Roller Coaster

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I woke up to my head moving up and down. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Andy awake playing with his phone.
"Good Morning cupcake." He said smiling down at me.
"Morning Batman. Where are we?" I asked feeling the bus drive over a few bumps.
"Almost back home. Tonight is our last show then we are going to start recording our next album, and go on tour again." Andy said sighing a little.
He locked his phone and laid it on the shelf in the wall
"Something wrong?" I asked moving so I could look at him with out having to look up.
"Just busy."
"Andy you don't have to lie to me tell me what's bothering you."
Before Andy could say anything his phone started ringing.
"Hello?" He said putting it to his ear.
"Oh hey man what's up?.....Oh that sucks.... Yeah I don't care to....Hold on I'll ask her." He said moving the phone away from his ear.
"Bryan lost the interview he did with me and you and was wondering if you don't care to do it again. He will have more questions since the fans know about you now." Andy said look... Hopeful?
"Yeah I would love to. When dose he want to do it?"
"I'll ask." Andy said putting the phone back up to his ear. "She said she don't care too. When do you want to do it?....Yeah that's fine.... Alright man talk to you later. Bye." Andy hung up the phone and locked it.
"He said he wants to do it later today... Well I guess its time to get up. I'm going to go get in the shower." He said sounding like he wanted to say more but didn't.
He got out of the bunk and walked down the hall out of site. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
'Come on  Emily you'r a big girl you can handle one small intwerveiw. There like half a hour tops.' I thought to myself feeling scared all at once. I never care what people think about me, now all at once I'm scared the band's fans and Bryan will hate me...

Andy's POV
I walked out of the bathroom dressed in, a cut up misfits shirt and some black jeans, with the left knee cute out. A upside down black cross around my neak. It was too hot today to wear to much. Walking into the living room Emily was talking with Sammi, she was laughing about something. 
"What's so funny?" I asked sitting down beside Emily and dropping my phone in my lap.
"Nothing, Sammi was just telling me about some of you other interviews with Bryan, I don't think paper is very good for you." Emily said giggling a little. She turned her head to the right and smiled up at me. I glanced down when her hand moved up to start playing with her necklace.
"Who gave you all the BVB murch?" I asked looking at what she was wearing. (
"Oh, Ella thought I would like some. So i guessed i could wear it for the interview. Do you think that's weird?" She asked twisting her necklace.
"No, I wear my own stuff a lot so its no big deal." 
"Okay thats good to know." She said seeming to relax a bit.
"Are you nerves, or something?" I asked her as Sammi got a text then got up and walked out of the bus. 
"I just don't want to say something that you don't want the fans to know. I mean I knew you before so he is going to ask stuff that you might not want people knowing. I know you don't like your persnol life being dug into. I just don't want to say the wrong thing."
"Em, you wont say the wrong thing, trust me you can't. Bryan don't ask hard questions and he won't try to make fun of you. You will be fine trust me." I said laying my hand on her cheek.
She smiled at me and nodded. Placing her hand on mine she closed her eyes and leaned into my hand. Again I watched her relax. I could not stop the smile came to my face. I truely enjoyed making her happy.

