To Good To Be True

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I woke with someone shaking me making me sit up quickly slamming my head into the top of the bunk.

"Ow, what the hell!" I said turning to see Ella grinning wildly

"We're here!"

"Where is here?" I asked looking out my window to see nothing but a parking lot.

"The airport silly we are all going home and soon the boys will be making a new record."

"Oh awesome. I'm gonna go pee." I said trying to rub the sleep out of my eye.

"Oh right try to be quick okay."

"Yep sure thing." Nodding I got out of the bunk and walked down the hall glad to find no one in the bathroom.

Looking in the busted mirror I had make up smeared down my face. I jumped when the door opened.

"Oh hey baby." Andy said giving my butterflies. "How did you sleep?"

"Well going by what my face looks pretty good. You know you have to sleep with this hot mess right?" I said pointing at my face moving my hand in a circle.

"Yeah, I know." He says walking up to me smirking down at me, making me blush.

"I got the bruises to prove it." He says smiling and bends down to press his lips to mine softly. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kiss back butterflies dancing threw my stomach my heart racing. A feeling I don't think I would ever get use to.

Sadly the feeling came to an end when Andy pulled away.

"I'll let you get ready. Try to hurry okay?" He said kissing the top of my head and walking out of the bathroom.

Doing what he asked I quickly showered and got dressed in ( )

Picking up my phone I unlocked it to read Ella's text saying they were waiting at gate 8. I replied telling her I was leaving the bus now and would be there soon.

Stepping off the bus with my bag of stuff I walked across the parking lot feeling weird being all alone. Putting my headphones in to fill the silence was the worse they I could have ever done. Maybe I would have heard them coming...

I woke up in a dim lit room. The only light ome from the bulb hanging in the middle of the room.

'Okay Emily don't panic. If you scream whoever took you will know you are awake."

I looked around the room for a way out but only found that I was tied to a wooden chair in a basement and that there was wooden table about a yard away from me.

On the table was a green duffle bag.

'Maybe there is a phone in there all you need to do is get out of the chair and get to it. I tell myself trying to keep myself from freaking out.

I don't get the chance before the door at the top of the steps open letting it a little more light.

It letting me see the person who walks down each step closer to me.

"Hello Princess." Said the voice that I thought I would never have to hear again. It belonging to someone that filled my nightmares.

In front of me was my very own father.

He still looked the same. Same pot jut, dirty beard and greasy hair.

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