Part 1

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Author pov

The Past.........

There was chaos in the vihokratana household, as well as outside the house. The Wizardess (a/n idk wat is the female wizard are called and I didnt want to add witch) is going to give birth they don't know if it's a son Or a daughter who will be the next protector of their magic world, everyone were very excited to meet the new heir.

But where there's happiness there are trouble, since everyone were busy the witches and the vampires took this occasion as a advantage they planned for something terrible.

They decided if they attack jointly the wizard world now they can easily destroy them and destroy the wizard world and take the power in their hands.

And they did. They attacked the wizard world but it didn't go as planned because Dan vihokratana stood in front of them protecting the world but unfortunately he didn't come fully prepared and the opponents were too powerful, he was alone and was at the wedge of loosing but was backed by the other four heads.

And were able to defeat them, but the wizards didn't know their true intention.

One the other hand,a handsome wizard was born to protect the magic world he was very adorable as soon as he opened his eyes it showed how much of the powers he might have.

Of course he would be after all Vihokratana and his parents are the pure royal wizards and off gun krist singto loved this baby wizard as soon as he opened his eyes.

As soon as he was born the air in the magic world changed it turned warm as if the next protector will safeguard their world with full of happiness and this change of atmosphere cautious the witches as they were very sensitive to the change in atmosphere they now knew that this is their opportunity to execute their plan, they used their power and cursed the new born wizard before anyone could do anything.

According to the world of magic whatever comes first either blessings or curse whichever said first will be sealed with the new born. (A/n idk if it's true😹)

Everything happened in front of the current protector he couldn't do anything he couldn't save his son. The devastated dad along with the other four rushed back to the house to see his wife sobbing carrying their young one, the wizards took the young lad to the elders, (elders are their fathers and other old people) to remove the curse.

The elders tried all their magic but unfortunately they couldn't break the curse since it was way too powerful, but they did give the devasted couple a solution to break the curse that is this curse can be broken by his soul mate who will be having different aura which is not a common wizards posses. But the hurdle is that kid with different aura is not born yet so that all of these wizards should calmly wait for it.

They even suggested them to go to the human world in order to protect the next protector, even tho senior vihokratana(Tay's grandpa) felt sad he had a duty to fulfill so he sent them to the human world with the other four family to protect them.

Vihokratana are powerful even in human world thanks to Nen vihokratana, long long years back everyone used to go and come back most of the time but because of the destruction caused by both humans and wizards now not all wizards were able to travel to human world so now the five families decided to settle in human world until the curse is broken of their future protector.

The sons of the four family vowed to protect the only son of vihokratana's.

Mr and Mrs vihokratana loves their son very much for once they didn't think that he is a cursed Child for them their son is blessing by disguise, so they named him Tay Tawan tho he is cursed the smile on the little infant made all of them around him smile,they were sure their son will protect the magic word in future

The other families heir off jumpol, Gun Attahaphan, Singto Parachaya and Krist Perawat were given duty to protect Tay and make sure he won't have any clue about the curse or the magic world of anything related to magic. They promised that they will protect baby Tay at any cost.

And far away from these......

There was one more family of the wizard world that escaped into human world with the help of the elders when the vampires tried to kill them, the soulmate of the protector was one of them, the elders knew this so they helped them to escape hoping that both will meet soon and the curse will be broken.

Mrs Techaapaikhun was three months pregnant when she and her husband came to the human world, both of them were knowledgeable wizards they loved books with the help of their magic they built a sweet house not as big as vihokratana's but enough for them. One of them took profession as author and other as a doctor which soon turned them famous in the human world.

All the six family knew each other's but as how the Techaapaikhun are they kept themselves away from others maybe it's because they are used to be in hiding.


Done so how is it? I had some time since my lecturer didn't come to class yet😝and Everything is my imagination as I said before.

I hope it's not boring 😅and I'm sorry if there are any mistakes

ou yea do vote and comment that whether it's good or not

Don't expect much coz ya i dont know much about this but yes I will love it if you guys give me some ideas either in comments or dm😁✌

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