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"I didn't mind the beating cold rain running down my face. No one could see the tears. The tears I kept locked away since I was 18. Every regret of losing Alexis, when I could have stopped it. Ever fear of finding Andy again, rushed threw me at once, running down my face just to be washed way by the rain. I could taste the salt of the tears mixed with the sweetness of the rain, making a bittersweet feeling dance in my heart. I looked at the dark sky feeling drops splash on my cheek softly. I sighed, a slight smile on my face as the memory played threw my head.

I sat at the park my clothes clinging to my small frame, soaked  in rain. I jumped when I  heard the clack of thunder over my head. I looked up to have rain drops hit my cheeks. I watched as the sky lit up for a moment then everything went black again.  I lade back on the table I was sitting, a sigh left my mouth as I sunk into my thoughts. 

"Why are you laying on a table in the rain?" Asked a soft yet slightly deep voice.
I sat up to see a boy my age with bright sapphire blue eyes and black hair.
"I like the rain. It's a good place to hide." I said shrugging 
It didn't really matter if  I tried to hide my life from him. I remember seeing him at school, so he most likely knew about me. Everyone at school did. It's kinda hard when you have to wear long sleeves in summer to hide the marks. 
Oddly enough he didn't seem bothered by what I said instead he sat on the table beside me.
"The dark is a good place to hide, so easy to get lost in. The rain is only good for hiding tears." He said smiling at me. making my cheeks get warm.
"I'm Andy."
"Emily." I said as butterflies danced in my stomach.

I danced around my room to no music just words, words that I have remember from hearing them so much.  
I screamed loudly when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned my head to see the baby blues of my best friend Andy.
"Damn it Andy you scared me!" I said smacking his arm as I turned to face him.
"Well maybe you should not have your window  wide open, plus do you know its raining." 
"Yes I know it's raining, why do you think my window is open, you know how much I love the rain." I said as I sat down on the wooden bench under my window. 
I felt soft sprinkles of water bounce off the window seal and on to my left arm and cheek.
"I know you do but still not smart to leave it open." He said sitting beside me
"Okay batman I promise not to leave my window open anymore. So what made you want to come see me today?"
"Just felt like dropping in and seeing how you were doing. Hows things with your dad."
"Good he left for rehab yesterday so I will be hope alone for the next three months." I said shrugging.
I didn't really care what happened to my dad he was away from me so that's all that mattered.
"You should come over tonight so I wont be so bored."
"Yeah okay sounds fun. But hay I got to go, my mom wants me for something." Andy said looking at his phone.
I moved out of his way as he started to crawl out of my window. I was on the ground floor so all he had to do was step out the window.
"Hey Em?"
"Yeah?" I said putting my head out the window
My breath caught in my throat as I felt soft warm lips pressed to my cold dry ones. It all seemed to happen in slow motion but speed up as well. I felt the blood run up my neck to rest in my cheeks as Andy's hand ran threw my hair, making me snap out of my day dream. But it was to late. Andy pulled away from me and just smiled, that half grin half smirk that sent shivers down my spine. And with that he walked away. Into the rain.

I wished I would have said something, or kissed back at lest. Maybe he would not have left without saying good bye. That was the last time I saw Andy. At the age of 17 I had my first kiss with my best friend just for it to haunt me for years. Soon after I realized that he left for LA. Amy and Chris told me when he called so I would know he was alright, They would always say that he said that he would come back and get me. Take me to a better place. I held on to that hope till I 18 by then I was just lying to myself. He was not coming back for me. Why would he, I was just broken remains of a girl that never should have been born.   

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