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I jumped and almost screamed when the bus door opened quickly. Luckly it was just CC and Ashley. I don't think I could deal with Juliet right now. I almost yelled at her and that's all I need to do is yell at her and make Andy hate me.
"Whoa what happened to him? He looks like shit." Ashley said loudly.
"And he feels like it to so please be quite, he needs all the sleep he can get. Someone needs to tell your manager that Andy can't sing tonight." I said glaring at Ashley at first then pushing the hair out of Andy's face again at the end.
"Okay CC do you care to do that? I need to get my phone from my bunk." Ashley said a lot softer this time. 
CC nodded and walked out the door closing it behind him, as Ashley walked to stand in front of me.
"What?" I asked confused as why he was standing here and not going to go get his phone like he told CC
"Emily tell me something about you. How long have you known Andy? I mean when you were kids." He asked 
"I met Andy when I was 12 and he left when I was 17 so 5 years." I said wondering why he asked that out of nowhere 
"Just wondering you seem rather protectve of him." 
"You would be to if you were in my shoes. Andy did so much for me, in the short time I knew him, there's no way I could ever pay him back for it. So taking care of him why he is sick is the lest I could do."
"What did he do?" 
"He kept the shadows away. He showed me that I still had beautiful remains." I said shruging as if it was nothing when truefully it was the only thing that got me threw that point in my life and stilled helped me to this day. 
"You care a lot for him that's plane to see." He said smiling kindly at me

I smiled back and started to say something till the door to the bus was pulled roughly open.
"What do you think your doing, and what did you do to Andy?" Asked Juliet loudly. 
I felt Andy jump slightly making me look down making foggy blue eyes meet my mint green ones.
He looked confused for a moment or two, till it seemed to click in his head, about what happened around a hour and a half ago.
"S-orry Emily I didn't mean to pass ou-t." He said his voice sounding worse.
"Its okay you needed the rest, besides your head is not to heavy." I said giggling slightly
"What do you think your doing?" Juliet asked me walking up to me quickly as she glared me into my grave
"Drugging your boyfriend."

It took a moment for the pain to reach my brain from me cheek. I blinked shocked that Andy's sweet Juliet just slapped me. I looked up to see the smirk on her face. The smirk I have seen more times then I can count. The smirk where they think they won, that some how that him hitting you once makes you there bitch. 
I didn't bother yelling or hitting her back. That's what she wanted at this point. To make her seem like the good girlfriend just trying to keep Andy safe. That I'm just the new girl being mean to her for no reason. I sighed and stood up as soon as Andy sat up. 
"I'll take that as my time to leave." I said smiling at her. "Get well soon batman." 
I didn't hear Andy telling me to stay or even feel Ashley's hand on my arm. I was done with trying to be the nice sweet girl. I promised myself I would never get pushed around again and here I am doing it for what? Andy? Yeah right I'm doing for someone that walked out of my life and left me in a prison promising he would come save me when he never did. Let myself get treated badly just because old feelings for a guy that never, or would ever feel the same way. I sighed coming to the truth of things in one moment of my life. One thought and everything clicked together. I would always be..... Loveless


I really hoped you liked this. Sorry its really short but I'm running out of ideas :( Comment or message me so ideas if you. Anyways thank you so much for reading and I really hope you liked it. Sorry if anything is misspelled or worded wrong., or dont make since. Okay guess thats it.... Bye my loves

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