A hour later I was laying in my bunk, on twitter when music started to play. I didn't think nothing of it till it got louder. 
'Are they having a fucking party in the middle of the day?' I asked myself getting out of my bunk. 
I walked down the hallway and into the living room to see what I guessed to be a dance lesson. Emily was standing in the middle of the room hands in her hair and rolling her hips. She was laughing and saying something to Sammi, who was half way grinding on Jinxx.
"What the fuck is going on?" I asked CC that was leaning on the wall next to me. 
"Emily told Sammi that she was a striper since she was 18 and Sammi wanted to learn a few things I guess. I don't know I was not really listening."  
"Andy come dance with me!" Emily yelled at me before I got a chance to reply to CC.
"Duty calls." I said to CC and walked closer to Emily. 
"Hi." I said when I was standing in front of her.
"Hi batman!" She yelled at me over the music and wrapped her arms around my neck. I could not stop the shiver when her fingers tangled in my hair at the nap of my neck. I bit my lip ring and laid my hands on her hips. She smiled at me and moved her hips to the beat of the song. 
"Are you drunk?" I asked her pulling her closer.
She shook her head and lend back, like if I dipped her in a slow song. I held her up as she ran her fingers threw her hair and slowly brought herself back up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and stood on her toes so her mouth was at my ear. 
"You, you'er hotter than a cherry on a cigarette." She sung the first line of the song that just came on.
I laughed and pulled her closer so our waist was touching. She grinned at me and closed her eyes as she put her arms over her hand and started to dance. I bit my lip watching her, I didn't really need to dance with her, she was fine with me just standing there. She was happy with just being around her. 
I bit my lip ring when I realized that I was more happy standing here with Emily dancing around me, then I have been in the past few months. I was happy with Juliet in the first few months we were together but now looking back at it she was most likely cheating on me from the beginning. I shook my head of her and anything that would kill my good mood. I placed my hands on Emily's hips and pulled her to me, her back touching my chest.
"Wanna, get something to drink?" I asked since she had been dancing for a hour now.
"Batman, can't keep up?" She smirked at me
"Not that, just we are the only once left in the bus and it's a bit weird that we are dancing like we are at a club." 
"Good point." She said a light pink on her cheeks, i don't know if it was a blush or from dancing for so long.
I let go of her, so she could go turn off the Ipod in the dock on the counter.
"Who's Ipod did you steal this time?" I asked sitting on the couch. 
"CC's, he has some really good songs on there. My darkest Day's is one of my favorite bands." She said walking over to me and laying down on the couch her head in my lap.
"One, of you'r favorite bands? Which is you'r favorite?" I asked smirking at her.
I placed my right arm on the back of the couch and used my left hand to push the hair on her face behind her ear. Her forehead was wet with sweat making some of her hair stick to her skin. 
"The world may never know." she said smiling at me.
"Tell me."
"Or what?"
"I tickle you." 
"Oh I'm so scared." She said her smile widening
"You asked for it." I said placing my hands on her sides I started to move my fingers, making her giggling and wiggle on my lap and the couch.
"Andy s-top!" She said trying to grab my arms. 
"Not till you tell me." I tickled more moving my hands to get out of hers.
She tried to move out of them making her fall off my lap, I tried to grab her but that only lead to me falling on top of her. Luckly I cought myself before all my wight landed on her. 
"Ow." Emily said placing her hand over her left eye. "You'er necklace gave me a boo boo." She said in a little kid voice making me chuckle
"Is that so?" 
She nodded and grabbed the cross around my neck and tucked it into my shirt so it was not touching her, or hitting her eye.
"Let me see." I said grabbing her hand and moving it off her eye. I held myself up with my left hand so I would not crush her.
She opened her eye and it was slightly red and a drop of water on her lash line, but nothing that would last more then a few minuets.
"Oh my gosh it's gone!" I said looking shocked
"What! I need my eye! Did you see where it rolled to?" She asked moving her head left and right.
"Hold still I think I see it."  
She stopped moving and looked up at me blinking. The redness in her eye already almost gone. I lent down and pressed my lips to her left eye lid.
"Better?" I asked her, making flashes of the night before last flash threw my head. I could not stop the small smile that came to my face.
"Yes, much. Thank you." She said wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me. 
I moved down to holding myself up with my forearms and laid my head on her shoulder.
"Any time." I said softly. I soft giggling left Emily and she turned her head to the right making me move my head.
"Stop, that tickles!"
"I told you I would tickle if you didn't tell me who you'r favorite band was."
"Fine, it's you'er band okay! Gosh, things you will do to get what you want." She said smiling and rolling her eyes.
"I fight for what I want." 
"I know. One of the things I love about you." She blushed and bit her lip looking away from me.
"Well, thank you." 

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