I promise

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Andy POV

Me and Emily walked the backstage way to where Falling In Reverse was doing sound check.
"So are you and Ronnie, good friends?" Emily asked while looking up at me.
I nodded while lighting a cigarette.
"Every since he got out of jail, yeah. He is a good guy."
"He went to jail?"
"Wow he don't see like the type of guy that would do anything bad."
"Yeah it was a big misunderstanding. He was kinda at the wrong place wrong time."
"I know how that goes." Emily said biting her lip.
"I think most people know that feeling."
"If you were a stripper yeah." Emily said winking at me.A
"Do I even want to know?"
"Nope." She said popping the p.

Ronnie was talking to Jacky, when me and Emily walked onto the stage.
"There, you are I thought you were not going to come." Ronnie said walking to us.
"I see you brought you'r friend from the other day. Everything worked out I hope?"
"Yes, much better." Emily said smiling at him. "Thank you for talking to me." She moved to give him a hug making the back of her shirt move up a little.
I bit my lip ring to pull myself from my thoughts.
I was not getting turned on by her back. I just wanted to reach out and touch her. Not in a dirty way. I just wanted to feel her under me. Feel her skin under my palm. I wanted to feel the way her body moves under my hands.
"So Andy tells me you'r a dancer?" Ronnie said pulling me from my thoughts.
"Oh he did, did he?" Emily said smirking then smiling.
"I guess you could say I'm a dancer. I never got to really teach dance, or dance in a play or something. I was a stripper since I turned 18. Which is not that long but it was a job."
"Care to show us what you got?" Ryan asked walking from the drums
"Sure, but I need some music. Think you boys can handly that?"
"I think we can do a little something."
"Em." I said making her turn to face me. "Don't pass out. It's hotter out her when you start moving. Trust me. First show kicked my ass."
"I'll be okay Batman." Emily said smiling at me. She poked my nose and walked to the middle of the stage.
I could not help but chuckle. I moved to the side of the stage and lit up a cigarette.
I was a little shocked by how as soon as the drums started Emily already knew how to start dancing. I ran my fingers threw my hair and watched as she could dance around and with Ronnie.
The more I watched the more I felt hot. Not hot like the summer heat. Hot as in like the inside of me. I rubbed the back of my neck and was shocked when my left hand was in a tight fist. Like I was about to beat the shit out of someone.
'What the hell is wrong with you?' I asked myself.
I felt like something was choking me. My breath was harsh and almost shallow. I felt angry for no reason. I felt all the blood in my face drain when the reason why clicked into my head. I quickly shook the thought out of my head. But the more i tried to push it away the stroger it grew.
I moved to Ryan playing and told him I was going back to the bus and thats what I did. I went straight back to the bus.
I walked onto the bus and into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the cracked mirror. I looked the same. Like getting jealous would make me turn green or something.
Quickly striping I got into the shower and only turned on the cold. Running my fingers threw my hair I put my head under the spray of water.
I was not jealous of Ronnie. I was jealous over who he was dancing with. Who he was getting to touch.
"Shes not yours." I told myself taking a deep breath. "Even if she was you can't get mad over someone touching her."
I bit my lip and look a deep breath trying to get the thoughts of her touch out of my head. I closed my eyes and shook my head trying to block out her laugh. Same as when we were kids. I ran my fingers threw my hair and could just imagine her doing it, same as the other day. I opened my eyes when a warm feeling rushed threw my body. I put my face under the cool water and took a deep breath.
'This is not the time to be getting turned on by you'r best friend!' I though shaking my head again.
'She only had sex with you because she was drunk. You are not together. Stop thinking about her like that!' I yelled banging my head on the shower wall as thoughts of Emily ran threw my head.
'It was a one time thing, get over it.'
I was brought out of my thoughts by the bathroom door opening. I picked my head up and tried not to look like I was trying to drown myself. I guessed the person who opened the door quickly left since i heard the door quickly shut.
"Are you trying to drown yourself?" Asked the person that had pulled my stitching's out.
I looked threw the glass to see Emily standing there with her hands on her hips.

