
By the time we made it there, Seamus and Dean where sitting in our seats, the only two seats left where across from Pansy.

"Take a seat you two." Said the try hard voice of Professor Lockheart.
Blaise and i looked at each other and rolled our eyes knowing we did not want to sit near Pansy. But we did anyway.

"Ugh, not you." Pansy sighed as i sat down.
"Shut up. I don't wanna sit here any more than you do." I snapped.
She smouldered at me trying to intimidate me. Once she realised she failed to do so she turned to Blaise.

"Hey, Blaise. Guess where Mara was the other day."
"Oh great." I whined. Whatever, she wont be able to say it anyway.
"She was at a t-" and just like that, her lips sealed shut again.

She tried to make as much noise as possible but it just came out as whines.

"Cmon, Parkinson. Stop mumbling we cant understand what you're saying." I teased. Blaise laughed, but also looked surprised.
The whole class shot out laughing, uh oh. I didn't realise what i scene i caused. Well technically she caused it.

Her mouth went back to normal suddenly.

"Mara, Pansy, leave my classroom i'll chat with you two in a minute." Ordered Lockheart.
"What? I didn't do anything!" I argued.
"Out, both of you, now."

I slammed my chair against the table and ran out of the classroom, its not my fault she brought it up in the middle of class. I wasn't even gonna wait in the hallway, i stormed right back into the Slytherin common room.
Pansy saw me walking away.

"Hey! Where are you going, Mara!"

I ignored her, obviously. I could hear her following me. She followed me all the way back to the common room. I saw Draco sitting at the table with Goyle.

"Whats the matter with you?" He asked. Then Pansy came storming in.
"You're gonna get us in trouble!" She yelled.
"I didn't tell you to follow me."

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