Never Give In

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Andy's POV
We, we being me, Ashley, Jake, CC, and Jinxx was sitting in the hotel room that me and Jake shared, when there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer it but Jake beat me to it. He quickly opened it wanting to get his pizza. When he opened it there was not a person there holding a pizza. Instead someone fell on the floor at Jake's feet. I quickly walked to the door and bent down beside the person. It tuned out to be a girl, that looked to be around my age. She had black hair down to her waist. I moved the hair out of her face and that's when I realized that it was that one girl from the club we went to yesterday.
"Who is she?" Jake asked crouching down beside me.
"I don't know. But she works at the club we went to yesterday."
"Okay so why is she past out in the hallway in front of our door?"
I started to say something back to Jake when I realize that her stomach was covered in blood.
I picked her up and laid her on the couch. I had to make sure it was her blood before I called anyone.
Emily's POV
I woke up in a room. I started to freak out, since I knew that Jack had got to me and took me somewhere that I would never be found.
'Why has he not killed me yet? Why am I not tied up?' I asked myself looking around. making my head spin, but I ignored it. I had to find away out.
The room was kind of small with only one door. There was a big slightly opened window to the left. There was a warm breeze coming threw the window making the light green curtains move slightly. The walls were a deep green color. The bed covers were the same light color as the curtains, with white sheets. The bed was a full size, with a pine wood. There was two bedside tables both the same pine wood. On both of them in the middle of the tables were lamps. On the left one was a pack of cigarettes and a batman lighter.
'Jack don't smoke. So where am I?' I asked myself setting up. When I did my stomach started to sting really bad and growl.
'Great I'm hungry and in pain.' I thought standing up.
I held my stomach as I started to walk to the door.
To the right of the door was a six drawer pine dresser, with a mirror that went from one end to the other. My clothes from before were folded on the end closest to the door. I looked down to see that I was in a black batman T-shirt that went down to my knees.
'Ok someone really likes batman.' I thought laughing slightly as I got to the door.
I was going to open the door but I heard talking from the other side of the door. It sounded like the voices were getting closer to the door.
'What should I do? Act like I'm sleeping? No they might kill me.'
I quickly opened the door before I could talk myself out of it.
There was two guys with black hair setting on a white couch with there back to me. They didn't seem to realize I opened the door or was even there. One of the guys the one with the short black hair had a pen in his mouth the other had a guitar in his hands. The one with the guitar was playing it softly but you could tell the song was went to be faster then what he was playing it.
"Dude lets take a brake. I cant think of what will work for the chorus." The guy with the short hair said laying back on the couch.
"Lets take it from the top one more time and maybe you will get it and if you don't then we can stop."
The guy with the guitar started to play was he was playing before but faster.
The short hair guy started to sing.

Before your life is over, know this to be true
All the hate we hold inside still won't save your youth
Don't waste your time on tragedy, easy to forget
Time that's lost enemies fought are worth the price to live

One day at a time, one day at a time
Listen when we're calling
Your time has arrived

With out thinking when he stopped singing I started.

Our days are numbered in the world of fools
We feel the hunger and follow no one's rules
Everybody wants eternal life and nobody can seem to get it right, oh,
Our days are numbered and you're no fool, nobody's fool

When I started singing both of them men turned around, when I stopped they both clapped.
"How long have you been standing there?" The long hair one said putting down the guitar.
"Right before he said he wanted to take a brake." I said softly pointing to the short haired guy
"Do you write songs? What you sung was really good, do you mind if we use it?"
"No, and no I don't mind. I helped my best friend write a song for his girlfriend ones but that was a long time ago."
"Oh well you should write songs that was really good. I'm Jake by the way" Said the guy with long hair.
By then he had done walked around the couch to stand in front of me. He stopped about half way when I started to back up.
"Were not going to hurt you. Your safe here. We can take you somewhere if you need us to. I'm Andy by the way." Said the short hair guy
I shook my head and took another step back.
"No you wont need to do that. I'll just get changed and be on my way." I said softly turning around.
I turned to fast and got really light headed. I started to fall hitting my shoulder on the door frame. Andy grabbed me by my forearm stopping me from falling more.
