Rebel Yell

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I walked into the club threw the back way wearing ( ) and went to Tina. Tina kinda runs the club well the part I work in at lest.

"What do you got for me?" I asked flicking my head to the side to get my hair out of my face.

"Oh well lets see." Tina said looking threw the book that she always has with her. "Looks like you have dancing at the bar till three then whatever you can get between then and five then Jack is picking you up at closing."

"Ugh not him again.... He better be happy he pays good money." I said taking my jacket off.

I walked over to the lockers and put my jacket in mine.

I walked out of the back room to start my four hours of dancing.

When I was done with that I went to the back and touched up my hair and make up. On my way out I ran into Alexis.

"Hey where have you been? You didn't come home last night."

"Oh yeah about that. Me and the guys from Asking had a few drinks that's night and I fell asleep in there hotel room." Alexis said biting her cheek and not looking me in the eye

"You had sex with one of them didn't you?"


"Alexis you are 22 years old you can fuck who ever the hell you want to. I don't care what you do." I said smiling and patting her on the arm lightly.

"Really? Your not mad?"

"Why would I be mad. You told me you would fuck one of them if you had the chance so I'm not mad. I just want to know who you did it with."

"Danny... and Ben..." Alexis said blushing

"At the same time?"

"Not a first but yeah kinda."

"Your hopeless" I said laughing slightly and walking around her to walk out the back door, that opened to the parking lot for people that worked here. I don't use it that much though I don't know why.

I walked to my car and opened the door. I always left it unlocked since I know there is nothing in here to steal. I would rather someone just opened the door for nothing them have to fix a broken window for them trying to find nothing.

I sat in the front seat I didn't bother closing the door and opened up my glove box and grabbed my box of cigarettes and my black lighter.

I used to hate smoking but here lately I have been doing it more and more.

I lit one and sighed feeling the smoke fill my lungs. I leaned back in my seat and started playing with my necklace remembering the first time I ever smoked.

I was sitting at the park on a swing waiting for my best friend to show up.

I felt warm hands cover my eyes and some ones breath on my ear.

"Guess who?" Said someone with a high pitch scratchy voice

"Hi Andy" I said smiling

"How did you know it was me?" Andy asked in his normal voice sitting in the swing beside me, after letting go of my face.

"As weird as it may sound your smell and plus you have done that do me how many times now?"

"A lot but you knew it was me the first time I did it."

"Yeah but I really was just guessing then." I said playing with the batman necklace around my neck.

Andy gave it to me for my 13th birthday two years ago. I have not took it off since.

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