You came back

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I walked onto the bus the cold AC nipping at my wet skin, making me shiver. Ella was sitting on the couch watching TV, when Jake walked in behind me she quickly got up and hugged him not seeming to care that he was wet.
"About time you found her, where did you run off to China?" She asked giggling softly
"Something like that." I said smiling back at her
Jake opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of someone coughing loudly. 
"Mmm don't ya just love that sound." I said joking and walking down the hallway of the bus. 
I stopped at  the bathroom door seeing that it was open and Andy had his head in the toilet. I shook my head slightly. Of course he would just get worse every time I left. I walked into the bathroom and bent down beside him.
"How ya doing there sexy?" I asked tucking my bangs behind my ear.
A soft groan left his throat as he sat up slightly. I was shocked how sick he looked. His face was a pale green and was covered in sweat. 
"You came ba-ck?" He said his voice cracking at the end.
"Of course I came back. I could not leave you alone for to long, what would I do without batman?" I said smiling softly as I pushed the hair off his forehead. 
I was shocked at how hot his head was. He needed to cool off quickly before he got really sick.
"I have seen that look Em I know when you want to run away and not come back." 
"Shhh stop talking please. You might mess up your voice and you need that don't you?" I asked smiling 
All he did was shrug and bite his lip ring.
"Do something for me?" 
"Take a cold shower and go lay down while I make you some more tea." 
"No buts. Just do what I say so you can get better." I said play glaring at him.
I smiled and stood up helping him get on his feet, once I was sure that he was okay I left him alone and shut the bathroom door behind me.
I jumped since Ashley was standing right there.
"Oh your back!" He said shocking me since he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me.
"Umm yeah.." I said giggling a little and hugging him back.
"That's right she hugged me!" He said to CC since he walked up behind him when I pulled away from him.
"Sweet man, now do you care to move from the hallway I would like to get to my bunk." 
I quickly moved out of the way and walked into the kitchen.
"Whatcha making?" Asked Ella from the couch. She was sitting beside Jake wrapped around him and under a dark blue blanket.
"At the moment, some tea for Andy." I said getting everything from the cabanite that I put it in before.
I was glad it was still there. It would be a pain to have to find it again.
"Aww that's so cute." 
"What do you mean?" I asked putting the water on to get hot
"I have never seen anyone on this bus make tea before. I didn't even know they had a tea ketel." 
"Yeah lucky for me they did." 
I looked at the hallway hearing the bathroom door open and close. I never seen Andy so I guessed he went and laid down like I asked. 

Soon the tea was done and I made it the same as last time. Jake and Ella didn't seem to relized that I put meds in Andy's tea. Good thing I was not trying to kill him. I took the tea and walked into the hallway. I stopped when I relized that I din't know which bunk was Andy's. I quickly found out when I heard him talking from the middle bunk to the left. 
I bit my lip and opened the curtion to see that he was talk on skype.
"Oh sorry hun didn't know you were on skype." I said blushing 
"Oh hey Em, its ok, not your f-ault." He said moving to sit up. His hair was wet a drop dripping on his nose
"Em who is Em?" Asked a voice that I have not heard in a long time.
 I blushed a little knowing who it was.  Oh gosh what would she think of me now.
"Come here." 
With that said I handed Andy's his tea and climed in his bunk and sit between his legs and he sat the laptop on my lap.
"Hi Amy." I said feeling weird using her name.
A few months after I knew Andy's parents they became mom and dad to me.
"Oh my Emily is that you? Look how beautiful you have gotten. Andy why didn't you tell me you were talking to Emily again?" 
"Well I was going to till someone interrupted me." 
"Be good and drink your tea." 
"Oh I see that she has not lost her bite." Amy said smiling softly
I could not help but smile when I seen that Andy took a drink of the tea in the laptop screen. 
"So how have you been sweetie? We have so many things to talk about, where did you fun off to? When Andy came back to get you he said your dad said that you left."
My heart stopped. Every thing I thought about Andy abanding me was a lie.  He came back for me and I wasn't there. It was my fault, if I would have just waited another mouth or two I could have went to LA with Andy and would have never had to go down the path I did...
"I went to New York, to became a dancer." I said smiling at her
"Oh that's great sweetie I bet they loved you!"
"Yeah they did. I got a job quickly." 
"That's great!" She said as a ringing noise came threw to us.
"Oh that's your dad. Andy I will text you later, don't talk till that voice is better understand. Emily it was nice seeing you again." She said waving and smiling at the both of us. 
With that she the screen went black as she closed her laptop.
I sat there not knowing what to do or say. I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I felt and heard Andy move around me. He must have drunk his tea because the cup just seem to disapeir He closed the laptop and moved it down to the foot of the bed and even some how got me to where I was laying on my right side facing him. He pulled the curtion to the bunk closed so it was almost dark in here. I felt my throat close up as the thoughts ran threw my head. I was pulled from them by Andy wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his forehead into mine.
"Shh you'r safe. You'r with me in my bun-k. No one can hurt you." He said softly as his finger tips brushed down my spine and across my lower back. 
I curled in a ball and hid my face in Andy's neck.
I could feel the soft thumps of his heart and hear the sound of his breathing. I took a deep breath feeling like I could breath again. I choked out the words that I have been dying to say since Andy left.

"You came back!"

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