Saved Me

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I woke up to voices. Not loud. Quite the opposite. They were hushed. A mix of wispy sounds mixed together. I wanted to open my eyes t​​​​​​​o see who was talking but I had a deep ache in my head. The whole thing throbbing with each heartbeat.

I tried to focus on something else. I quickly found it when something soft brushed the back of my hand. It felt like a feather or paint brush.

The want to open my eyes increased even more.

I tired to remember where I fell asleep at. But all I could see was fuzzy images mixed together.

I kept seeing a pair of eyes. Them familiar but from where? Who's were they?

Decided to focus on that I pushed at the black screen of fog lacing my mind. The more I pushed the more my head pounded. It begging me to stop but I ignored it.

Just as I was going to get up I felt something cool and wet touch my head pushing back my hair.

I could hear someone telling me I was okay.

If that was true why couldn't I open my eyes?

It was like when you don't sleep enough but have to get up. You have a claw your way out of your subconscious.

Pushing myself to open my eyes I was greeted by a beeping noise and someone's soft breathing.

Hearing a door open was like the key to the lock on my mind.

I squint at the light in the room I'm in it harsh and bright.

"Sorry did I wake you?" Asks a unknown voice.

I force my eyes open to see a curvy woman a standing in a doorway.

Blinking I realize I'm looking at a nurse and I'm in a hospital.

"It's okay." I say looking at her my voice rough.

"How are you feeling?" She asks as I look around the room.

I stop when I see a head laying on the bed next to my hand.

A mess of black hair hiding a face I knew probably better than my own.

"He has been there the whole time. I just thought you'd like to know." Says the nurse looking at the clock and writing something on my chart.

"How long was I asleep?"

"Almost two days." She says coming to check my IV

"You had quite the visitors coming in to see you."

"I'm sorry." I say not knowing what to say.

Still kinda dazed I barely notice her leaving.

Reaching out I can't help but run my fingers through Andy's hair.

I just need to touch something familiar.

I stop hearing him take a breath it too late. He opens his eyes them instantly shooting to my face.

"Emily!" He lets out as if he just needed to hear it to know I was real.

"Hi Batman." I say softly scared of something happening if I talk louder.

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