Hi Sleepy, I'm Batman.

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I stepped off the bus stopping to help Emily down the last step. She smiled at me and skipped to Ella in front of us. She laced her arm with Ella's as they walked up to the dinner door.
"Ladies first." Ashley said holding the door open for them
"You know a guy made that up so he could look at some girls butt." Emily said
"Smart man." I said wrapping my arm around Emily's waist.
I pinched her side softly making her giggle.
"Be good." She said poking my cheek
"Nine please." Sammi asked to the hostest
"Smoking." The brown haird teen said looking us up and down.
"Yes, please." Emily said slipping her hand in my back pocked.
"thought so." The girl mumbled under her breath. She turned and walked to the back room of the dinner.
There were not many tables so I sat at the first one I came to, pulling Emily down beside me.
"Your waitress will be right out." The girl said as nicely as she had to.
"Well I don't think she likes us any." Emily said moving to help Luran push tables together.
"We are at a truck stop what do you expect." Jinxx said sitting across from me.
"True but I have been on tour so I just think everyone loves me for me." Emily said sticking her tongue out at Jinxx and moving to sit beside me again.
Smiling I laced my fingers threw hers and kissed the top of her head.
"I love you sweety" Sammi said smiling
"I love you too." Emily said leaning over the table to hug her.
I ran my fingers threw my hair and laid my arm on the back of Emily's chair knowing she moves as much as I do.
'God I feel sorry for our kids.' I thought shocking myself.
'Do I want kids?' I asked myself yes being the first answer.
'Just not right now. I have a few more crazy days left in me.' I thought nodding to myself.
I was pulled from my thoughts by a loud sqweek. Looking over Emily's head was a raven haird girl. On her shirt was my face and the other four guys sitting around me. In her hand was a note pad and pen. At first glance she looked like a fan wanting us to sigh something but the name tag on her shirt let me know she was our waiters.
"Don't faint. I can't get out of the chair fast enough to brake your fall." Emily said clearly shocking the girl.
No one really knew about Emily. I mean the fans on twitter have seen her but they don't know about her.
Emily's weird centince seem to help the girl relise where she was.
"Umm I'm Heather, I'll be your waitress for today. What would you all like to drink."
"I'll take a coke." I said messing with my hair.
'I need to cut it.' I thought
"If I get a milkshake will you help me finish it?" Emily asked her apple green eyes meeting my blue ones
"Thanks. Can I have a chocolate milkshake?" Emily sais after Ashley ordered his tea.
"Anything else?" Heather said looking at all of us.
Her hands were shaking but other then that she seemed relaxed.
"Alright well Ill bring your drinks shortly. Take your time and order when your ready." She said smiling and walking away.
"Aww she was so cute." Emily said smiling
"That's the first fan I met of you guys that didn't yell at me."
"Who yelled at you?" Jake asked Emily.
I leaned back on my chair and lit a cigerret careful to blow my smoke up so I didn't bother anyone. I read over the menu desiding on just stake and eggs.
I moved my eyes from the menu to the glass of coke being set on the table.
"Thanks." i said smiling at her.
"Your welcome Andy." She said then blushed deeply making Emily giggle.
"Im sorry hunny but you are just to adorable." Emily said smiling up at her.
"I- Umm thank you. If its not to much trouble can I take a picture of you guys? I want to show my friend."
"if you want you can sit here and Ill take it." Emily said eating a spoon full of her milkshake
"Is that okay?" She asked looking at all of us.
"Yeah" i said knowing that the guys would not care.
After the picture Emily handed her, her phone back and sat back down beside me.
"Thank you." Heather said smiling widely. She quickly took our orders.