"How about you eat something? Then you can leave." He said softly
"No I cant do that. You don't need to take care of me. I'm a big girl I have been taking care of myself for a long time now. I can get home by myself. Thank you for all you have done." I said lightly pulling my arm away from his warm hand.
"I don't know if you realized but you kind of fell into our hotel room bleeding. The lest we can do is take you to go get some food." Jake said smiling at me
"Fine. I promise to pay you back as soon as you get me home." I said nodding at them and walking back into the room, closing the door behind me.
I walked over to the dresser to see that it was not my clothes siting on the dresser. It was clothes my size but not my clothes.
I opened the door to just see Andy sitting on the couch.
"Jake's girlfriends clothes. You can give them back when we take you home. Even if you didn't give them back I'm sure Ella would not mind." Andy said smiling.
"Oh ok, well I will give them back." I said smiling back slightly and once again closing the door.
I took off the shirt to see that I still had my underwear on. I looked in the mirror to see I had a long cut going from my right hip stopping right under my right boob. It was long but not very deep. I guess that's why they didn't have it wrapped up. There was cuts all over my thighs. My wrist was still rubbed raw. There was black and blue spots all over my body. I had a black eye and a busted lip.
'Well don't I look sexy today...'
'Why don't I feel all the pain that I should?' I asked myself picking up the clothes.
The only thing that really hurt was my stomach. I shrugged. I was not about to be unhappy about not feeling pain. I quickly got dressed in ( ) not wanting to make them wait on me anymore then they had to.
'If only I had a brush or a hair band.' I thought looking at my hair.
I was stinking up every were.
I walked to the door and opened it. I about to ask Andy if he had anything I could use. But I stop for twso reasons. Reason one there was four other guys and two girls standing in the room with him and two why would he have a hair band. The other four guys was sitting on the couch and they were all talking. The girls was sitting on a love seat talking as well but just between themselves. Andy was in the kitchen across from the living room. He was bent at the waist looking in the refrigerator. I started to just shut the door and stay in the room. But I wanted to fined out which girls clothes I was wearing to thank them. Before I could say anything words to a song that I knew all to well ran threw my ears. I turned my head to fined who was singing it. Andy went from singing it to softly humming while, what look to be like making a sandwich.
How could he know that song? There was only a few people that knew that song so how could he know it? How could he know The Morticians Daughter
'Okay Emily calm down. If Andy got big maybe people would have found out about the song. So maybe that's why this Andy knows the song.' I thought trying to calm myself down.
But it all started to make since. This Andy had the same bright blue eyes, same jaw line Andy had, same rough voice. His was slightly deeper but that happens with age right?
That's when I started to got mad. He said he would come back for me. He said he would never forget me. And here I am just a few feet from him and he don't even know who I am. I get that I must have changed some but not that much. I mean he has changed more then I have. He has a full sleeve tattoo now, he has a nose ring now, his hair is short, and he is at lest four inches taller.
I don't think anyone was thinking what happened next would ever happen. I mean these people had took me in and have been nothing but kind to me.
I walked up to Andy and lightly tap his shoulder. He turned around and smiled at me. The same smile that I would do anything to see, when we were kids.
"He-." Andy started to say but I stopped him.
I smacked him as hard as I could. So hard I made his head turn to the side and my hand burn.
"Don't you dare 'hey' me. I trusted you to come back for me. What happened to getting me out of that hell hole? I thought you cared about me, enough not to lie to me. I thought I could trust you, yet here you are not even knowing who I am. Did you even think about me after you left? I sat waiting for days, weeks, mouths for you to come get me. But you never did! I was so stupid lying to myself. Telling myself you were just busy with trying to get started. I wanted you to live your dream so bad that I never thought you would forget about me. You said you would come back for me but you never did. Here you can have you necklace back. Clearly its not going to keep me safe if you can't even remember me." I said pulling my necklace off and throwing it on the ground.
I didn't bother looking at him again. I walked pass the couches, everyone was staring at me.
"Which ever one of you is Jake's girlfriend thank you for the clothes." I said smiling as best as I could. I doubt it was a very nice smile since I was very much feeling angry at Andy. But These people didn't do nothing to me. They didn't need to see me like this and I started to feel bad at the fact that they had.
