☆~Mina Ashido & Denki Kaminari~☆

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I really wanna do more chapters with the girls and other underrated characters, but I NEVER have any good ideas for them :(

TW for abuse

---------- ☆~°+*¤ | You're Safe With Us | ¤*+°~☆ ----------


"OH BE QUIET!" Your father screamed in response. "DON'T PRETEND YOU CARE ABOUT HIM, I KNOW YOU DON'T."



'He's useless, why would I care about him?'

...that sentence didn't hurt you anymore.

You just accepted it. You were completely useless, due to something you couldn't control.

Your parents were old college friends who were both not doing well in the world. The only reason they married was to have a child.

They only had you to make money off of you. They intended for you to be a powerful Hero in the future, as apparently their Quirks would mix extremely well together.

And then, you were born. They didn't care about you until your fourth birthday. On that day, they suddenly loved you. And a few days later, when you developed your Quirk, well... it wasn't what they were expecting.

Apparently, you had a very rare condition, known as a 'mutation'... you had a Quirk that came out of nowhere, not from your mother or father. And the worst part about that was that... this mutation of yours was completely useless. Your eyes changed colours depending on the emotion you were feeling, and that was all it did.

And after that, they went back to not caring about you, and treating you as if you were a burden. They were both horrible people, but... at least your mother pretended to care about you...

"(Y/N), please go to your room, your father and I need to... talk." Your mother told you.

You nervously went to your room, trying your best to ignore the screaming match they were in.

The next morning, when you woke up and left your room, you saw something. Both of your parents were lying on the kitchen floor, completely motionless.

"Mom...? Dad...?" You quietly asked. "It's morning, wake up..." you said.

You were just a child, you didn't understand what you were truly looking at.

You could tell that something was wrong, though, so you left the house to go find help.

You walked through the snow in only your pajamas, trying to find someone who could help.

You kept walking. There were so many people out walking today, but everyone seemed to ignore you.

It's fine, though... you're used to this.

As you were accepting the fact that nobody would help you, you suddenly saw... them.

A man and a woman, and... they looked like they were Heroes.

You ran towards them, and lightly tugged on the man's jacket.

"Huh? Oh, hey there, kid!" He said to you, turning around to see you.

"What is it, Chargebolt?" The pink woman asked.

"Nothing really, just a little kid." Chargebolt informed her. "Anyways, hi! Do you need something?" He sweetly asked, crouching down so he was on eye level with you.

"Are... a-are you a Hero...?" You timidly asked.

"Yep! I'm Chargebolt, and she's Pinky." He said, introducing himself and the woman.

"I-I need help." You quietly said. "My mom and dad... t-they aren't waking up." You explained. "I'm w-worried something's wrong."

The two Heroes talked to each other for a bit, wondering if it was worth it to hear you out. You are just a child, after all, you could be exaggerating.

Thankfully though, they chose to believe you.

"Alright kid, lead the way." Pinky said.

You walked back home, the two Heroes following close behind you.

When you got to your house, you showed them the kitchen.

You were only five years old, and you didn't understand what it really was.

Apparently, during their fight last night, they had killed each other.

You were sheltered from the truth of what had happened.

Nobody told you that your parents were dead, they didn't want a child to have to hear that.

And, for now, you were being taken care of by the two Heroes who had helped you. Their names were Denki and Mina, and even though you knew they were Heroes... it was hard for you to not be just a bit scared of them.

One night, when Mina asked you why you were always so nervous around her and Denki, you told her everything you could remember.

Mina carried you out of your bedroom, sat you down on the couch, and put on a movie for you.

 "Denki and I have the day off tomorrow, so you know what we're gonna be doing tonight?" She asked. "We're gonna stay up all night watching movies!"

"We are?" You asked. You'd only seen one movie before, and it was really bad, so you were excited.

And she wasn't lying. The three of you watched movies until you fell asleep.

Mina sweetly carried you to bed.

"Don't you worry, (Y/N)... no matter how long it takes, I promise... you won't have to feel scared anymore..."

"You're safe with us..."

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