Mrs. Biersack

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I woke up to someone kissing my neck. Smiling I open my eyes letting out a hum making Andy lift his head from pressing his lips across my skin.

"Good morning." He says smiling at me his dark hair falling in his face.

Lifting my hand I push it out of the way letting me see his blue eyes.

"Good morning. I see you are in a good mood." I say leaving my arms to rest on his shoulders.

"Well after last night any one would be." He says making me smile.

"So your not mad about my pregnancy hormones."

"Not if they come with that no."

Blushing slight I move to sit up with a bit difficulty. Moving to the side of the bed I stood up holding my back as I stretched.

"I need to take care of some business today." He says getting out of the bed as well.

"That's fine I have the baby shower today anyway I expect the girls to be showing up soon enough."

"I should be back before its over." He says wrapping his arms around me and kissing me.

"Not that I don't love you being sweet like this but I have to pee." I say earning a chuckle as go to the bathroom.

As soon as I'm finished I turn on the shower and start undressing. I look up when Andy opens the bathroom door.

"Care if I join you? We can save water."

"Your lucky I love the environment." I say earning a smirk.

Getting into the shower I can't help but to remember the first time we took a shower together. It seeming like forever ago. Well it was like a year ago.

"Cast got your tongue?"

"Just thinking." I say feeling hands fingers runs threw my hair as Andy put conditioner in it.

"Do you ever feel like we a different."


"Then when we first met."

"Well duh we aren't kids anymore."

"Yeah but I also mean when we met again. I think we are getting old."

"I think we are just done with are crazy days."

"Yeah can't really go party with a pregnant lady." I mumble

Spinning me around Andy grabbed my face making me look at him.

"Dont. Don't do that to yourself. I'm happy. I settled down a little sooner than I thought but I planed on settling down with you since I was kid."

"You don't have to make me feel better. I'm not sad."

"Emily you act like you tricked me into getting you pregnant I know what happens when you have unprotected sex. I want you your not getting away from me." He says making me look down blushing.

Lifting my chin he kisses me softly.

"I know this is just the hormones talking. This is what I want okay?"

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