Safe and Sound

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It's been almost two months since the kidnapping. I still wake up in the middle of the night with the nightmares. It's always the same Andy never found me or i lose my baby.

The baby was fine after the hospital we stayed with Andy's parents them treating me like i never left. Them making me feel like i belonged there.

This is the first time i would see Andy's home. We just left the airport and I would be lying if i said I wasn't nervous.

As if hearing my thoughts Andy grabbed my hand kissing it softly. We sat in the back of a taxi Andy's car back at his apartment.

"What's wrong cupcake?" he asks looking at me.

"Nothing i'm fine." i say shrugging.

"It's okay if you're not you've been through a lot." he says seeing threw my mask.

I nod and lay my head on his shoulder for the rest of the ride.

Soon we arrive at an apartment complex just outside of LA. It a tall high-rise the outside a light brown. There is white flower pots lining the walkway to the front door of the main building.

"It used to be a hotel so it's a little weird." Andy says getting out of the car.

I follow him only a small back pack in my hand. Andy took the no overworking to the extreme. I honestly was glad for it. Hearing that my baby could have been killed if it was just a bit bigger scared me.

I wrap my arms around my stomach at the thought.

It only takes a few minutes for us to get on the elevator and to Andy's room. After he opens the door letting me in i quickly look around.

The main room is cream walls brown carpet and white furniture. There is a small kitchen just big enough for one. A half wall separates that from a small living room and the Two person table. Down a very small hallway is two doors my guess a bedroom and bath.

"What do you think?" Andy asks me. I can hear him setting the stuff down and shutting the door.

"Its smaller than I expected but i'm honestly glad. I was expecting a big penthouse and I think I would miss the cosy feeling of the bus or even your bedroom at your Parents.

"Well good thing I turned down the penthouse." he says laughing wrapping his arm around me his hand going straight to my stomach.

Another thing about Andy he hasn't took his hands off me. In some way since I woke up at the hospital he has touched me either holding my hand or keeping his arm around me or touching my stomach. I didn't mind. I craved his touch it the only thing holding me together.

I lean back into his chest closing my eyes.

"This is your home now. I'll do anything for you." He says softly kissing my shoulder.

I blush still surprised by how sweet he was to me.

"Thank you." I say turning to face him.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

"You wanna go to bed or get some food? Though we'll have to go out to eat there's nothing in the kitchen not until we go to the store." he says making me smile at how he keeps using we as if we've been together forever.

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