Beautiful Remains

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I woke up in a very dark, yet warm place. I tried to sit up but my head hit something hard. Good thing I didn't sit up quickly.
'Why do I feel like I'm in a coffin?' I thought almost laughing at my weird thoughts.
'Okay I'm breathing fine so I must have air at lest. I'm dreaming. Emily your dreaming.' I started telling myself over and over. I tried to get my mind off of the small space I was in.
I rolled over to try to fined a way out. But instead I felt myself falling. I closed my eyes waiting for myself to wake up but instead I felt the sharp stinging pain of hitting a hard floor. I sat up to see I was in a small hallway. What I fell out of was a bunk. There was six of them. Three on each wall. Four of the bunk curtains were opened, one was closed and the one that was half way opened was the one I fell out of. It was the top bunk on the right wall. It was on the right wall if you were facing the way I was facing. I was facing a door that was slightly opened. I turned my head to see what looked to be a living room? I stood up and started to walk to it. I stopped at a door that was on the right hand side. It was opened and it was a bathroom. I walked into it and closed and locked the door behind me. It was a small bathroom. It had just enough room for the shower, toilet, a small counter with a sink and enough space to stand to open the door.
I was shocked to see a note sticking to the mirror. I pulled it off to read:

If your reading this, then that means I'm not back yet. I had to go do a show. When it gets over I have to do a interview, but after that I promise I will be back by three. Sammi and Ella said you can use some of there clothes till we get you some. There staying with us till tours over. All there stuff is in the back room. The bunk you woke up in is yours if you want it, but your free to sleep on the couch if you want. There is a back stage pass on the kitchen counter make sure you get it. You can be back stage for all the bands that are playing. You can ether come find me at the main stage if its not past two. So get dressed and have fun.
ps. Sorry I was not here when you woke up. And please don't get mad at me but as I'm sure you can tell I put your necklace back on.

I smiled at that still messy yet pretty hand writing. I laid down the note and walked out of the bed room. I walked down the little hallway to the door. I opened it to see a full size bed to the right pushed up to the wall. There was a couch across from me and what looked to be a table that could fold into the wall to the left of me. On the table was what looked to be a make up bag. I opened it to see I was right. I have never seen so much make up in my life. I was shocked. I could not help the smile that came to my face.
It took me a moment or two but I finely found the closet. Everything folds up in this room it seems. I soon found everything and got what I needed. I walked back to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I walked back to the room and was soon dressed in ( ).
I walked down the hallway and stopped when I got to the living room. There was a black couch all along the left wall with fold out tables at each end. They folded out from the walls. There was smaller couch on the other side. It was not as long. There was what I'm guessing to be the front door a the right end of it. There was a small kitchen with a counter, sink, bar, etc. Everything you would need but I think a stove. I seen what I'm guessing was the back stage pass sitting on the counter. I picked it up and put it around my neck.
I walked out the door to be blinded by the bright sun light. I blocked my face from the sun till my eyes got used to the bright light.
There was more busses like the one I just came out of. All had different names on them. I didn't bother reading any of them and started walking to the sound of mixing songs together. I stopped and turned around to see the name wrote on the bus. Black Veil Brides.
'Why I'm I not the lest bit shocked by that?' I asked myself as I started walking again.
I soon found myself in a crowed of teenagers all dressed slightly alike. You could still see the differentness between them though. I smiled but I was jumping up and down inside my head.
I was at Warped Tour. I have not been here since the last time I came with Andy. This place was my home in a way.
I was snapped out of my day dream when someone ran into me.
"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time, making us both laugh.
"No I'm sorry I was the dumb ass standing still in the middle of a crowded at Warped Tour." I said smiling at the girl.
She looked to be around 5'0 feet since she stood around four or five inches shorter then me. She had bright green eyes, rainbow hair that was teased to make it stick out in random places. She had black eye shadow around her eyes. But that's not what had me looking at her face longer then I should do. Coming off the corner of her lip she had drew on with eyeliner stiches. On the other side was just a line. Under one eye was what looked like tear drops on the other was flames. Across her neck was one line going down the middle and three stripes coming off the sides.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" She asked touching her face. She must have done it softly since she didn't mess up her make up.
"Yeah. not trying to be rude. But why is your make up so random?"
"Its not make up its war paint! And if you have ever seen Black Veil Brides you clearly would understand. But I guess you haven't. You just don't understand on what you missing out on! Don't make fun of people you don't even know!" She yelled at me and walked off quickly.
"Alright then." I asked mostly to myself and started to walk to the right not really knowing where I was going.
