He Was Hot

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I stay closed to Andy while we moved around the other party goers. Of course everyone from Black Veil Brides was here along with their dates but there was some faces I didn't know.

Alexis seemed to find her own way threw the people. She was never shy and easily talked to anyone even more so than me.

I sat on the couch with Andy his hand on my thigh when CC walked up to us.

"Hey man you seen Ashley?" He asks looking at Andy.

"Not recently."

"I saw him go up stairs like an hour ago." I say shrugging.

"Oh okay I'll go check." He says heading towards the steps.

"Come to think of it I haven't seen Alexis either." I say looking at Andy him lifting and eyebrow.

"Wanna look for her?"

"Probably before we find her doing body shots somewhere." I say trying to get up.

When I can't Andy chuckles helping me to my feet his hand falling to my hip the other on my stomach.

"I hate being fat." I say sighing.

"Babe your not fat. Even if you were I would still help you up."

"Aww thanks." I say kissing his nose."

He smiles and laces his fingers with mine.

"Come on lets go find your drunk friend."

"She's been called worse." I say giggling.

I let Andy lead me from room to room us asking if anyone has seen Alexis. Us not having much luck.

"I have to go pee." I say to Andy him talking to someone in the kitchen.

"Okay I'll be here." He says turning to look at me.

I leave the kitchen and go to the bathroom down stairs only to find it being used. Walking up the steps I check the one in the hall. When no one answers I open it only to stop when I spot the two humans in the bathtub making out.

"Alexis!" I call for her making her turn and face me.

"Oh Em! Come hang out!" She says offering me the bottle in her hand Ashley winking at me.

"How drunk are you?" I ask amused by the two of them.

"None! A little!"

"Stop yelling babe." Ashley says making her blush and turn to face him.

"Sorry." She whisper yells making me laugh.

"Oh my gosh what am I gonna do with you two?" I ask hearing someone come up the steps.

"Hey, cupcake are you- Well hello there." Andy says walking up behind me.

"That's what I said."

"Did not! She yelled my name!"

"That's what she said." Ashley says them both laughing.

"At least they are clothed."

"That's true." I say looking at Andy over my shoulder.

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