☆~~Katsuki Bakugou☆

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Here's a short little not yandere chapter for Valentine's Day.

Hope you enjoy, I'm gonna go eat every chocolate in sight.

---------- ☆~°+*¤ | Valentine's Day Dance | ¤*+°~☆ ----------

"We will be holding a Valentine's Day dance."

Those were the words that would lead to something very unexpected happening to you.

"The dance will be held on the fourteenth in gym gamma, from 6:30pm to 10:50pm. Food and drinks will be available, and Mic will be our DJ. If you don't want to attend, you can stay at the dorms."

You were one of the people who stayed behind at the dorms. You had wanted to go, but you were much to nervous to ask anybody to go with you...

You were hanging out in the main room, lying on the couch, watching videos on your phone.

Then, someone else walked into the room.

"Oh, h-hi, Bakugou..." you nervously said, pausing your video and slightly waving. "You didn't go either?"

"Nah, why would I?" He asked. "Valentine's Day is for losers and virgins, of which I am neither."

"And I just so happen to be both..."

"Eh, that's not true." He told you, walking to the kitchen. "You're actually really fucking strong, obviously not as strong as me, but really strong nonetheless."

You didn't know what to say after hearing Bakugou of all people tell you that.

"And that weird Quirk of yours can be useful when it needs to be. Melanokinesis, right? You can just control ink... I can see why people would think it's useless, but they'd be wrong. Many things in the world contain ink of some sort, so really, there would never be a situation where you're at a huge disadvantage. And can't you change the shape of the ink? You could make a sword or an axe and murder all your enemies." He explained your own power to you. "You're obviously not as strong as me, but you're pretty strong. You're not at all useless, dumbass."

"I... I never said I was useless." You said. "You brought that up on your own."


"What are you making over there?" You asked.

"Hot chocolate. I don't exactly like the taste of hot chocolate, so I'm adding some cinnamon hearts to the drink to give it a better taste. The hearts should melt by the time I drink it." Bakugou explained. "Want me to make you one?"

"Oh! Um, s-sure, I guess...!"

"You know what? This one's done already, you can have it." He told you, walking out of the kitchen and handing you the mug of hot chocolate. "You get to be my taste tester."

You grabbed the (F/C) mug from Bakugou, and he walked back to the kitchen.

"Ah-!" You yelped, after burning your tongue.

"Wait for it to cool down first, idiot."

"So why are you here all alone?" Bakugou asked you, making a drink for himself.

"Oh, well... I had a few people I wanted to ask to the dance, b-but I was too nervous to ask anybody. And I didn't want to go alone, 'cause I'd just look stupid..." you explained.

"Why were you nervous?"

"I know they'd just reject me, and I didn't want to deal with the embarrassment of being rejected..." you took a sip of the hot chocolate.

"Rejected? Why would anyone reject you?" He asked. "They should feel honored that someone as good looking as you is asking out an extra like them." He told you. "They'd be stupid to reject you."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me, didn't you? I said that they'd be stupid to reject you." He said again as he finished up making his hot chocolate. "You shouldn't beat yourself up. No matter what anybody else tells you, you look really good, got it?" He aggressively asked you.


Bakugou walked to the couch you were sitting on, and sat down with you.

"How's your drink?" He asked.

"Um, it's good..." you told him, taking another sip. "A bit too cinnamon-y for me, though..."

"Too cinnamon-y, huh? We'll fuckin see about that." Bakugou took a large sip of his hot chocolate. He immediately spat it out, yelling out in pain.

"Wait for it to cool down first, idiot." You jokingly repeated what he told you earlier.

"What you were saying earlier, did you... did you really mean it...?" You quietly asked.

"Of course I did." He told you. "What reason do I have to lie?"

"You really think that I... look good?" You asked.

"Yeah. I don't know how you can think you don't." He told you. "You know what? Fuck everyone else, let's just have our own stupid dance!" He yelled out, standing up from the couch.


Bakugou pulled you up from the couch as well, grabbed his phone out of his pocket, started playing some music, and set his phone down on the coffee table beside the two mugs of hot chocolate.

"This is really out of nowhere-"

"So?! You said you wanted to go to the dance, right?" He asked. "If so, let's dance together. Nobody's here to see you or judge you, so you don't have to feel nervous, or worry about looking stupid."

You nervously accepted his offer.

"Hey, why aren't you at the dance?" You asked. "I know you said you didn't want to go, but-"

"I asked someone, and they rejected me."

"Really?" You asked. "If you asked me, I'd honestly be too scared to reject you!"

"Too scared to reject me, huh..." he said to himself. "Well in that case, can I kiss you?"

"What? No." You said. "What I meant was, like... If you were in love with me, I'd be too scared to say no, because I feel like you'd kill me if I rejected you... y-you just seem like the type of person who would have that sort of 'love'... like, 'I love you but I can and will kill you if you do something I don't like', you know?" You asked.

"What gives you that idea?"

"I-I don't know, you just seem like that type of person to me..."

"I didn't mean that." Bakugou informed you. "I understand why you'd have that idea of me. I had meant... what gives you the idea that I'm not in love with you?"

"You're in love with me...?"

"Yeah. Didn't want to admit it, but I am."

You kissed him on the lips, and that was the conclusion to your Valentine's Day dance.

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