Ch-5 we cant ignore it.

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I woke up at around 7:00 this morning, put on my Slytherin robe, fed Tip and left to go find Ron Hermione and Harry. I barely even know what i'm supposed to be doing at this school yet, i don't know what classes i have.
I kinda felt like waiting until all the other Slytherins where gone to avoid uncomfortable interactions but i really don't care anymore.

I walked out with everyone else, i could see people staring and whispering from the corner of my eye. I wanted to go see my friends but everyone was at their table in the great hall, eating breakfast. Which reminded me that I haven't eaten in a whole day. I wasn't even hungry. Might as well eat though.
I ate some hash browns and managed to avoid the Slytherins during breakfast so that i could go find my friends.

I ran up to them right away.
"Hey, guys!" I said in excitement.
"We're really gonna get it in potions class today Mara." Said Ron, nervously.
Thats when I remembered that we snuck out last night and got caught by him. I was really the only one who wasn't scared of professor Snape, and it was my first time meeting him too.

"I told you guys it was a bad idea, and it didn't even work." Added Hermione, in her classic sassy tone.
"We never learn do we?" I said while laughing, trying to brighten the mood.

Once we got to potions class, I noticed how dry and dull the room was. Kinda like how I suspected Snape's personality to be from the first impression. I also noticed Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle where also in this class.

I sat with Harry and Ron and Hermione sat behind us. We where in the front row, Malfoy and Crabbe where beside us, whispering and laughing.

The door slammed shut in a heartbeat, i didn't even see it open. Snape came bursting in with his black cape blowing in the air.
"There will be no foolishness, or silly incantations in this class." Said Snape as his first words.

He was about to say something again but he stopped and looked at me, he had a very surprised look on his face. He walked over to me and stood right in front of Harry and i's desk.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous Potter twins." He looked at us for a few seconds waiting for a response, but didn't get it.

"And it appears one of them. Is in my very house." He continued, looking at me.
"I don't want to be." I mumbled quietly.
"What was that Ms. Potter?" Said Snape, raising his voice. That made me mad. I don't like it when people raise their voice at me. I stayed silent.

"Another word from one of you and you will both receive detention." He said, walking away. Harry and i looked at each other, offendedly.
"But sir, Harry didn't say anything." I confirmed.

"Mara don't, its ok." Whispered Harry.
"No its not ok, you talked to us first Professor, how is that fair?" I said with an attitude.
Snape looked shocked.

"Boldness, i see." Smouldered Snape.
"Maybe you do belong in Slytherin." I glared at him. I could hear Draco and Crabbe laughing next to me, i wanted to say something but i had already made to much of a scene.

For the rest of potions, Snape went over what we where gonna be learning what to do, and made us write it down. That was simple.
Then Ron led us outside for flying practice. I was excited for that. We all stood outside with a broomstick next to us, as a lady with short silver hair and yellow eyes, came walking towards us.

"My name is Madam Hooch, welcome to quidditch practice, first years!" Said the women with a big smile.
We where told to lift our hands over our broom, and say 'up.' Harry and i did so at the same time, and both of our brooms went flying into our hands right away. I was mesmerized. Hermione looked quite offended that hers wasn't working, but it did eventually.

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