I'm Sorry

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"Emily! Whats wrong? Breath Emily." Andy said pulling me from my dark past
He moved me to where I was sitting in his lap with my head laying on his shoulder.  I was now facing the door to the closet. Luckly the clothes didn't fall to uncover us.
I whimper left my mouth making me feel weak and broken. 
"Shh Emily your okay."
I took a deep breath my heart slowly stopped racing. I didn't realize I was crying till I felt something wet hit my hand. I roughly wiped the tears off my cheeks with the back of my hand.
"I'm sorry." I heard Andy's deep soft voice run threw my ears
"W-why are you s-sorry?" I asked hating that my voice cracked.
I was braking all over again. If I didn't stop I would just get in every ones way. I was already bothering Andy and the guys by taking space on there bus. I didn't help them in anyway at all. I bit my lip roughly making my thoughts shut up. I hated self pity and right now I was bathing in it. All I could do now was change what I didn't like.
"I forgot about you be afraid of small dark spaces. Lets go back to the bus okay." He said reaching for the beeper thing around his neck.
I grabbed Andy's wrist before he could press it though.
"No. I'm fine... Just keep me from think about where were at, or lets go somewhere else in the house."
"You sure? I don't care out the money if that's what your worried about."
"No its not that I just want you to have fun. I mean what else are we going to go do?" I asked trying to not think about where we were.
"Emily your crazy." He said poking my eye.
"Ow. Why- what was that for?" I asked fake hurting
I knew that he didn't mean to do that but it was rather fun messing with Andy. I miss doing it.
"I'm sorry Emily." Andy said
I was shocked when I felt his breath on my cheek. Maybe we were always the close and I just relized it now.
"Its okay Andy I know you didn't mean to." I said pushing his chest with my elbow slightly
I screamed when the closet door was ripped open banging into the wall.
"Well I think we talked to loud." I said oddly clam that the killer was right in front of me.
I stood up to come face to face with a guy with his face painted black and some type of green slime falling of his chin.
I let out a gasp when I was slammed into the wall by my neck my breath being caught in my throte.
"Hey man what the fuck do you think your doing?" Andy asked standing up and ripping the guy off me.
I fell to the floor holding my neck trying to get my breath back. I looked over to see the guy past out on the floor with Andy standing over him. Andy walked over to me and pressed the button for us to be let out.

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