"Don't worry about her. She did the same thing to me. Well kind of. She said I only like the band for the lead singer. When I was the one that showed her the band. She is just in a bad mood because Andy didn't come to the sighing today." A girl that looked just like the one I was just talking to but she had different hair and make up. He hair was in teased up pig tails. I don't know how but they looked really cute. I never seen anyone with pig tails that didn't make them look like a little kid. Her make up was white that faded to blue then got darker as it reached the end of her eye, making the ends black. "Andy's the lead singer by the way." She said smiling.
"Yea I know who Andy is. I know who Black Veil Brides are I just have never met any of them, but Andy. I have never seen them play live or a music video. I just listen to them for the first time last night. So I didn't get the whole make up thing." I said and started chewing on the inside of my cheek.
"If you just heard them last night then how do you know Andy?"
'Crap! I just woke up and I already got in a mess. I cant tell her I really know Andy. She make be a crazy person and try to hurt Andy or me. She don't seem crazy though.' I thought making up my mind quickly
"I was on YouTube last night and just kind of ran into there songs. The video had a pic on it so I just guessed that was the lead singer."
"But you just said you met Andy...."
"Did I? No I meant I would like to meet Andy. Anyways I got to go get me something to drink this heat is killing me. It was nice talking to you." I said smiling then quickly walking away before she could say anything.
I started walking back to where I think the busses where. I was getting more lost by the minute till I heard a laugh I knew all to well. I quickly started to follow the sound. I found the busses again. I walked to the right one and walked into it. I was shocked to see a man with a camera filming Andy and some blond guy in a blue shirt talking. Of course all eyes was on me. I was just happen the guy kept the camera on Andy and the blond guy.
"Another on of Ashley's friends?" The blond guy asked winking
"No this Emily, an old friend of mine. Emily do you mind I'm kinda busy."
"I'm not in the mood for you Biersack. First you kidnap me then you just leave me lost at Warped Tour. And then one of your crazy fans tried to kill me because I didn't know what kind of warpaint you wore. What they hell is that anyway?"
"Oh so you kidnap people now, huh Andy?" The blond asked poking Andy with is elbow.
"No I don't." Andy said laughing lightly "She wanted me to take her away." He said lifting one eyebrow making a shiver run down my spine.
'No Emily. Not this again! I thought I got over this when I was 17.' I thought chewing on my lip.
I sat down on the couch behind the camera guy not felling mad anymore. Not really understanding why I was so mad in the first place. I did yell at him for leaving me. I should be happen he is even be nice to me at all. I should be happen he took me with him this time. I mean he has a life now he didn't need me to come back in it. I most likely just messed up the rest of his tour. I'm sure he is very busy and here I am yelling at him for not being here when I woke up. What's wrong with me? How could I be a dick head like that. I mean how could he save me if he could not even find me. I moved a year after he left. Even if he did come back he would not have guessed I moved to New York. I didn't tell anyone I was leaving. I didn't want to be found, that's why I left. I lost faith in him coming back for me. I just gave in to the voices in my head. I just gave up....
They must have been talking about something different and forgot I was there since they seemed like they didn't think I would talk again. But I did.
"How's your cheek?" I asked with out thinking.
"Who's cheek?" The blond asked.
"She means mine Bryan." Andy said laughing
"Well would you like to share what happened?"
"I slapped him. As hard as I could I might add." I said softly and started to chew on my cheek again.
"Well why don't you come over here and let the good people see you. Then you can tell us all about it." Bryan said smiling at me.
He seemed to know I was thinking hard about something and I think he was trying to help me forget about even if it was for a little while.
"No I could not but in you guys talking more then I already have. Besides everyone one wants to see Andy not some girl they never even knew was alive till just now." I said laughing softly
"Come on you can tell us how you know Andy I'm sure they will like that."
"Fine." I said getting up and moving to sit beside Andy.
"So would you like to tell us who you are?"
"Hey I'm Emily." I said smiling and giving a little wave to the camera.
"So how do you know Andy?" Bryan asked putting the microphone closer to my face.
"We knew each other as teenagers."
"No need to be shy. You can say anything you want. So did you know that Andy wanted to be in a band."
"Yes. I didn't know if he ever made it though. I moved to New York a year after he left and got a job. I never had a phone as a teen so its not like I could call him or anything like that." I said shrugging.
"That's kind of sad. On a lighter note, do you have anything to tell us about when Andy was a kid?"
