☆~Izuku Midoriya~☆

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Requested by: dafriendlyghost

Just read Sabikui Bisco Vol. 2!
A femboy-ish doctor essentially became a god. Wild stuff.

Also I started watching Fire Force

---------- ☆~°+*¤ | Good Pup! | ¤*+°~☆ ----------

Just run.

Run as far as you can and don't get caught.

The sun will rise soon, but it's not like that will save you...

Your persuer knows your face. So even when the sun rises, they'll still keep chasing you.

As you ran through the forest, you slammed into somebody.

"Owww... what the hell?" The person you slammed into asked, a hand on his forehead.

You expected him to panic and run away when he saw you covered in blood, but... he didn't. He just stared at you.

"You look hurt." He told you, grabbing your hand. "Come on, I can get you some help!"

"W-wait, you're not even going to ask for, like, my name or anything like that?!" You asked as he dragged you along.

"Nope, that can come later! I should make sure you aren't hurt first!"

"Here, it's just a bit further!" He insisted. "Oh! Here we are! I guess we were closer then I thought!"

It was then you two came upon a fucking castle.

"There's no way you LIVE here, r-right?!" You asked in shock. This boy didn't at all look like somebody who would live in a castle.

"Haha, yes I do... I guess I don't really seem like a prince, huh?" He asked, sounding slightly embarrassed. "Oh well, though! Let's just get inside, I'll have my mom call for a doctor for you! By the way, what's your name? Since I didn't ask earlier."

"It's (Y/N)." You told him. You were a bit worried about him knowing your last name... what if news of you had spread to... wherever you are now? "W-what about you?"

"My name's Izuku Midoriya, I'm the son of the queen of this small country." He explained. "Let's just get inside. I can explain anything else you want later, once we get you some help!"

"Ah, um, t-thank you..." You nervously said.

Izuku was a very nice person, and his mother seemed to be as well.

You made sure that, no matter what, they NEVER found out what you were.

That would ruin everything.

But you have no reason to worry... you're good at hiding yourself. Neither of them will ever find out. You're sure of it.

This was the only place you truly felt safe anymore. Everyone in your hometown wants to kill you... basically everywhere you've ever gone, everyone has wanted to murder you in cold blood. You can't leave here.

You can't leave here.

But it's ok that you can't leave.

You really feel like Izuku is someone you can trust.

You felt like you could trust him completely...

Until you woke up one night in the castle's dungeon.

You were locked up once again, like the wild animal everyone accused you of being.

Except this time, you weren't alone. Izuku was in the cage with you, sitting below the barred window, the moonlight shining down on him.

"Oh, you're awake!" He said to you. "The stars are beautiful tonight... almost no clouds obscuring them. Come on, there's room beside me if you want to look."

"Ah... n-no thank you, Izuku..." You told him, still trying your best to keep your secret.

"Not much else to do in here, is there?" He asked. "Come on, just look at the stars with me~!" He grabbed your hand firmly.

"I SAID NO, OK?!" You yelled, yanking your hand away from him.

Blood fell to the floor.

Only a few drops, but it was clear you had hurt him.

There was a large scratch across the palm of Izuku's hand, a fairly deep one too. But instead of looking like he was in pain, scared, or horrified... he just smiled as he looked at his bloody hand.

"I knew it. That blood that was all over you that night, it was someone else's blood, wasn't it?" Izuku asked you, looking at you with his off-putting smile. "Those sharp teeth of yours also helped give it away. You're a werewolf, aren't you, (Y/N)?"

You couldn't say anything. You had worked so hard to keep your secret, but it was all for nothing.

"There's no need to look so scared, (Y/N)!" Izuku told you, still smiling. "I won't tell anybody. Your secret is safe with me..."

"I thought I could trust you." You said, not knowing what to feel.

"You can!" He insisted. "You can trust me, doggy~ I'll take care of you, I've done a good job so far, haven't I?" He asked. Izuku got closer to you.

"I'll just-"

"Run away~?" He playfully asked. "Not an option. You know that better than anyone." Izuku laughed sinisterly, edging closer to you once more. "Werewolves are killed off and hunted to prevent them from spreading. Speaking of that, I've heard that a werewolf's bite is only infectious if it's a full moon... I want to test that out. It's a waxing crescent tonight, so if you bite me, logically I shouldn't be infected."

"N-no, I won't..." You managed to get out. Human blood tasted terrible. It tastes like what diluted liquid metal would probably taste like. It's also slightly addictive to a werewolf like you, so if you get even a little bit of blood, you'll want more, and more, and more... and you'll innevitably kill someone.

"That's fine, we'll do it some other night." Izuku laughed to himself. "That way I can make it a real experiment, with seperate test subjects and everything! That way,I can actually see if it's true or not..."

Izuku patted the top your head.

"(Y/N), I promise you your secret is safe with me. Even if somebody finds out, I'll make sure that person is 'dealt with' before they can tell anybody else!" He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to the ground. "You know... so long as you stay with me, and me only. Never even look in the direction of somebody else. Just at me. Understand~?"

"N-no, I-"

He slapped you across the face.

"That's not quite the answer I wanted, (Y/N)."

"...ok... I understand..." You said, a horrible stinging pain on your left cheek.

"What a good pup!" Izuku excitedly spoke. He placed his hand on top of your head and ruffled your hair, like he was petting a dog. "Well, I only brought you down here for this 'confrontation' or whatever this was. Come on, let's get out of this stupid dungeon and go to my room! I'll even make you a nice bed out of pillows on the floor for you to sleep on!"


At least he didn't kill you.

I suppose that's a bit of an upside to this horrible situation you've found yourself in.

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