When we were done eating Emily grabbed a napkin and took the pen out of her hair making her newly died hair fall around her face.
"What are you doing?" I asked her as she started to write on it.
All she did was hand it to me and the pen. On the napkin in her messy hand writing was "Love you lots, Emily." getting the message I sighed the napken and pased it to Jake next to me.
We walked to the front of the dinner Emily's fingers laced threw mine.
"Bye Heather." Emily said waving at her since she was standing outside next to the door.
"Bye." She said back softly.
I barly heard her over the sound of the rain hitting the metal roof over our heads. I faintly heard her ask Ashley for a hug as we walked into the rain.
Emily giggled loudly and spun around making me laugh.
"Your getting wet!" I yelled at her
"So are you!" She yelled back sticking her tongue out at me.
The sound of thunder made her jump and grab my arm. Not saying anything I walked to the bus glad the AC was off when we walked in.
"Oh my gosh Emily your shirt is purple now!" Ella said pointing to her once white shirt.
"That's what you get for dancing in the rain." I said smirking at her
"Shut up." She said playful glaring at me.
"Dose anyone mind if I take a shower?" Emily asked once everyone was in the bus. "I would rather have it run down the drain with warm then down my shirt with cold rain."
"Go for it hun but Andy should join." Sammi said quickly realizing what she said
"To save hot water! If we take it in pairs then that's less showering." She said rolling her eyes.
"Well you heard the lady." Emily said grabbing my wrist and walking down the hallway.
Closing the door to the bathroom she locked it and quickly started striping.
"So cold." She said shivering.
"Then get in the shower. I can just dry off."
"Nooooo You'll get sick!" She said pulling me into the shower.
"Let me get undressed first." I said laughing softly
"Hurry I'm cold." She said shivering again.
I quickly striped throwing my clothes to the floor. I jumped when cold arms wraped around my middle and Emily burried her face in my back. I laughed and turned on the warm water making her move infront of me to get warm. I ran my hands down her sides making her giggle softly.
"Stop. We can't stay long we are just getting warm."
"Yes ma'am." I said kissing her cheek. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hid my face in her neck breathing in the smell of her skin. It smelt of rain and cotton candy. I smiled when I could faintly smell myself on her.
"Are you asleep?" Emily asked softly pulling me from my thoughts
"No why?"
"You have been standing like that for like five minuets. I didn't know if you fell asleep. I know today was hard on you." She said referring back to a few hours ago on stage.
The sun kicked my ass. Making me almost pass out. Today was just to hot.
"I'm thankful for the rain."
"Me to but God can keep his thunder."
I laughed and kissed her temple
"Come on lets go get changed."
Getting out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to the back room wich is preaty much been our closet. I opened the closet and found my sute case. Opening it I quickly got dressed in some boxers and black sweat pants with the batman logo on the right leg. I used the towel and dried off my hair a little.
"Next." I heard Emily say from down the hall.
I opened the door to be met with mint green eyes.
"Hi batman." Emily said smiling up at me.
"Hello cupcake." I said smiling back tucking a stray purple hair behind her ear.
"I hope the color stays." She said putting our wet clothes in a plastic bag.
"Your phone, keys, and cigerrest are in the bunk."
"Thank you love." I said bending down to press my lips to hers.
She broke the kiss a soft yawn leaving her lips.
"Im sleeply."
"Hi Sleepy, I'm Batman." I said smirking
"Shut up you know what I mean.
"I'm not shut up I'm Batman."
"Andy stop." She said softly pushing my arm and rubbing her eye.
"Alright, come on little dove time for bed." I said softly taking her hand and walking down the hallway.
I stopped at our shared bunk and let her get in first. I got in and laid down my body already knowing which way to lay so we both fit comfortable. Emily's head was nuzzled into my neck and collar bone with my arms wrapped around her middle. Our legs was already tangled with each other and we just laid down. I softly hummed "Unforgiving by Metallica" as Emily's fingers drew random shapes on my arm and shoulder.
Quickly her breathing slowed and her finger stopped. I smiled and grabbed my phone just to cheek if there was a miss call. I checked my email and lastly opened twitter.
As soon as I did there was a lot of retweets of a picture of me. I clicked on it expecting to see me on stage. I was shocked when it was a picture of me spinning Emily in the rain the bus behind us. I was not surprise to see that it was Heather that posted it. I smiled since she didn't say who was in the picture. You could tell who it was but it was nice to see a fan just being a fan not trying to one up the other fans.
I saved the picture to my phone setting it as my lock screen. My back ground the first picture I took with Emily.
Getting back on twitter I messaged Heather telling her i liked the picture that it was nicely took. I followed her and replied to the fans asking who was the girl. I just sent them to Bryan knowing that he was going to post the video one day. I turned off my phone and put it on the shelf letting it charge. I closed my eyes pulling Emily closer to me drifting off in dreams of playing in the rain with a much younger blue eyed Emily.

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