"Yes I have lodes but he has worse things on me so I father not share. I can tell you that he was always getting me to do bad things." I said laughing
"I did not. I was like a big brother to you. I think I did a good job at being your friend." Andy said laying his hand on his heart, acting like he was hurt.
"I don't know Andy you seem a little crazy sometimes I think I believe Emily on this one." Bryan said
"Haha I win!" I said giggling
"I think I need prove. How was I always teaching you to do bad things?" Andy said
"You gave me my first cigarette, you gave me my first beer, you talked me into getting my first tattoo and piercings. Do you think that was a good idea?"
"At the time yes. But then again you wanted to do all those things."
"I did not. Well the tattoo and piercings yea but I only smoked because you would not stop bugging me and I only tried the beer to see what it taste like." I said stinking my tongue out at him.
I heard Bryan laugh, making me look at him and try to stop acting like a kid.
"So what piercings and tattoo did you get?"
"Something that you wont get most likely. The piercings I till all have and they were my tongue, my first and second holes on my ear and the tattoo well, like I said you wont get."
"I think he will get it Em." Andy said smiling.
"Because I put the song on my first album."
"Oh..." I said standing up.
"So its a song then? I thought you said you didn't know any of Andy's song?" Bryan said
"I did say that but I didn't know what he put that song out so how could I have know." I said walking back to the bunks.
"Where is she going?" I heard Bryan asked Andy.
I didn't bother with listening to what he said back to him. I walked into the back room and changed into a black tank top.
I walked back out to here Andy and Bryan laughing. I walked behind the camera guy and sat beside Andy again.
"Well welcome back Emily. Care to tell us why you changed?" Bryan asked
"To show you my tattoo?" I asked/said since I though that's what he wanted me to do but now I was not so sure.
"Oh awesome! So what and where is it?"
I moved on the couch so both Bryan and the camera could see my right side. I lifted my shirt to show just under my boobs were the words Beautiful Remains. The were wrote jagged yet pretty letters. I put my shirt down after I was sure they got a good look at it.
"So why Beautiful Remains? Is that the only tattoo you have?"
"Beautiful Remains because that's something I rather not share. Yeah I only have the one." I said starting to chew on my cheek again.
"Alright then so is there any other songs you knew by Black Veil Brides that you didn't know was by them?"
"Yeah I really loved there cover of Rebel Yell. I didn't know he sung it though. My friend showed it to me and I never bothered to worry about who was singing or playing it." I said shrugging.
"Awesome. So Andy your been writing on the new album any songs you can give us I sneak peek on. Maybe like sing a line or to?" Bryan said holding the microphone out to him.
"You know we never do nothing like that on your show. I just eat your paper and run from bees." Andy said laughing.
"Do I want to know?" I asked laughing softly
"Mostly not but I can show you the videos later if you want." Andy said
"Okay I feel like I have the chance to get in on Andy's life before he was in a band. So Emily is he any different?"
"Well he seems to eat paper now. Then again I could see him doing that. He has more tattoos and has gotten taller. I don't know what to say really. I have not been around him much so far so I don't know if he is different yet." I said shrugging.
"So how long have you been around him so far then? Oh and the big question how did you guys get back talking again and how did you get to be on tour with him?"
"Well she would not stop asking so I just had to say yes." Andy said laughing
"Shut up!" I said smacking his chest playfully
Oddly enough I didn't feel weird about being around him again. In a way I felt sad for being so mean to him before and yet here he is cracking jokes like I never hit him. Like we have said not one word to each other since he left till now. He didn't kidnap me. If I was still home now I would have no house to go to, on the run from a crazy guy and having to work longer to stay alive. No he may be a few years later then what I thought but he still saved me.
"I didn't beg him. I told you he kidnap me." I said smiling
"How could you kidnap her Andy?"
"Well it just seemed like a good idea at the time. I seen her walking down the street and once I knew it was her I kidnap her." Andy said shrugging, making all of us laugh
"Well at lest she don't seem to mind it. Oh I almost forgot Emily if you were a pornstar what would your name be?"
I could not help but laugh. If only he knew. Well I not a pornstar but I'm close. Not that I want him to know.
"Umm... that's kind of hard. I don't really think about stuff like that. Maybe something bad ass like Rouge or something like that." I said shrugging
"Awesome I like it."
"So Andy there are some people on twitter saying that you have a child is there any truth to that?"
"No. See what happen was we were all acting stupid on night and half of us were drunk. Ashley dared me to tell Juliet I was having a baby on twitter. I did and a month later here we are. Some people are really stupid. I mean one I cant have a baby and two if I could why would I want to that just don't sound fun. Its just people trying to start something I guess. It just bothers me that they keep calling Juliet a slut and stuff like that." Andy said sighing
"Not really there most likely trying to get you to realize there, there. They just want to be a part of your life even if its something as small as bothering you on twitter." I said playing with one of my bracelets.