Emily's POV

Are you trying to drown yourself?" I asked Andy, putting my hands on my hips.
"Why would you care?" Andy asked putting his head back under the water.
"Umm I don't know, I don't want you to die maybe. What's wrong Andy?"
"Nothing... Just I'm fine. Sorry can you just go."
"Ah yeah I can." I said walking out of the bathroom and down the hall.
Lucky for me there was no one in the back room. I closed the door and sat on the bed taking off my shoes. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath letting it out slowly.
'What did I do to piss him off?' I asked myself laying back on the bed and grabbing my necklace.
I jumped when the door slam opened banging into the wall. I sat up to see Andy standing in the door way.
"Fuck." He said runing his figers threw his hair and glaring at the wall behind me.
He was only dressed in a pair of black jeans, his hair still wet from the shower making water run down his chest. I could tell by the way he stood that he was clearly pissed off. I stood up and slowly walked up to him. I softly grabbed his face and made him look at me.
"What's wrong batman?" I asked softly scared that he would snap if I talked any louder.
"You, your whats wrong." He said making all the blood drain from my face. He didn't even look at me he just looked at the wall.
I dropped my hands from his face to fall to my sides. I took a step back and could not stop the hollow feeling in my chest.
'I told you, you would make him hate you.' The monster in my head spat at me
"Oh..." Was all I could get out.
I could feel the tears run down my face but I didn't want to let them out. I didn't want to cry in front of Andy. It was my fault I was like this. I should have left when I had the chance.
I took a step to move past him but jumped when cool long fingers wrapped around my wrist. I could not help the gasp the left my mouth when Andy pulled me roughly into him and slammed his lips into to mine. His lips ring busting my bottom lip. He pushed me up agents the wall and shut and locked the door beside us. He pulled back letting me gasp air into my lungs. He softly kissed the tears off my face and traced my bottom lip with his thumb.
"I don't want you to leave, and that's whats wrong with me. I just found out that I was being cheated on by my girlfriend and Im really not even that sad. It hurt more seeing you dance with Ronnie." He said closing his eyes and pressing his forehead to mine.
"Promise you'll stay, promise that you will stay with me. Promise and I'll promise to never make you cry again. I promise to never leave you with just a kiss in the rain." He said making me blush deeply and giggle a little.
I could not help the smile on my face when I understood what Andy was saying. He was asking me to be with him, as his not just a friend but as his.
I took a breath and said the only words I could think of.
"I promise." I said softly.
"Good" He said his voice husky.
My breath caught in my throat when his lips pressed roughly into mine. His tongue ran across my bottom lip demanding entrance. I opened my mouth just to have the tasted of, blood, smoke and mint dance across my tongue. Wrapping my arms around his neck I tangled my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. I tugged on it making him groan putting a smirk on my lips. He moved from my mouth to place kissed down my neck to my ear.
"Don't tease." He said brushing my ear with his lip.
"Or what?" I asked smirking a little.
I shiver when I felt him smirk. Before I could ask a gasp left my mouth as his teeth bit into the skin of my neck. I bit my lip stopping a moan.
"Don't." He warned his voice rough.
I let my lip fall from my teeth as he bit into my neck again but lower. A soft moan left my mouth making Andy pull me closer. I ran my hands down his bare back and scratched when ever he sucked on my neck. He moved away from my neck and pressed his lips to mine. I bit his lip ring and tugged softly as he ran his hands up my shirt, making shivers run threw me. He took his time pulling my shirt off as our tongues fought for dominance. He pulled away from me as soon as he won.
"Tease." I sticking my tongue out.
He laughed deeply and pulled my shirt off. He kissed me quickly then moved down to sucking on my collar bone. I groaned a little and softly dug my nails into his shoulders. He growled and mumble "up" into the kiss. Knowing what he wanted I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. He placed his hands on my ass and squeeze, making me jump. a little small giggle leaving my mouth. He looked up from my sucking on my neck and smirked.
"Shut up" I said blood rushing to my cheeks.
"As you wish." He said kissing me
He walked backwards till he fell on the bed. He pulled me close, making me feel him threw my skirt. I pulled at his lip ring again and moved my hips slowly, making him growl in my mouth. I smiled loving that sound and moved my hips again. I giggled softly when he grabbed my hips stopping me from moving. He pulled his lips away from mine and smirked at me.
"My turn." He said flipping us over so he was on top.
He kissed, bit and sucked down my neck leaving marks I'm sure. Andy lifted me just enough to get my bra off giving him more skin to bite. He bit my left breast making me scratch down his back. I felt him smirk against my skin. He moved down my stomach sending tingles threw me every time he licked. He would smile or smirk every time I jumped or shivered knowing what he was doing to me.When he got to my hips he shocked me by stopping. He looked up at me making my eyes meet dark blue ones. I could not help but blush understanding what he was doing. He was asking if I was okay. Letting me know I could stop if I wanted. A soft giggle left my mouth at his sweetness as I nodded.