I nodded at them and walked out of the hotel room. As fast as I could I walked to the stairs not wanting to wait for the elevator. I was mad and I need to blow of as much steam as I could. At the moment they only thing I could do was walk it out. Once I was in the lobby, I quickly walked out of the hotel. I was shocked to see guards holding back teenagers with signs, Black Veil Brides, BVB, We love Andy, Ashley, Jake, CC, Jinxx, on them. If only they knew what there beloved Andy did to me. I wanted so badly to tell them all, but I could not do that to Andy no matter how much he hurt me. This was his dream and I would not take it from him. I knew how much he wanted this. I knew more then any one how hard he worked to just get the band started. I would not take away his fans. I could not do that to him.
I walked around the best I could , but I had to go threw them at some point.
'At lest its the smaller part.' I thought starting to push threw people. I was pushed to ground twice and it was rather hard getting up, with a messed up stomach. I finely got threw. When I did The teenagers started screaming, I turned around but could not see why they were screaming. Till I heard Andy and Jinxx name being call over and over again. Then I understood. They must have come outside.
But why? Why would they want to be screamed at like this? Then again this was always Andy's dream to make a difference in peoples lives. Come to think of it, if Andy still smoked like he used to he most likely was doing that. That's why he was out here.
I sighed and shook my head.
No wonder your voice got deeper.' I thought laughing a bit.
I started to walk back to my house since I knew where I was but I stopped. I could not go home. My house was a crime scene. Then where could I go? The bar? No it was closed. Jack's place was not ever going to happen. If only I had my phone then I could call Tina or something. But I had to leave it in Jack's hotel room.
I kept walking hoping I would think of something. I reached up to start playing with my necklace but my hand just touched my neck. I sighed. Wishing I would not have throw it at Andy. I missed it not being there. I felt like I didn't have a neck or something. Like I was in a way broken. I was missing a piece of me.
The sound of some one whistling brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see two guys in a beat up, once black, now a gray looking truck.
"Hey baby. Need a ride?" The guy driving said.
He looked to be about 30 at the oldest he might pass for 25 but not younger. He had red hair and pale skin. He had a slight beard but it was not very much. The other guy was African American with oddly enough very light brown eyes. He didn't have any hair on him that I could see but is eye brows.
"Maybe. Where are you going?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.
"Where ever you wanna go." The African American said winking at me.
He could have not be much older then me. He looked way to young to be as old as the guy driving.
"I doubt you have that kind of money." I said hoping they would leave me alone.
I was hoping that they didn't want a hooker but knowing my luck they did.
"How much do you cost?" As the red head
"What do you want me to do?"
"What can you do?" Asked the driver again
"Everything." I said not sounding to happy about it.
I was not really happy. I just wanted to find somewhere safe to think.
*You should have stayed with Andy. He would have kept you safe like he used to.* Said the voice in my head
'Andy dose not want to take care of me!' I yelled back at myself.
"Alright then, How much for you to everything?" Asked the younger of the two
"500$ each for sleeping with me.100$ each for a blow job. 50$ each for a hand job. Add another 200$ for anything else you want. Plus my two rules you have to wear a condom and no kissing on the mouth." I said flatly looking bored.
I so didn't want a job tonight.
"Dang don't you think that's a little much?
"Not really. I have to eat to you know."
"Alright how about just two blow jobs then."
"Whatever." I said walking up to the truck
The driver opened his door and I got in. I had to clime over his lap and when I did he smacked my butt. I did not like it one bit but I would have to put up with it.
I must have no soul if I can do this the day after I was rape. Then again I have been rape so many times. I guess you just get used to it. Plus it could have been by someone I trusted. But I never really trusted Jack plus I was used to him hurting me, but he had the money to pay to do so. I was not really shocked that he rape me. Still don't mean it hurt any less though.
I was not watching where we was going so when we pulled behind some building I was socked in a way. I though they would take me back to there house or something. No I was socked ones again today.
The driver turned off the car and opened his door I started to say something but he slapped me.
"Just shut up and get out. I'm not paying you to talk. I'm paying you to suck my dick." He said grabbing my by my hair and pulling me out of the car. There was no way anyone could see what we were doing. There was no cars noises anywhere.