"Wow." Bryan said
"Wow what? Why are you saying wow?"
"Well that's the first time I ever seen Andy slightly mad."
"He is not mad he just gets bother with people saying stuff to Juliet it seems. I'm taking that, that's his girlfriend."
"Oh so you didn't know that are boy Andy here was taken?"
"No I didn't but why dose it matter? Even if he was not were just friends so I would not try anything with him."
"So you and Andy are like best friend huh?"
"I think so? At lest that's how we used to me. I hope Juliet don't mind me coming back into his life. We are really just friends and the worst we have ever done is hugged each other." I lied.
I doubt his girlfriend would want to know we used to sleep in the same bed almost every night, or that I was in love with Andy till I was 17. What if she hates me? He will most likely hate me. I mean as soon as she finds out about the stuff that Andy has done for me she will think I'm trying to steal him from her. But maybe she is nice. She might be really nice to me. We could be best friends. Do I want to be best friends with Andy's girlfriend? Do I want to meet her at all? What if she makes Andy hate me? No I cant let that happen. Andy is the only one that I could ever talk to. I don't want to lose him as a friend though. Maybe I should leave so I don't mess up his life. Yes I should leave. But when? Tonight? I don't know what if I'm worrying about nothing? If I just keep my mouth shut and stay out of every ones way like I used to everything will be fine. Right? It has to be.
"Well I think that's all the time we have so why don't we end it with a funny face." Bryan said sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyes.
I didn't get a chance to make one since he made me start laughing.
"Well that was fun guys." Bryan said after the camera was off.
"Yes it was very much. Thank you for letting me sit in with you guys. Sorry if I messed everything up." I said trying not to look as bad as I felt yet still looking like I really was sorry.
"Its no big deal. It keeps the video different from the rest." Bryan said
"Well if you say so." I said smiling. "I'm going to change again. It was nice meet you Bryan." I said hugging him lightly then quickly walking back to the back room.
I closed the door and took off my shirt. I put the one I had on before along with the jacket on as quick as I could then touched up my make up and hair. My hair was fine and I just need to add a little bit of eyeliner other then that everything was fine.
I was putting everything back when there was a knock at the door.
"One moment." I said as nicely as I could.
"Hey Em, its Andy I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat"
"Sure." I said opening the door.
"Sweet. Hey do you care if the rest of the band comes?" Andy said running his hand threw his hair.
"Nope. I need to make them like me right. I mean I am going to be staying with you guess so I need to make sure they know I'm not going to be smacking you all the time." I said laughing slightly.
"Yeah that might be smart."
"I'm really sorry about that you know. I should not have done that. I should have just told you who I was. I mean how could you have know it was me and I moved its not life you could have found me. I said look down
"hey its no big deal. You had a reason to be mad. I understand. Just promise to wait till you have another good reason to do it again okay?" Andy said hugging me. I hugged him back the top of my head just reached his shoulders.
"Still short I see." Andy said laughing.
I heard and felt it since he was still hugging me.
"No you just to fucking tall. I'm not short I'm fun sized." I said moving my head so my chin rested on his chest, so I could stick my tongue out at him.
"What are you proving by doing that? Not a fucking thing. Your just drying out your tongue." Andy said letting me go.
"I am not. I'm just wetting the air." I said stinking my tongue again and running around Andy. Well trying at lest. He just moved in my way , since we were in a small bus hall way I really didn't have anywhere to go. Andy looked down at me lifting one eyebrow. I glared back. We quickly started busting out laughing.
"Okay you win. Can we go eat now, I'm hungry." I lied.
I don't really eat anymore. I only eat enough to keep me from passing out on stage so no one ask questions. Not that they would. Alexis never seemed to realized I didn't eat. Its not that I hated the taste of things I just had to keep the right body for my job. So I don't get hungry anymore. At lest I'm not fat. If I don't have the right body I don't get tips as much as they other girls. I need well needed now. I needed those tips to stay alive.
"Alright lets go." Andy said turning around and walking down the hall.
I followed behind him. Down the hall and out the door. We started walking to what I guessing the parking lot. When we got there I seen four guys and three girls standing there.
'Man I really they hope they like me. I want them to like me if I'm going to have to live with them I could always leave though. That's still something I could do.' I told myself trying to clam down.
"Hey guys this is Emily." Andy said when we got to them.

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