Well I guess I win then

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"I told you I would." Andy said running his fingers threw my still wet hair
"But I hit you! I yelled at you and you didn't say anything, you let me be mad at you." 
"I didn't even know who you were till you hit me. Even then I really didn't know I had to thin-k about it to really g-et it." 
"But I was really mad at you. I could not stand the thought that you just left me. I'm so sorry!" I said fighting back tears. 
"Shhh that don't ma-tter now. All that matters now is you getting some rest. You look like shit." He said making me look up at him, his thumb stroking my cheek.
I could not stop the blush and soft smile that found its way onto my face.
"Th-at's better." 
I didn't say anything, I didn't really know what to say. It was not that I felt weird or out of place being here, far from it. It was as I never stopped talking to Andy. He was still the same guy I knew, a more cut jaw and more tattoos but still the same. It was as if he never left. We fit together like a pair of shoes, even if you lose one, when you find it again they still match. His hands knew where to go to make me relax, and sleepy. I moved slightly down laying my head on his shoulder and uper arm. Out of old habit he laid slightly on his side, my right leg laying between his. Shivers ran up my spine and my heart speed up as I felt his finger tips softly brush the skin exsposed of my lower back. 
"Are you cold?" He asked pulling me from my day dream.
I raliezed that I was a little cold. It could be really hot outside and I can't go to sleep without a blanket.
"A little." I said wrapping my arms around myself.
Andy reached down and pulled up a soft, warm blanket. He laid it over both of us and wrapped his arm around my waist again.
"Why dose it seem that you take care of me more then I take care of you?"
"Be-cause, I'm the good one." 
"Shut up." I said smiling, and pushing his arm softly.
He smiled at me softly, a small smirk hidden in it. He opened his mouth a long yawn coming out of it, making me giggle.
"Nothing just your eyebrow lifts into a point when you yawn." I said lightly touching his left eyebrow. "I forgot it did that..."
"Hmm and I forgo-t that you your ticklish on your bac-kk." Andy said running his finger tips slowly across my lower back, making me bite my lip and aruch my back, a soft giggle leaving my lips. 
"Be good Biersack." I said smiling as I grabbed his hand so he could not tickle me. 
"Or wh-at?" He said lifting one eyebrow
I bit my lip since I could not think of anything, making me realize how close we were. Being in a bunk only built for one person would make us have to be close, but we were closer then that. I could feel Andy's breath on my top lip, his chest was pressed into mine, making me realize how fast my heart was beating. I blushed knowing Andy could most likely feel it, if not hear it.
"Cat got you'er tongue?" 
"Sadly yes." I said giggling softly
"Well I guess I win then." 
"Only this time." 
"Fine..." he said sighing softly but smiled after he did
"You should get some rest, I say you'er throat feels really good right now."
"I'm o-kay."
"You'er not okay, you'er voice keeps cracking. Your going to make it worse if you don't stop talk talking."
"Bu-tt I'm no-t tired."
"Well then lets go watch a movie or something. I will fall asleep if  I just lay here." I said giggling softly.
"O-kay." Andy said untangling himself from me then getting out of the bunk with me fallowing after. 

I followed him into the living room and sat down beside him on the couch. Andy picked up the remote and turned on the TV, putting it on netflix. 
"W-hat do you want to wa-tch?"
"Sweeney Todd?"
Andy nodded and quickly put on Sweeney Todd and laid the blanket he brought with him on the both of us.
I pulled my legs on the couch and under me and got comfy not knowing how sleepy I was. 

Sorry its so short!!! I'm going to make it better soon just wanted to get the meeting everyone and some of the back storry out of the way. I will have more lovey dovey things and try to make it fun to read. If you have any thoughts on what should happen please let me know I would love to here them. Well I guess that's it, bye my loves :)

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