Ever After

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I sat on the couch reading when my phone dinged. Picking it up I looked at the text message from Andy.

Gonna be at Joe's a little late. WIll be back by dinner love you cupcake.

Smiling I quickly type a reply.

Okay batman see you then.

Getting up I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys. Holding my very large stomach as I walked to the door. Not wanting to sit around at the house all day I decided to go to the little cafe' down the street.

While riding down the elevator I tell Andy where I am going then Alexis asking her if she wants to meet me there.

I didn't need a car it just a short walk, which I gladly took. Walking a nice distraction from the uncomfortable state I was in.

When I reached the cafe' I sat down at one of the outside tables a waiter soon coming over to me.

"Can I help you?" He asks smiling it reaching his brown eyes.

"Can I have a glass of tea and something sweet?"

"Something sweet?"

"Surprise me." I say smiling.

"Of course. I'll be right back." He says writing down my order and going into the building.

Leaning back in my chair I looked over the people of the restaurant everyone seeming so peaceful. One of the reason why I always came here. It was quite.

"Emily?" A voice calls making me look up.

I'm sure my face shows how shocked I am when I see Juliet standing there.

"Oh it is you." She says smiling walking up to me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm meeting a friend and you?"

"Killing time."

"Oh? Is Andy with you?" She asks looking around then back at me.

"No, he's working."


"Yeah, I'm sorry why are we talking I thought you hated me?"

"Oh I did." She says pulling the chair out across from me and sitting down.

"But no point in worrying about that now. As for why I'm talking to you I wanted to apologize."


"Because I wanted to blame you for my failed relationship. I liked the attention Andy gave me I guess I just stopped loving him."

"So you thought sleeping with other people behind his back was the best thing to do?"

"No ones perfect."

I snort rubbing my stomach when a pain shoots thru it.

"So when did that happen?"

"The end of warped tour I'm guessing."

"Not that. I know your pregnant everyone who has twitter knows you are. I was talking about the ring."

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