Day In The Life

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"So this this what you do all day?" Alexis asks helping me fold Laundry.

Andy was at the AP studio doing and interview leaving us alone. Alexis has been staying here about a week now and she has only seen the mundane side of the life of my rock star boyfriend.

"Yeah I mean I don't have a job what else am I meant to do?"

"That's not what I meant. I mean do you guys every throw parties, do anything fun." She says making me laugh.

"We can but there is no reason to."

"You don't need a reason to throw a party."

"I guess."

"Come on it'll be fun. We can invite his band over, have drinks, play some music."

"You just want to meet the rest of the guys don't you?" I ask standing up holding the basket.

"No, I mean kinda they are famous."

"So is Andy?"

"Yeah but he acts normal."

"They do too.. Well Ashley don't but that's because he knows he's pretty gives him a big head." I say as I put clothes away.

"Come on Em I'm bored!"

Looking at her I let out a sigh.

"I'll ask Andy."

"Yay! You know what that means. Shopping!"

"Your crazy." I say letting her pull me to the front door.

While on the way to the nearest clothing store I call Andy him answering on the third ring.

"Hey cupcake." He says making me smile.

"You still doing the interview."

"Yeah I'm almost done go ahead."

"Oh well I just wanted to tell you I'm out shopping with Alexis."

"Hi!" She yells into my phone and ear.

"She says hi."

"I heard." He says laughing.

"Well anyway I just didn't want you to freak out when you got home."


"Ask him about the party." Alexis says smacking my arm.

"Alexis wants to know if we can throw a party."


"Tonight I guess."

"Ash just texted me he is having one."

"Really? We will just go there then if you don't care."

"As long as you are up for it." He says making my hand fall to my stomach.

"I'm fine. We won't stay long."

"Alright well I got to go cupcake."

"Okay love you batman."

"Love you too." He says hanging up.

"What did he say?"

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