7 years of good luck.

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I looked behind me to see a girl with long blonde hair with her arms wrapped around Andy's neck.
"I take it that's the girlfriend?" I asked Andy
"Yes. I'm the girlfriend and you are?" She said glaring at me
"I'm Emily the girl your boyfriend kidnapped." I said shrugging and standing up.
Being a lady my age with my job you get a lot of dirty looks so her question and looks didn't bother me. 
"Did you not get the text I sent you last night?" Andy asked
I didn't bother staying to see what she said back I started walking around the tent looking for someone to talk to.
"Hey what are you doing walking around by yourself?" Asked someone behind me.
I turned to see Ashley there with a slight smirk on his face.
"Bored, Andy's girlfriend showed up and she didn't seem happy that I was there so I left." I said shrugging
"So what if she didn't want you there she just needs to know that your not hooking up with Andy."
"Its fine I'm used to the looks. I'm not worried with it. I'm just going to head back to the bus. Thanks for trying Ashley." I said smiling softly and walked around him.
"Alright bye Emily." He said
I just waved behind my head not bother looking back.  I started waking back to the bus not understanding why we didnt just walk in the first place it was not that far.
I walked onto the bus and walked to the couch. I sat down and looked around the room for something to do. Finding nothing laid back on couch closing my eyes.
fuck, I'm bored!" I said sighing
"Then do something." Said a bubbly voice that I knew to well inside my head.
"The hell you talking about being bored. Your at Warped Tour! Get up and do something!" Yelled the voice of Alexis in my head.
I sighed shaking my head.
'I must be going nuts if I'm talking to my dead best friend....' I rubbed my eye feeling my make up smear.
'My best friend is dead.... Alexis was dead-No Alexis was killed! Alexis was killed by the guy that I was whored out to. Alexis was killed because of me!'
{What's wrong with you?}
'Nothing....' I thought sighing
{You could have just told the bouncer to keep Jack from you.... But no you let it go on to keep getting money....}
'A girl as to eat! I need the money!'
{Its all your fault you know?}
{How could you do such a thing? Letting her die like that.... Just think of what Jack did to her before....}
'Shut up!'
{Why, am only saying what's true....}
'Get out of my head!' I though sitting up and shaking my head as if I could shake the thoughts away
{Why fight it? Your just wasting space here.... Andy dose not need you here. He didn't even know who you were...}
'I didn't know who he was at first.'
{Ah yes but he became what he always wanted, and where are you? A whore.}
'Its not like I wanted to be this....'
{But your no good at anything else are you? Your just a waste of space. I would say look at the bright side but I doubt even Alexis would want to be around you now}
'Shut up shut up shut up!!!'
I closed my eyes tightly and punched my left thigh knowing the scares that are there.
{Come on you know its for the best}
'No! I promised Andy I would stop.'
{Ah yes how long ago was that? Three years? I think your over do}
I got up from the couch and walked to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door behind me. I looked in the mirror as if I could trap all the bad thoughts in there.
I turned on the cold water on sink and washed all my make up off. I looked up in the mirror to see the ugly yellow brown mark covering my right eye and cheek.
'I wonder if anyone could see the mark threw the make up? If they did they hid it well.'
I softly touched my face it still being sore.

{Ugly whore.} Barked the voice of my father


16 year old me stood on my toes to get closer to the mirror in the bathroom to fix my eyeliner. I bit my lip and smiled looking at the light purple that faded into a smoking purple eye shadow with the best wing tip I have ever done. It covered all my eye lash line in a dark black making the light purple pop.
I smiled even bigger thinking of what Andy would say, he was after all the one that helped me do it the first time.
I quickly put all my make up in my room where my dad could not find it. I closed my door and started to walk down the small hallway that lead to the steps. I stopped half way down when the front door opened hitting the wall making a loud bang.
"Emily! Get your ass down here now!" Yelled my dad slamming the door shut
I knew he could see my feet so there was no since trying to hid. I walked down the steps keeping my head down.
"Look at me!"
I flinched at his words and very slowly looked up
"So its true then. Today my buddy Joey goes on about how he sees you walking around down town with some freak in all black and your have on enough make up on for ten whores! I, being the good loving daddy I am said that it had to be someone else, but I see that its true. So you like wearing this whore make up huh? You think your old enough to walk around with whoever you want?"
I didn't say anything not wanting to piss him off more
"Well I guess since your so big and bad now I will help you with a few things. First thing your make ups not dark enough hun."
Before I could do anything he grabbed my arm roughly and punched me as hard as he could in my left eye.
"Don't forget your other eye silly little girl." He said again punching me
Everything went black very quickly but I woke up just as quickly.
"Falling asleep while I'm trying to help you, well you are being very rude. Now for your next step." He said dragging  me up the steps roughly by my arm.
"You want to be a whore well I'll show you how to be a whore." He said throwing me into his room and shutting the door behind him

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