A Team

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I woke up and rolled over to see that it was 7 PM I had three hours to get ready for and get to work. I slowly got out of bed and walked into my bathroom to take a shower. I took my clothes off letting them fall to the floor. I took my necklace off and laid it on the counter beside the sink. I stepped into the shower turning it on to get blasted with cold water. I screamed slightly and moved away from the water waiting for it to heat up.

"Are you okay what happened?" I heard my friend Alexis ask as she opened to door.

"Nothing the water was just a little to cold but hey at lest I'm awake now." I said laughing and stepping into the now warm water.

"Oh ok hey do you want me to put these clothes in your laundry basket?"

"Yes please." I said putting shampoo in my hair making it smell like roses.

"Can I throw this old ass shirt out?"


"Why do you still keep this thing. I get it was a friends from high school shirt but still I don't think you should still have it six years later. Its not like it still smells like him or something and you have not talked to him in what four five years now?"

"I know but that's one of the only things I have to remember him." I said washing conditioner out of my hair then started shaving.

"It is not the only thing you can remember him by. What about that batman necklace that you never take off. You don't have to keep this shirt that has a hole in it and everything."

"Well I'm not getting rid of it now so just leave it alone okay?" I said sticking my hand out of the shower after I turned the water off.

"Mind giving me a towel?"

"Yeah here." Alexis said then I felt the soft fabric of my towel on my hand.

"Thank you."

"Yeah sure whatever."

I wrapped the towel around myself and got out of the shower feeling cold air nip at my arms and legs.

"Sure you don't want me to get rid of it?"

"Yes now got get ready we have to work tonight."

"I know." Alexis said winking and running out of my bathroom.

I rolled my eyes hand picked up the clothes off of the floor and my necklace. I walked back into my room and threw my clothes in the laundry basket and putting my necklace back on. I walked to my clothes and started looking for something to wear.

After I got dressed in ( polyvore.com/unnamed_41/set?id=99173496 ) I walked out of my room and down the little hall way to the small kitchen. I grabbed my keys off of the kitchen table and a granola bar and walked to the front door.

"Alexis! I'm leaving see you at the club!" I yelled louder then I needed to but oh well its not like the people living next to us like us anyway.

"Alright see you when I get there don't steal all the hot guys this time!" I heard Alexis yell back as I was walking out the door.

Our neighbors was and old couple that lived in the apartment A3 to the right of us. They only ever heard stuff that you didn't want them to hear. When they first met me and Alexis they thought the world of us till the realized what are job was. I guess they don't like living next to two stripers....

I walked up the six steps to get to the parking lot glad that we have a, A apartment instead of one were we would have to walk up a lot of steps. I walked over to my hot pink bug. I hate my car I only drive it because it runs good. I hate the color but hey what can you do when you go get a car when your drunk? I got into my car and started it. Before I back out of my parking place I seen Alexis running up the steps wearing (polyvore.com/unnamed_43/set?id=99545181 ) and waving her arms.

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