They diver threw me to the ground and started to take off is pants.
'Oh why didn't I say with Andy?' I asked myself as I tried not to think about what I was about to do.
He didn't just make me give him and his friend a blow job. No They had there fun with me in ever way they could think of. Oddly enough though they never broke my rules. I was thankful for that. I didn't want to have some random guy that raped me behind a buildings baby and I sure as hell didn't want to kiss one of them. I have only ever been kissed ones in my life and I didn't really get the chance to kiss back. He left before I had to chance to kiss back or say or do anything.
So here I was once again laying somewhere broken and beaten. The men left a hour ago. 200$ laid at my feet. After laying there another hour I got up. There was dried blood on my back and throat. It was on my throat because it got rub there. My body hurt worst then it had in a long time. Not a very long time but for about year. I have not been hurt this bad. Maybe because I went threw this the night before. I don't know and I really didn't have time to worry about.
With all the energy I had left I got up and put my clothes on. I picked up the money and put it in my back pocket. I started to walk threw to ally way. That seemed to be the only way out from behind the building.
'So how did he get his truck back here?' I though limping threw the ally.
My left hip was killing me. The man like to punch me there over and over as hard as he could. His friend was not would I would call nice with me, he was still rough but it was a normal rough.
I was happy when I seen a clothing store. I quickly walked to it. Well I was has fat as I could with my messed up hip.
I walked into the store trying to look at normal as I could but I was in a lot of pain now. I was glad when I walked in. This was not only a clothing store it had other things as well. I smiled at the cashier as I grabbed a basket. I walked to the meds part of the store. I grab a bottle of pain killers and threw them in the basket I was holding. I walked to the back of the store where the clothes was at. Of course they had nothing I would wear on a normal day. But today was not a normal day.
I wake up in a place I don't know, meet knew people, one of them be happen to be my old best friend that promised he would come back for me and he never did. I slapped him smoothing I never thought I could ever do to him but I did it. I got rape by to guys at the same time. I have never even had sex with two guys. I don't have my necklace anymore, which was one of the only things that could help me get threw days like this. This day was the worst day I have ever had. I picked out the first thing I seen in my size. I didn't like it but it would have to do. I walked to the cashier and paid for my things.
"Do you think I could change in the bathroom?" I asked her smiling then looking at the bathroom door at the very back of the store.
"Sure. I would get yelled at if my mom knew I let you do it, but you look like you could use a good change of clothes. I left my make up bag back there if you want to use it go ahead." She said smiling at me. She looked to be 16 maybe 18 at the most. Hey hair was blond and down to her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep brown. She had long eyelashes. She could make easy money if she wanted to. I'm so glad she didn't want or have to like I did at her age. I didn't want to but I hade to. What else was I going to do. I was between a rock and a hard place.
I smiled at hair and have her a 20 out of the change she gave me from buy the stuff I did.
"Thank you." I said and quickly walked back to the bathroom.
It was just a toilet and a sink on the left wall. The right wall was a changing table.
'I guess they get lot of babies in here.' I thought laying the bag on changing table.
I found the bottle of pills and quickly opened it and took two pills. I use the water from the sink to wash them down. I frond her make up bag on the bottom shelf of the changing table. I opened it and was happy to see a small comb in there. It was no brush but it would do. I brushed my hair as best as I could and put the comb back. I washed all the blood of of me and I could. After I quickly took of my clothes and changed into my new ones. I did my make up trying to hide as much as I could of what has been done to me. I would not say I liked it but it would do for now. I put everything back they way I found it. I left the bathroom dressed in ( ) and quickly walked out of the store. I thank the girl ones again before I left. I started to walk down to street not knowing where I was going till I found myself in front of the hotel again.
'What the hell is with this place?" I asked myself.
Oh well I need to give that girl her clothes back anyway. I was happy there was not the crowd of teenagers there this time. There was still a few but not many. Maybe 20 at the most. They were all sitting down talking. I walked around them and tried to get in the door but one of the guards stopped me.
"You cant come in here?" He said strongly
"And why the hell not? I have a room here." I said not wanting to deal with this guy
"You prove it?"
