☆~Tamaki Amajiki~☆

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Requested by: oakey-dokey

Writing this chapter made me realize that in my x reader oneshots are actually written in second person, and not third person like I thought. The only oneshots I write that are third person are the character x character ones.

And to the person who requested this, I hope this is good! And sorry it took so long, it was because of a mix of procrastinating, getting distracted, and being kinda unmotivated to write for a bit. I hope it was worth the wait!

---------- ☆~°+*¤ | Confession | ¤*+°~☆ ----------

You put on your shoes, grabbed your bag, and took a deep breath.

Today is the day!

Your first day at your new school!

Today will be like a new beginning for you.

You opened the door, and ran to the sidewalk, eager to go to your new school...

Though, it turns out someone else had been running down the sidewalk. You two arrived at the same spot at the same time, and you two slammed into each other.

"Ow... I-I'm sorry about that, I w-wasn't exactly l-looking where I-I was going." The person who slammed into you apologized.

"Yeah, it's fine." You told him, feeling the back of your head. You were checking for blood, since you had hit your head on the concrete. Luckily, you weren't bleeding.

You stood up from the ground, and got a better look at who had slammed into you.

He had navy blue hair, indigo eyes, and pointed ears. He was wearing a middle school uniform like you were, leading you to assume he was around the same age as you.

"I've n-never seen you before... a-are you n-new around here, o-or something...?" He nervously asked you.

"Yeah, I just moved in last week!" You happily informed him. "I don't exactly know the area that well, um... if you could, could you please give me the directions to Chuugaku Junior High?" You asked. "That's my new school, and with all the chaos of moving and unpacking and stuff, I haven't really had any time to find out the directions myself, haha!"

"O-oh, I actually go there... y-yeah, I-I can show you the way."

"Thank you!"

"H-hey, just out of c-curiosity, um... w-what's your n-name...?"

"My name's (Y/N) (L/N)!" You told him. "And who are you?"

"I'm... Tamaki A-amajiki..."

That was a day you'd always remember.

That was the day you met Tamaki Amajiki, and you two have been friends ever since.

You two have known each other for five years, and you were now in your third year of high school. You were both attending UA, but in different classes. Tamaki was in class 3-B, and you were in 3-A with another friend of yours, Mirio Togata. You met Mirio the same day you met Tamaki, since the two of them were apparently a package deal.

Tamaki is someone who understands you, and accepts you as you are.

He's always been such a good friend...

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