Kiss me

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       A few days later

I sat in my room text books spread across my bed, with me laying right in the middle of them. I jumped when my door opened quickly the door knob making a hole in my wall. My father stood in the door way, dried puke and what look to be blood on his shirt and a bottle in his hand. 
"Where was you last night!?!" He screamed walking into my room.
I quickly got off my bed and tried to get as far away from him as I could.
"You better tell me bitch!"
"I went to a pool party with-"
"With that fag you hang out with?" 
"His name is Andy!" I said standing up a little. I could take him talking bad about me, but not Andy. 
"No his name is fagget!" He yelled throwing the bottle across the room to shatter on my head bored. 
"You want to sneak out and go swimming well I'll take you swimming ..."  He roughly grabbed my hair and dragged me out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. He shoved me in the tub and held my head under the faucet and turned on the water. I tried to get out of his grip but he just tightend it. I tried to turn off the water put he sat on my chest and held my arms down. I felt the water rise higher and higher I tried to kick him off but everything I done was pointless..

I gasped loudly, looking down at my chest to see a head of black hair. I took a deep breath remembering where I was at. I was not a teenager anymore I was with Andy on tour. I was not ever going to see my father again. 
I looked back down at Andy his face relaxed with sleep, making him look 16 again. I ran my fingers threw his hair smiling at how soft it was. I quickly moved my hand when he made a soft sigh. He twisted slightly and looked up at me. He smiled softly at me his eyes hardly open.
"Good morning cupcake." He said moving up slightly so we were face to face.
"Morning batman." 
Andy smiled again and yawned softly.
"Still tired?" 
He just shook head and hid his face in my hair. "Sleepy."
"Well go back to bed." 
"I don't want to, I have been sleeping for the past two days."
"That's what happens when you get sick." 
"I'm not sick now, so I want to go do something."
"Then go do something silly." I said giggling 
"I will." He said pulling his head back to stick his tongue out at me, making me giggling again. 
"Will you hand me my phone?" 
"Yes, will you let me out?" I asked getting Andy's phone out of the shelf in the wall and handing it to him.
"Nope." He said popping the p and smiling at me.
"Fine, I have my ways of getting out of here."
"And they are?"
I opened the curtion to the bunk and half way laid on Andy my hands just out of the bunk.
"Help! I'm being held hostage!" I said not thinking anyone was on the bus.
I was shocked when Ashley popped out of the bunk under us.
"I'll save you my princess!" He said loudly. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me out of Andy's bunk.
"Oh thank you my brave knight." I giggled as he sat me on the ground.
"No need to thank me miss. How dare he hold you hostage after you gave him his phone." 
"How did you know I gave him his phone? Can you hear what we say?"
"Yeah one thing that sucks while being on tour, you can hear what happens in the bunk above you." 
"That's creepy, I'm never sleeping with you again." I said to Andy and walking into the living room.
"Sleeping with who?" Asked Juliet walking into the bus. She asked it nice and normal but her eyes glared at me like I did it right in front of her.  
"With me." Said Ashley wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "It only happened once and we were just taking about how to tell Andy."
"Why dose Andy need to know, I mean I doubt he would care. He might even like it, I mean at lest he knows you both will be good to each other." She said sweetly
"What's going on." Asked Andy from behind me and Ashley.
"Nothing just talking about fucking people." Ashley said like it was nothing.
He let his arm fall from my shoulders and sat down on the couch. Before anyone else had a chance to say anything I walked around Andy and into the bathroom. 
Everyone on the bus let me have the empty space under the sink as my mini closet. The girls gave me some of there clothes. I was very thankful for. At lest this way I can say there mine and I don't have to worry so much about messing them up. I hopped in the shower and got dressed in (

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