"No I cant prove it. What the hell do. I don't want to see who ever is in the building. I just want to go in and relax on my time off with my boyfriend. I don't want o have to stand here all night talking to you."
The guard started to say something till the lady at the front desk came outside.
"Sir this lady has room him with I think her boyfriend will you please let her in." She said softly
He nodded and moved out of the way.
"Thank you." I said walking past him and threw the door.
I walked up the stairs again till I got to the fourth floor and walked down to hallway. I got to room 485. I knocked but no one came to the door. I knocked again and nothing.
I was about to leave till I see the maid three doors down. I walked over to her and lightly touched her shoulder.
She turned around and smiled at me.
"I'm sorry to bother you but I locked myself out of my room when I went down stairs to get my bag of clothes out of my car. My boyfriend is in the shower and wont opened the door." I said softly and smiled at her.
"Oh sure sweetie. Which room is yours." She asked pulling out a key that went to all the rooms.
"That one." I said pointing at it
She unlocked it for me and went back to the room she was cleaning.
"Thank you." I said to her as she walked past me.
I walked into the room, closing the door behind me and sat on the couch. I threw the bag of clothes on the table in front of me. My back was hurting me from laying on it but I was not going to move. I laid my head back on the couch to see my necklace sitting on the kitchen table. It was behind me just a few feet. I wanted to get up and get it but what would it mean if I did? That I forgave Andy for him not coming for me? That I was okay with why he just forgot about me? I don't know but I really wanted to feel he cold sliver on my neck again. I made up my mind I got up and walked across the table. I grabbed the necklace and put in on my neck. I smiled when the coldness of it sent shivers up my spine. I sighed but quickly took it back off laying it on the table. I was just here to give they girl her clothes back. Not take back a part of my life. I sat back down on the couch and realized that there was a Ipod on the table in front of me. I knew I should have left it alone but I was bored and didn't know how long till any one would be back. I quickly unlocked the thing since the password was batman.
"Really Andy?" I asked out loud to no one
I laughed as I put one of the head phones in my ear. I quickly went to music and was not shocked when I seen Kiss, and band like them. There was one thing that I quickly opened when I found it. It was under the name "Band Songs"
They first song was a song called We Stitch These Wounds.
I could not help but smile at the sound of what I knew to be Andy's voice run threw my ears. I closed my eyes and put the other head phone in. I was in love with the meaning of the song. There was a story behind it and I loved that it was not just things that would come on go and never truly matter. Soon, to soon the song ended and another on came on. I looked down to see the name was Heaven's Calling. I got up and went to the room I was in before. I took the blanket off the bed and walked back to the living rom. I laid down on the couch and cover up. Again to song the song ended. The next Never Give In. Andy's voice was much deeper in this one. I could not help the shiver that went down my spine. Andy only used to make his voice like this when he wanted to get his point across. It work with the message of the song perfectly. I soon stopped looking at the names of the songs I was just so shocked so many songs could come out of just one boy with a dream. I was shocked that his band, his voice was the one I danced to last night. he did the cover of Rebel Yell that I loved so much. Yes he even had two covers in this. It may have not been by his band. But they did they work when recording it. Andy did the work when singing it. I tried to fight it wanting to say up and listen to more songs. But I felt myself slipping into darkness. Maybe it was a dream and if it was, I faintly remembering dreaming someone coming threw the door. They picked me up and took me to the bed and tucked me in. I dreamed they left but I also dreamed that they came back and laid down with me. They had a new blanket with them I think. They never took off my head phones which I was happy about. I liked falling asleep to Andy's voice it made me feel safe. Like when we were younger. Me laying in Andy's bad after I snuck threw his window. Listen to whatever Andy had playing that night. Him singing along softly to me, till I fell asleep. Those were the only time I truly felt safe. I soon stopped dreaming to fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

Song is not mine it is Days Are Numbered By Black Veil Brides. I really hope you liked it. Thank you so much for reading! :) I'm sorry if anything is misses spelled, worded wrong or just don't make any since. Thank you for the comments I really love them. I'm so glad you guys are liking my story. Bye kiddos I hope you have a lovely day! :)

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