Wanna go for a walk?

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I woke to someone shaking me roughly and yelling in my face.
"Why are you screaming! Stop screaming!" They yelled smacking me in the face so hard my head turned to the side.
"I'm sorry." I said whimpering as I looked up to see the face of Andy glaring down at me.

I woke up with a start feeling like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I took deep breaths making myself clam down. I rolled over to face the wall and curled into a ball holding on to my necklace tightly. I closed my eyes tightly wishing I could make myself fall asleep.
I was not shocked when I didn't. I wished I had a phone or something to tell the time. I sighed and slowly got out of the bunk not wanting to wake anyone up. I walked into the living room and sat down pulling my feet up to be slightly under me. I yawned and glared at the floor as if it was the floors fault why I could not fall asleep.
"Still have problems falling asleep?" Asked a rough scratchy voice form the hallway
"Something like that." I said laughing softly. I wrapped my arms around myself feeling cold all at once.
"Ah well what can we do about that?" Andy asked sitting beside me.
Since I didn't look at him till now I was shocked to see him in just a pair of black sweatpants.
"How much ink do you have?" I asked looking at the dragonfly and writing on his chest.
"A lot." Andy said smiling softly.
"I can see that." I said giggling
"So why cant you sleep?"
I looked down and shrugged. I didn't want Andy to know that I still have nightmares. I mean I know its normal to have some but at my age I should not have them almost every night.
"I don't know Andy, I think its just I'm to tired to sleep." I said shrugging again.
"Age old problem."
"I wish I had my Ipod, at lest I could listen to music till I fell asleep." I said shivering. I wrapped my arms around myself tighter.
"A little. You can go back to sleep if you want to Andy. I'm most likely going to be up for a while."
"Want to watch a movie then? I mean till you get sleepy."
"What movie? Batman?"
"Only if that's what you want to watch." Andy said smiling softly.
Maybe it was just that way we were sitting in the dark and the only light in the room was coming from the little light over the sink, but it seemed as if hurt and sadness crossed threw Andy's blue eyes. As I looked closer his eyes was not the bright blue they were before I went to sleep now they were a softer darker blue.
"Are you okay Andy?"
"Yeah just a little sleepy..." Andy said sighing 
"Then go to sleep silly." 
"I can't sleep duh." Andy said sticking his tongue out at me.
I opened my mouth to say something, but the driver of the bus walked threw the door.
"Oh- Umm I didn't know anyone was up. We are stopped for the night if you want to get out and stretch your legs." He said looking me up and down.
Without thinking I moved closer to Andy, glad that he didn't seem to mind.
"Thanks Rick." Andy said
"No problem." With that said he walked back to the bunks
"Want to go for a walk?" Andy asked turning to me.
"Sure, let me go get my shoes." I said standing up
"I kinda need a shirt." Andy said following me back to the bunks.
I was shocked to see the back rooms door open. The light was on but there was no one in the room.
"I fell asleep in there last night." Andy said
"Oh well do you mind if I change really fast."
"Go ahead."
"Thank you." I said smiling and walking into the room.
I closed the door behind me and locked it.
I quickly got dressed in ( polyvore.com/short_but_sweet/set?id=116694091 ) and walking out into the living room to see Andy still dressed in black sweat pants. He had a pair of black vans and a black t-shirt on.
"Ready?" I asked bushing the hair out of my face with my right hand.
"Yeah lets go." Andy said throwing what looked to be his phone on the couch.
I didn't say anything and followed him out the door.
"So where would you like to do?" Andy said looking at me as I walked up beside him.
"I don't care. Lets go get some coffie or something." I said shrugging
"Sounds good."