He smiled and kissed right under my belly button as he took my skirt and panties off throwing them somewhere on the floor.
Andy began to leave kisses on my hips. He moved down my left leg and slowly kissed up my right, leaving a trail of hot wet kisses. He kissed up my side biting the skin right under my tattoo, sending tingle threw my body. He moved to my arm and kissed up it biting into my shoulder playfully. I turned slightly to the side so I was facing him and laid my leg on his hip. He smiled and kissed me wrapping his long fingers around my thigh.
"My turn." I said quoting him from just a few minuets ago.
I pushed him on his back and straddled his waist. i giggled when he grabbed my hips.
Moving down I kissing him. I slowly ran my hands down his chest and sides trying to burn the way he felt into my head. I could not remember the first time with him so I would die to make sure I remember everything this time.
I slowly ran my hands up his side feeling the way his skin went over his rips. I kissed his neck as I ran my fingers over his stomach feeling it move slightly under my touch. I scratched the skin just above his hips softly hearing a soft noise leave Andy's mouth. I smiled and stared to kiss down his chest slowly undoing the button on his jeans. I nipped at the skin just above his happy trail as I pushed down his pants.
As soon as he was free he pulled me up quickly and rolled over pining me to the bed. He quickly kicked his pants off the rest of the way and pushed into me, making me gasp loudly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged at his hair making him groan in my ear.
Somewhere in my mind I knew that I should be worried about being unprotected but I pushed the thoughts away wanting to feel all of Andy. Not just around me but with me. I loved the thought of being this close with Andy.
I scratched down Andy's back as he thrust into me, making him growl softly. I felt something warm on my fingers making me pull my hand back. I was shocked to see the tips of my fingers red with blood. Andy's blood.
"Sorry." I said blushing and biting my lip
"I'm not." He said smirking.
Taking my hand he kissed each of my fingers and then my wrist. Letting go of my hand he moved down to kiss me making me tasted blood for the second time today. He moved inside me making me tighten around him. He smirked against my lips and did it again. He pulled away from me doing it again as he softly bit my neck, making me moan and arch my back. He smiled and placed a soft kiss on my neck. He grabbed my left leg and pulled it up. I wrapped it around his waist and gasped softly as he went deeper.
I closed my eyes as warm tingles ran threw me again as I felt him finish inside me.
He laid my leg back on the bed and slowly pulled out of me. He kissed me softly and laid beside me. Pulling me close to him he hissed in pain when his back touched the bed.
"Fuck Emily, what did you do?" He said lightly and turning to look at his back as best he could.
"I'm sorry." I said biting my lip as guilt washed threw me.
"Hey, don't be sorry!" Andy said turning to face me.
He was the only one that could read me like a book.
"I'll just have to not be as good next time." He said making me smile a little
"There's the smile I wanted." Andy said stoking my bottom lip with his thumb.
"I'm sorry for your lip."
"It's okay I got you back." I said moving the few inches to press my lips to his.
I shivered as the AC of the bus nipped at my naked skin. I moved closer to Andy and pressed my forehead to his shoulder.
Another shiver answered him making him laugh softly. He sat up a little grabbing the blanked folded at the bottom of the bed. He laid it over me and him pulling me closer if that was even possible. I placed my head in the place between his neck and shoulder loving how it fit perfectly. A soft yawn left Andy's mouth as his heart started to slow down.
"You have a show in two hours."
"I know. That gives me a hour to nap with a beautiful woman." He said kissing my head putting a blush on my face.
He brushed his fingers on my lower back and hips. A soft hum left his throat, making me relax more.
"Sing please?" I said softly
"Any request?"
"Just sing."
I smiled softly when he started to sing. I didn't know the song but that really didn't bother me any.
When he got done he kissed my head and pulled me closer.
"Hmm?" He said nuzzling into my hair.
"Thank you."
"For what?" He asked pulling away to look at my face.
I looked up to meet bright blue eyes.
"For kidnapping me."
I smiled and kissed the red spot on his collar bone and closed my eyes.

I woke up to something warm and soft brushing my cheek. Opening my eyes I was met with bright blue eyes.
"I have to get ready for my show I just wanted to tell you bye." Andy said smiling at me.
"I want to come with you."
"Are you sure? Its pretty hot outside."
"That's your fault." I said poking his nose making him laugh softly.
"Thank you cupcake but if you wanna come you might want to get up and get dressed."
"Nah I think I'll go naked."
"I would love that but I don't want anyone else to see whats mine."
"So I'm yours now?" I said lifting my eyebrows and blushing a little.
"Always." He said pushing my hair behind my ear.
"Looks like everyone else will know your mine as well." Andy said runing his fingers over my neck and down my chest.
"What are you talking about?"
"Look down."
Looking down I saw a redish mark on my left brest. I giggled softly.
"Do I even want to know how many is on my neck?"
"Like three." He said like it was just one.
"Lovely." I said meaning it.
I was glad that I didn't have to feel ashamed to have them. I didn't need to worring about covering them up.
"We should get up before you add anymore. We don't want you late for your show."

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