Wake up....

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I walked out of the house with Andy behind me, hoping that Andy would not get in trouble for punching that guy.
"Oh I see the house was to much for you?" Said the guy in the booth.
"Yeah so scary." I said grabbing Andy's hand and walking down the sidewalk.
"Are you okay Emily?" Andy asked once we were far enough away from the guy that he could not hear us.
"Yeah fine!" I said smiling up at him.
"Okay its pretty late do you want to go back to the bus now?"
"Yeah that's fine with me." I said following Andy not remembering where the bus was even at.
I  looked up feeling a drop of water splash on my left cheek.
"Looks like its going to rain." I said holding out my hand feeling drops hit my palm and fingers.
"Shit I left my phone on the bus so I cant call a cab." Andy said running is fingers threw his hair.
I smiled and giggled softly.
"Who said I wanted a cab." I said feeling the rain starting to poor down my back.
I smiled softly closing my eyes hearing the hidden music in the rain.
Without thinking I felt my body move on its own, its been so long since I danced so slow. I felt the rain roll down my arm and off my finger tips as I moved in a small circle dragging my left leg behind me slightly, then kicking and bending over my leg, to land in a rain puddle making water splash over me.
I stood up and was brought out of my trance feeling long arms wrap around my waist. I opened my eyes to meet dark blue eyes. I blushed deeply relizing they were Andy's. Water dripped off his hair making it fall in his face, hiding his right eye slightly. Without relizing it I grabbed onto his forarms taking a step closer to him. I could feel the warmth of his body sink into mine warming even my bones it seemed. I felt his breath dance along my nose, it smelling of smoke and vanilla cookies.  My breath got cought in my throat when I felt his chest press into mine. I blushed deeply when I felt his cold lip ring brush my lip. I had to think hard to understand what he said. It seemed that Andy knew that I did not get it the first time because, again I felt his lip ring brush my lip as he said to words, that pulled me from the world I never wanted to leave.

"Wake up."


Sorrry this is so short!!!! I just, it was to good of a ending to pass up. Sorry for anything misspelled of worded wrong. I hope you like it! Thank you so much for reading it :) Okay I guess that's it Bye my loves

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