Part 15

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Author pov

"Let's go downstairs Tay and tell your parents about this" Singto said, "But p do you think she did all these things alone?" New asked them Singto shook his head as a reply, even tho everyone were panicking Singto looked calm, and handled the situation.

Mrs. V is cooking for them something she told it's a surprise and Mr.V is talking to some of his business partner "Dad" Tay called his dad for attention "Just a min son I'm a bit busy" He said and continued the meeting and about his mom, whenever she cooks she hate disturbance so Tay asked his friends not to disturb her.

"Tay they will scold us if we ever neglect something about you and this matter is huge" Off said, they all know how his parents are "I know p but then, we waited for too long nothing happened  why not wait for few minutes or an hr it's not like I'll die in an hour or so" Tay said laughing but it was not a joke for others they were really worried for Tay.

They were waiting for their parents to talk to them,but it didn't happen and the kids forgot about it

On the other hand somewhere...

"Why don't you just kill him the whole family will suffer" Said a voice to the women "No my love of course not if I kill him they will be sad for once then they will forget it but if I torture him everyday along with him his whole family will suffer" She said laughing, "How can forget this scar those so called elders gave it to me I'll make sure their precious baby will have deep scar than this" She said laughing and her friend just sighed he was tired of this revenge but he has vowed to help her, but at first even he wanted some revenge too Larry was his love (one side) he wanted to marry her but then Vihokratana came in between them, she married Vihokratana and this is why he wanted to take a revenge but not on their son, yes he didn't like the boy because he looked mix of his parents but he hatted the only factor but then avenging on kids he thinks it's foolish but he can't do anything more than support his friend. "But he is a kid, you already cursed him when he was born" He said, the women looked at him "What kind of a vampire you are? Huh yes I did curse but looking at their confidence I feel they found his mate but I'm not sure who is it" She said a bit in anger and the man just sighed.

Next day of the incident New decided to hang out with his human friends as they texted him saying they miss him, and he even talk to Earth, he informed Tay not to wait for him and go home, as he was waiting for his friends. "Hey,Did you solve the problem you had with your boyfriend?” Asked Win without even greeting him properly. New nodded his head while blushing at the same time. He felt giddy to hear his friends calling Tay his boyfriend. Both of them had admitted their feeling for each other so they were sort of officially dating now. He turned to look at Earth who looked down and was not able to meet his eyes, new sighed Earth is his only friend who came to him when he was alone, "Earth.... Can we talk, just the two of us" New said when rest of his friends were going to ask what, New didn't want to hurt Mix he knew Mix was in love with his best friend so he thought it's better they talk to themselves. Earth nodded his head and New asked him to meet in a coffee shop after class.
After class New met earth in coffee shop "Earth how could you do that?" New asked him as soon as he sat down, by now Earth had realised that what he did was a big mistake "I'm sorry new I didn't know what I did why I did I'm really ashamed of that, that girl told me she  and Tay are already in relationship and he is using you so I thought I.. " He felt so guilty for doing that he realised Tay is a good guy and is madly in love with New "Earth I know I should have told you but we were not sure of our relationship I'm really sorry" New too felt bad for lying " New you should be careful that girl is not nice, I know you won't believe but she is a witch she have powers" Earth said and New knew whom is he talking of but he couldn't tell it to his friends so he laughed awkwardly "I'm really sorry New" Earth said once again ,New just sighed "Ok ok don't apologize anymore it happens, but Earth can I ask you a favour" New said looking at him, and he nodded "I want you to give a chance to mix forget about me" New said smiling and Earth was startled he thought New didn't know him liking him"New.. You... " He was cut by New "I know Earth I knew it from before I just kept quiet because you are not the one for me your for someone else" New said smiling, Earth just nodded his head he didn't know what to say. After some chit chat the two friends went to their respective home and before leaving Earth once again apologized.

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