Old Friends

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I was standing in the kitchen the sound of the hoaky game coming from the living room. Me and Andy were settled. Him inviting Joe and the band over to watch the game together.

"I gotta say this is something I never thought I'd see." Ashley says coming into the kitchen. It only separated by a half wall.

"What me barefoot and pregnant?" I ask getting the shredded cheese out of the fridge.

"No, Andy throwing a party."

"Oh yeah I love my little introvert."

"He can hear you." Andy says getting a smile from me.

"So I guess you did it." Ashley says taking the beer I hand him.

"Did what?" I ask putting the sour cream on the counter.

"You chained him down."

Laughing I roll my eyes.

"Well he was already with someone I just loved him. You'll settle down when you find someone."

"I like being wild. I don't think I'm ready to give that up."

"Oh Ash I would expect nothing less."

Dipping a bowl of chili I sat it on the tray with a drink and crackers.

"Food's done." I say bringing the tray to Andy.

"Thanks cupcake." He says not looking away from the TV.

"Your welcome batman." I say sitting next to him.

"You all feel free to serve yourself." I say to the everyone.

"Looks good." Andy says looking at me since it was a commercial.

Most women get mad that a man won't pay attention to them when a game is on but I never minded it.

Even more now. Andy has done so much for me I enjoyed seeing him happy.

Andy's hand sat on my knee as him and Joe talked.

I liked that we were finally able to relax. Who knew normal was a good thing.

I was cleaning up the kitchen Andy saying goodbye to Jake and CC them the last to leave. I was washing dishes when i felt arms wrap around me. Andy kissing my neck his hands landing on my stomach.

"How's my girls doing?" He asks him kissing my shoulder.

"One is tired and the other is doing flips." I say moving Andy's hand to the side of my stomach.

Gently pushing his fingers down right where her foot kicked the side of my stomach.

"Feel it?"

"I did. I really felt it this time." He says spinning me around to face me.

A huge grin on his face.

"Make her do it again." He says placing his hands on my stomach.

Laughing I softly poke the underside of my stomach. Her kicking again.

"That's so amazing." he says making me grin.

"Does it hurt?"

"Sometimes but at the moment no." I say feeling her flip. Andy must have too his blue eyes growing to the size of saucers.

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