Its not kidnapping, if you dont put up a fight

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"Hey guys this is Emily." Andy said when we got to them.
The all turned to look at me. There was four guys and three girls, I only knew one of the guys by the name of Jake.
"Hi I'm Emily like he said." I said smiling and pointing at Andy.
"Hello Emily its nice to see you again. This is my girlfriend Ella." He said wraping his arm around the girl with black hair.
"So your the lady that gave me clothes before. Thank you."
"Oh your welcome. I see it like letting my little sister wear my clothes its not a big deal." She said smiling at me.
"Still thank you." I said as I felt someone arm wrap around my waist.
I turned my head to see one of the guys standing there with a smrik.
"And who might you be?"
"I'm Ashley, nice to meet you." He said moving his hand down lower.
"Well Ashley, I think you should get your hand off my ass." I said clamly
"Whys that?"
"Because, I only let few people touch me like that for free." I said moving his arm off of my waist and taking a step closer to Andy.
"Are we going to go eat, or are we going to stand here all day?"
"Lets get some food!" Yelled the guy with a bandana on his head, while he punched the air.
"Why are you yelling?" I asked moving my bangs out of my face.
"CC always yells like that. You will get use to it. I'm Lauren, by the way."
"Like I said before Emily." I said doing a little wave and smiling slightly.
"Are you guys coming?" Said the girl with black and red hair.
She was sitting inside a black van holding the door open. There was a guiy sitting beside her.
Everyone started to get into the van, me and Andy being the last people in.
"How are you going to put the tallest person in the back?" Andy said after he sat down.
"Because its fun to bug the shit out of you, now move over." I said climing in behind him and sitting down.
"I'm Sammi and this is my husband Jinxx." The red head said after we took off.
Ashley was driving, CC was in the seat beside him, Jinxx, Sammi, Lauren, and Ella was sitting in the seat in frount of us. Well Sammi was sitting on Jinxx not the seat. The it was Me, Andy, and Jake in the backseat.
"Its nice to meet." I said smiling at her, the turning to Andy.
"So where are we going to eat?"
"There." Andy said pointing out the window
I turned my head to see to a white tent over tables and chairs, in the destents. I could faintly see there were a lot of people under the tent.
"Its like a cook out just for the bands and crew. Its really fun." Andy said running his fingers threw his hair.
"I see you still do that." I said mostly to myself.
"Do what?"
"Fuck with your hair."
"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you, is Andy a lot diffrent then when you knew him before?" Jake asked me
"Of what I seen so far not really. He seems to still have a love for batman." I said laughing softly, while poking his batman tattoo on his shoulder.
"Hey, dont hate on batman." Andy said
"I'm not. I wear batman to the club alot."
"You go clubbing while waering batman?" Ella asked
"No, I dont really go clubbing. I mean I spend most of my time in a club, why would I want to spend more time in one?" I asked shruging
"What do you mean you spend all your time in club?"
"She worked in one." Andy said
"Yeah, I worked in a club, before he kidnapped me."
"I did not. Its not kidnapping, if you dont put up a fight."
"I cant put up a fight if I'm sleeping." I said lightly slaping his arm.
"We're here!" CC yelled as we came to a stop.
We all got out of the van, Andy quickly pulling out a box of cigarettes and litting one.
"Pwease?" I asked in a little kid voice holding out my hand, and sticking out my bottom lip.
"I thought you didnt smoke." Andy said lifting on eyebrow, while walking under the tent.
I almost past out fome trying not to fangirl out. I quickly spoted, Asking Alexandria. Yes I have met all the guys from Asking Alexandria, but that was when I was at work and had to act like a striper. I have never met them, when I could be me.
"Hello, Emily?" Andy asked waving his in frount of my face.
"What? Oh sorry. I didnt realize that Asking would be here." I said moving to face Andy. "Anyways, I dont smoke. I only do if I had a really shity day, or if I smell one. So can I please have one?"
"Didnt you meet Asking though, and I guess you can have one." Andy said handing me a cigarette.
"I did but, I met them when I was a work, so I had to act like a striper. I have never met them as just me. If that makes any since." I said taking it from Andy.
"Need a light?" Asked someone behind me with a british accent.
I turned around to meet the face of Danny worsnop.
"Hey wait dont I know you? I didnt fuck you did I?" He asked
I could not help but laugh. "No. We met two nights ago. Oh yeah, I could use a light." I said bitting my cheek.
I was trying to stay clam and not freak out. I could feel my hands shaking slightly though. I mean this was the man that helped me get threw very rough spots in my life.
"Oh thats right, we did. So how do you know Andy?"
"Oh I knew him as a teenager." I said looking back to see that Andy was gone.
"So how about that light?" I asked
"Of course. Here love." He said holding a lighter out to me as he lit it.
"Thank you." I said feeling the heat of the blood rushing to my cheeks.
I moved closer to the lighter, slighting bending over to light my cigarette.
"So, hows that friend of your's? Is she with you as well?" Dann asked putting the lighter back in his pocket.
"No, shes not." I said softly.
