What have I gotten myself into?

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I wake up in the bunk I fell asleep in last night to someone shaking my shoulder.  I rubbed my eye and turned over to see the face of Juliet glaring at me. 
"May I help you?" I snapped back at her. 
I did not just get woke up to be glared at.
"Wheres Andy?" I yawned and pointed down at the back room.
She just nodded and walked down the hall way.
I yawned again and moved slowly out of my bunk. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door not knowing if any of the guys were in there.
I opened the door when I got nothing back and walked in closing and locking the door behind me. I looked in the mirror to see  the mark on my face had faded it was almost gone now. I smiled glad that pain didn't come with it. I jumped when I heard a knock on the door.
"Emily are you in there?" Asked the voice of Sammi
"Umm yeah?" 
"Would you like some clothes so you can take a shower?"
"Yes please." I said as I opened the door.
"Okay you can go pick out whatever you want then me and the girls are going to take you shoping." 
"But I dont have any money." I said moving out of Jake's way since he was trying to get into the bathroom. I walked to the couch and sat down pulling my feet under me.
"You do now." She said handing me a black card.
I took it from here to see Andy's name on it. I looked up to see Andy walking out of the hall way looking half asleep with Juliet right behind him.
I started to say something till Juliet started talking.
"What you think that he would just give you his card to spend what you want? No he is coming with us.  Everyone is so I think you should go get ready." She said snapping at me but trying to sound sweet at the end.
"Juliet I dont care if she uses that card I never use it anyways. Just let me go back to bed I didnt get any sleep last night and I have a show tonight." Andy said shocking me by his voice. I knew guys voices har deper when they first wake up but Andy's was really rough and scratchy it even cracked a few times.
"Are you okay?" I asked standing up and walking closer to him.
"I-I'm fine." He said his voice cracking again.
"No your not, I think you have a sore throat." 
"I'm fine Emily r-really." 
"No your not. Sit down and rest, and stop talking." I said pushing him slightly to the couch.
"No talking." I said waking to the kitchen. 
"If he says he is fine then he is. Why dose it matter if he has a sore throat he can still come shopping with us." Juliet said wrapping her arm around Andy's arm much like I did yesterday.
"Because how is he going to do the show tonight if he cant sing?" I started to say more, but I just took a deep breath and walked out the bus with Andy's card in my back pocket. 
I walked till I seen AA bus. I walked to it and knocked on the door. Glad it opened right away. James opened it looking half asleep with nothing but a pair of sweats on.
"Sorry did I wake you up?" I asked starting to feel bad to come here.
"No I just got up though. You can come in if you want." He said holding the door open for me.
"No I was just wondering how to get to a store. I don't really have a car or anything." 
"I'll take her." said Danny walking up behind James. 
He grabbed a shirt and keys off the small counter beside the door.
"You don't have to do that I can walk if you tell me where to go." I said trying to wave him off.
"To late I done said I would now lets go." Danny said walking closer to me making me back up so he could get out the door.
"Umm okay then. Bye James." I said smiling and following after Danny.

"So where are we going? Do you need new shoes or something?" Danny asked when we were in a black Camaro
"No I need to get some things for Andy." I said looking out the window.
'Do I really seem like those girls that only care out shoes.?' I asked myself
"Oh what are you to him anyways. He never told me the full story just that you were a old friend." 
"Sounds like him. He never was the type that loved telling everyone his whole life story." I said smiling. "I'm just that really an old friend nothing more." 
"Oh so your not fucking him are you? Becasue Juliet seems pretty worried about you." 
"Can you blame her. I'm a old friend of Andy's I could be his ex for all she knows." 
"Are you?"
"No the only thing we ever did was a hug hear or there." I said as we pulled into the parking lot of a dollor store. 
"Really?" I asked looking at Danny
"Yeah your getting cigarettes for Andy right?" He asked looking rather confused 
"Yeah right." I asked nodding and getting out of the car.
I walked into the store making the bell ring over my head. I didn't bother asking were anything was not wanting to stand out to much.
I walked to the back were they sold food and quickly found everything I needed. Next I found some pain killers. I walked to the cheak out counter and sat the basket of things I had. 
"Hello, how are you today?" Asked the guy oddly enough sounding like he meant it
"So far so good." I said smiling at him softly
"That's good, will this be all for you?" He asked as he put the last thing I got in a bag.
"Yeah can I get a pack of  marlboro reds." I said hoping that Andy still smoked the same cigarettes from when we were kids.
"Okay that will be 20.05" He said putting the pack in the bag.
I handed him Andy's card glad that I didn't need a pin number or my ID. He handed me the card back with my bag of stuff. 
"Have a nice day." He said smiling at me
"You to." I said smiling back and walking out of the door.
Danny was sitting on the hood of the car talking to someone on the phone to someone and smoking.
"No I'm not with her. Why dose it matter where she is at?" He said winking at me when I walked closer to him.
I sat beside him on the hood and asked him who he was talking to.
"The leader of your fan club." He said were whoever was on the phone could not here. 
It took me a minuet to relize he was talking about Juliet.
I just shook my head and smiled.
"Yeah I will call you if I see her." He said saying good bye and hang up the phone.
"You could have told me that you ran away with Andy's card first love. "
"I'm sorry but I needed to go to the store. And everything I bought was for Andy anyways." I said poking his shoulder and getting into the car.
"Whatever you say love."