30 minuets later we find ourselves walking down town with coffie in hand.
"Emily?" I heard Andy ask from behind me
"Hmm?" I said turning around to see him standing in front of what looked like a abanded house. There was a small booth in front of it with a guy wearing a bloody clown mask in it.
"You two! Would you dare to see if you can survive in this house with someone trying to kill you? If you make it out alive you get your money back." He said smirking.
"Sounds fun." I said shrugging
It was clear this was a honuted house type thing.
I seen Andy smile from the corner of my eye. He walked up to the guy and paid for both of us. The guy took the money and handed us both a beeper type looking thing. We were to hit the button on it when we wanted out. If we lasted a hour we would be let out and given our money back. If the "killer" gets close enough to it the button he will and we will not get our money back. The clown guy lead us to the front door of the house unlocked it and once we were both in I heard the click of the door locking back.
"He better let us out in a hour." I said seeing as it was pitch black in here. I could not see a hand in front of my face.
"He will don't worry." Andy said touching my back making me jump
"Calm down. Your fine. Nothing is going to hurt you in here, trust me." Andy said laughing
"Its not funny." I said starting to walk forword.
There was no point in standing in front of the door. That would be thr first placed I looked if I was the "killer"
I blushed when I felt warm, soft fingers lace threw mine.
"Hey lets not get split up okay?" Andy said
"Yeah right. I knew that." I said smiling, laughing at myself a little.
"So where should we go?" Andy said as our eyes started to get used to the dark.
I could see a hallway leading to a door and stairs in the hallway we were in. There was just wall to our left and right.
"Anywhere but upstairs." I said glancing up at the stairs wondering if that may be the only way we could go to survive for the hour.
"Well straight it is then." Andy said walking forword past the steps.
"I wonder were the "killer" is at?"
"Who knows. Who cares he is not here so we are doing good so far."
"I guess. Its the not knowing that freaking me out...." I said as we stepped into what looked to be a kitchen. It was hard to tell because of the dark but I could see a counter and what I think a table. The table looked funny on the top though. Like it was odd shaped. I squinted trying to see better and took a step closer. I almost slipped and fell if Andy didn't have ahold of my hand. I looked down to see I was standing in a puddle of something darker then the white tile floor.
"Are you okay Emily?" Andy asked.
I felt him take a step closer to me making my back slightly brush his chest.
"Yeah.... Umm lets just go." I said take a deep breath making a rotting meat smell fill my nose.
I grabbed Andy's hand tighter and walked threw the kitchen seeing a door on the left wall. I made myself not look at the table when we walked past it. Having a feeling I would see a dead body laying there.
"Sick...." I heard Andy's soft yet deep voice mumble from beside me.
It made me smile slightly. I could tell by the tone of his voice that what he saw he thought was cool. I rolled my eyes and giggled.
"Why are you giggling?" Andy asked as we stepped into the next room
"You. Your locked in a house with a killer for a hour and your enjoying it." I said smiling
"Well that's kinda the point. Its all in good fun right?"
"Yeah till me run into the killer." I said running into something hard
"Ow." I said rubbing my head and looking up. I could not help it.
I could not stop the scream that left my mouth. I ran into a clear body bag. The person inside it was still twitching blood running from the cut on there neck.
"Shh Emily clam down. Its fake. Everything in here is fake." Andy said turning me around and hugging me.
I hugged him back and started to say something till I heard the sound of mettle dragging across stone. I felt my heart skip a beat. With out even asking I knew that noise was most likely a axe dragging across the stone floor we were on.
"Run." Andy said softly his lip ring brushing the top of my ear.
I did just that. I grabbed Andy's wrist and ran the way we came threw the kitchen.  I didn't know if that was the way I should have went. But that's where my feet took me.
I ran past the table and to the door. I didn't think about the blood in the floor till I found my face in it. My vision went blurry when the side of my head smacked loudly into the tile floor. I felt Andy land on me knocking the breath out of me making me close my eyes tightly. I opened my eyes and looked behind me to see the killer walking closer to me and Andy.
"Get up!" I yelled pushing Andy's chest.
He quickly got up pulling me up with him. I felt my heart stop when I felt someones hand touch my shoulder. It quickly left my shoulder when Andy pulled me down the hallway and up the steps.
'Were dead.' I thought.
Deep down I knew it was just a game. I was in no danger in anyway. But every  instink told me that I was really locking in a house with a guy trying to kill me and Andy.
I was pulled into a room and pushed behind Andy. He closed the door very softly and didn't try locking it. He walked up to me and pulled me to the closet.
"Andy this is the first place he is going to look." I said breathing a little faster from the running.
My head still hurt and I felt a little light headed. I just wanted to push the button now so I could go back to the bus and sleep.
"That's why its safe." Andy said softly. He pulled me into the closet and closed the doors behind us.
I stopped talking when I heard someone walking up the stairs. Andy quickly but quietly moved the clothes that were in the closet. There was a pile of clothes in one of the corners of the closet big enough for someone to hide in. I knew that it was made that way to give you a false hope that you would win the game.
"Andy we both cant fit." I said trying to make him see that we were going to get cought here.
He didn't listen to me though. Even though it was dark I could see the wheels in his head turning, thinking of a way to make us both get out of this.
He sat down in the corner and softly pulled me down beside him. I sighed knowing that there was no way of changing his mind. I started to help him put the clothes on us. He stopped me by grabbing my hand. In the dark I could see his head move side to side telling me no. I felt the blood run up my neck and to my cheeks as he moved my to sit in his lap. It was strange for me to blush. I got so use to man grabbing and touching me that I stopped blushing a long time ago. But now I seemed to be doing it a lot. Maybe it was because I really did know Andy or because I at one point had feelings for him, or maybe because I was just blushing. I didn't mind it though. Oddly enough it was nice. I pulled my knees up to my chest trying to make myself as small as I could as Andy crossed his long legs around me. I helped him quickly put the clothes around and on us. Making us just seem like a big pile of clothes. I blushed when I felt Andy's arms wrap around my belly and his breath on my neck. I laid back on his chest, trying to make us the size of one person, making Andy's mouth brush the side of my neck.
"Sorry." He said softly making shivers go down my spine.
My heart was going a 100 miles a minute but not because we where in a house with a killer.
I nodded softly letting him know it was okay. I stopped moving and could not help but hold my breath as I heard the door to the bedroom opened. It seemed like we were in here for a while but really it was just a few moments. Andy wrapped his arms around me tighter and stroked my arm with his right thumb. My heart skipped when I heard the closet door open. I grabbed Andy's forearm feeling myself jump. I hoped the killer didn't see it. He didn't seem to but I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming when I felt him touch the top of my head. I closed my eyes tightly knowing that he knew we were there. I was shocked when he moved his hand from my head and poked the clothes in front of me. He poked the pile of clothes a few more times then closed the closet door back. I let out the breath I was holding when I heard the bedroom door close.
"I think we should just stay here for now." Andy said softly after we were for sure he could not hear us.
All I did was nod to scared to talk. I felt Andy softly smile on my neck and his thumb drawing circles on my arm.
"Relax you going to give yourself a heart attack. I felt your heart stop and skip so many times already."
"Shut up." I said blushing
That was one thing I always liked about Andy he could make me feel better no matter where we were.
"Wheres batman when you need him."
"Who said I'm not batman?"
 I smiled and laid my head back on Andy's shoulder.  "What now?" I asked sighing softly.
"We wait."
The fear of the killer was wearing off slowly as we sat in silence. The fear of the really small dark place we were in was quickly eating away at me.