I know this sounds really bad, but I have not thought of Alexis all this time. I guess I really have not had any time to. Theres always something happing. I have not really had any time to just sit down and think.
"Do you want to get some food love?" Danny asked bring me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, sure."
I followed Danny to a row of tables with a lot of food on it. It was all like cook out type foods though. Like chips, sandwitches, brugers. There was coolers full of mostly beer but there was pop and water as well. I grabbed a bag of chips, and a bottle of water. Danny walked off after he showed me the table, so I didnt have to worry about eatting alot of food.
I turned away from the table to look for somewhere to sit. I was gald to see Andy, sitting in a fold out chair about 15 feet away from me. I walked over to him and sat on the ground in front of him. I was sitting slightly between his legs, one of his feet was on eather side of my legs. He was messing with his phone so I didnt bother saying anything to him. I didnt know if he was busy or not.
"Hey, Emily." Andy said when I sat down.
"Hello Andy."
"Is that all your going to eat?"
"I already ate a hotdog, while I thought about if I should bother with making a sandwich." I lied shruging.
"Oh, alright. Eat all you want to half this stuff just gets throw away anyway." Andy said. Soon after I heard the clicky noise of him txting.
"Hey Emily, can I talk to you?" Ella asked walking up to me.
"Sure." I said looking up at her, while putting a chip into my mouth.
"Well I wanted to get to know you better since we are going to be around each other alot, so I wanted to know if you dont care if I ask you some questions." She said sitting in front of me but slightly to the left.
"Ask away." I said smiling
"Okay, well whats your favorite color?"
"Can you play anything?"
"Nope. I tryed learning when I was around 15 but I hade a really bad teacher." I said smiling.
"Hey! I was a good teacher you just would not listen." Andy said from behind me, lightly pushing me with his right knee.
"I know I was." I said laughing
"He was your teacher?" Someone said from behind me.
I turned my head to the right to see Jake sitting in the chair beside Andy.
"Yep." I said popping the p
"So can you sing?"
"Yes." Andy said before I could say anything.
"I can talk for myself thank you." I said softly pouching his foot.
"I can sing yes. I'm not that best, but I dont worry about it. It was never something I wanted to do. I would only sing when I was alone anyways." I said shruging
"Oh, well I was going to ask if you could sing for us, but since you only sing when your alone I wont." Jake said.
"Oh no, I dont care to sing in front of people now. I mean my job is to dance on a pole, to shity music, while taking my clothes off, infront of poeple I dont know. I sing in front of people now wothout even thinking about it. I only do it when I'm bored though."
"In that case why dont you sing something." Andy said from behind me.
"What do you want me to sing?" I asked laying my head back to look at Andy
"Do you still remember imaginary?"
"How could I forget I kinda wrote it." I said giggling at bit.
"You write songs?" Ella asked.
She had now moved to the side of me. She was sitting in front of Jake her back was resting on his left leg, her head laying on his knee.
"No, I have only writen like two songs, and the first one is the only one I have ever sung in front of anyone. Like I said before singging was not my dream. So I didnt really worry about writing songs."
"Well do you care to sing it one for us?" Jake asked
"I guess I can." I said.
I took a deep breath then started to sing.
I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming
Monsters calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops
As they're falling tell a story
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
Don't say I'm out of touch
With this rampant chaos, your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I build my own world to escape
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent lies
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light
In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
"I can belive you still remember that." Andy said from behind me after I was done singging.
I shurged not really knowing what to say to him.
"That was really pretty." Ella said
"Thank you." I said smiling at her.
Soon everyone started to do there own thing again. I didnt bother moving from my spot in front of Andy. When the sun went down they built a fire and thats when the party really started. Jake told me that the did this alot on tour, it was a way to just be normal for a few hours. After a hour or two after sunset more people started showing up. All the shows were ending for the night. Someone brought a guitar and that made the party better now that we had some music. I felt myself getting sleepy and without think I laid my head on Andy's right kneen. I would have moved it but he didnt seem to really mind or even know it was there. Danny and Ben got the guitar some how and they started messing around with it. Since they were sitting around five feet from me I could hear them. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard someone say something behind me

SONG IS NOT MINE! Its Imaginary by Evanescence. I'm sorry I never update. I meant to do it yesterday but I got lazy and forgot to. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if anything is miss spelled or don't make any since or is worded wrong. I really hope you liked it and thank you so much for reading my story.

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