I walked onto the bus to see Andy sleeping on the couch, under a thin blanket, curled in a ball shivering. I sighed glad that I grabbed something for a cold to. I walked to the kitchen and started to set everything I got out of the bag and on the counter. I was shocked but happy to find a kettle in one of the cabnets. I filled it with water and sat it on there small two burner stove. I grabbed a mug and put a slice of lemon, a tea bag and a ton of honey in it., to cover the taste of the cold medicine. When the watter was hot enough but not hot enough to make the kettle go off I pored some in the mug then turned the stove off and put the kettle on the cold burner.   I walked over to Andy and bent down beside his head shaking him softly. 
"Mmmm..." He mumbled 
"Andy wake up."
He started to mumbled something else but stoped since he started coughing. He sat up quickly (almost making me fall over) holding his throat  coughing loudly.
"Shh calm down before cough up a lung. I don't think they make meds for that. I said sitting behind him and rubbing his back.
"W-what, Emily when did you get bac-k" 
"Shh no talking." I said handing him the mug of tea after he moved so his feet were on the floor. "Drink this why I clean up and remember no talking." I said standing up. I was shocked when I felt cold fingers wrap around my wrist. 
"Than-k you"
"No talking and your welcome." I said smiling down at him.
I walked the five feet to the kitchen and put way all the meds I got, after I got two pain killers. I grabbed the pack of cigarettes and the pills and walked back to Andy and sat beside him. 
"Here." I said handing him the pills. I leaned across him and put the cigarettes in the cup holder in the arm rest of the couch.
"Is that were you ran off to? To get me medicine?" He asked in a whisper so is voice didn't crack.
"A eye for a eye, right? You wrapped up my hand so I can take care of you while your sick." I said shrugging. 
"You don't have to though."
"I know but I want to." 
All he did was nod his throat most likely starting to really hurt. 
He quickly drank the rest of his tea and pulled the blanked tightly around him, another shiver running threw his body.
I stood up and walked to my bunk getting my blanket off the bed and walking back to Andy. I smiled softly seeing him still sitting in the same spot. You could tell by his face that he felt like shit and wanted to go to sleep, but being who he was he would not just leave me alone on the bus with nothing to do. 
"I brought you another blanket, you should really go back to sleep and rest." I said sitting beside him
"I'm to hot to sleep, bit I'm really cold to." 
"Your sick duh." 
All he did was glare playful at me.
I smiled looking at him threw my eyelashes to look as sweet as I could.
"Here I know what to do." I said standing up. 
I walked to the bathroom and got a rag wet with really cold water then walked back to the living room.
I sat beside Andy again and laid the blanket on his lap, I had to sit slightly on my knees to run the cold rag over his forehead and face.
I blushed hearing a sigh fall from his lips.
"Better?" I asked sitting on my butt again.
"Yeah a little, thank you." He said yawning softly.
"You should sleep. Those pills are going to make you sleep might as well get it why you can. If I remember right you were always a light sleeper."
"I still am." He said smirking. "I think I will just relax here for a bit if I get to sleep I will go lay down." He said leaning back into the couch. 
He turned on the TV, The middle of dark knight showed up making me giggle.
"W-hat?" He asked 
"Nothing." I asked giggling softly and shaking my head.
I leaned back on the couch and started to watch the movie. 15 minuets later I felt Andy's head on my shoulder. I looked at him and just like I thought he was out cold. I thought about getting up, but I wanted to watch the rest of the movie plus I didn't want to wake him since he was a light sleeper he would most likely wake up, so I just left his head there it not really bothering me. Next thing I knew his head was in my lap and Batman was going off. I sighed and looked down at Andy debating if I should try to move his head or not. I stopped worrying about that when I seen that he was still shivering but had sweat all over his face and neck. I picked up the wt rag I had before and luckly the AC in the bus kept the rag for the most part cold. I ran it over his forehead and down his face and neck. He seemed to relax a little when I did, making me smile softly. I pushed the hair off his forehead hoping that cooled him off a little. 
He seemed so different yet I could still see the young kid he was when I knew him. He still had the lean jaw and bright eyes, that he had when we were kids. The same sweet face he had when he slept, the same soft looking lips and the black hoop that pierced the left side of his bottom lip. 
I blushed deeply when I relized that I was staring at my childhood best friend while he was sleeping and that I had butterflies the whole time I was doing. I shook my head and laid back on the couch trying to clear my head of every thought of Andy.
'What have I gotten myself into?'

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