I moved around the kitchen as quickly as my brused body would allow me to. I just turned 10 yesterday. As a gift I could eat the dinner I made for daddy and his friends. I stood on a chair pulling plates from the cabinets when I felt myself slip from the chair. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the pain when I hit the floor. It soon found me. I seen black dots when my head hit the side of the chair and hissed in pain when a peace if the plate I dropped dug deeply into my knee. I slowly sat up from the floor, the whole room spinning it. It came to a stop as I watched daddy walk into the kitchen. His face was red with anger. I whimpered and tried to back away knowing that I was going to be punished. He walked to me and roughly grabbed my arm. I didn't hear what he said from my ears ringing from hitting the chair. I felt his rough hand hit my face. He bent down and grabbed a peace of glass shaking me as he held it in front of my face. He dug the tip of it into my knee digging the other peace if glass out. I looked down to see blood running out of the wound and down my leg. He pulled me up roughly making my shoulder scream in pain. I must have not made any noise since he didn't look at me when I felt it pop out of place. He pulled to the garage and opened the trunk to his car. He picked me up and threw me roughly in there. He grabbed my face and made me look at him as he screamed at me. I again didn't hear what he said. The ringing being worse then before. He smacked me roughly making a salty iron taste fill my mouth. He glared down at me as he shut the door to the trunk, making darkness wrap around me and swallow me whole.

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