part 29

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Author pov

It was dark. Everything was dark so Tay couldn't see anything. He closed his eyes, hoping that it will be bright when he opened them again.

However, it was still dark when he opened his eyes. He didn't know what to do so he wandered around in the dark. Perhaps there would be light if he searched for it.

And then he found the light. It was in the form of a human. He shone brightly so Tay walked to that person. He was a small guy, but he was chubby.  Tay stood in front of him, wondering if the guy can see him.

Then, all of a sudden, his surrounding became brighter and he looked around. Seemed like he was in a hospital. As he went near the guy he can hear his sobbing Tay don't know why he wanted to comfort him when he was about to go near that boy someone approached him and hugged the sobbing boy, this made Tay a bit jealous but then

"P why does this happen to me, he was with me a few minutes ago and now he is gone, what that woman said is right I'm cursed to the curse before she got caught she said I won't bring good to him and now you see he....he....he's laying over there" Cried the boy it was when Tay recognized who it was, but Tay didn't know for who was he crying for and why is he cursing himself

 "P..... P... Tay... Tay will he be fine will he come back to us" New kept on mumbling and it was when Tay who was listening came to know the talk was about him.

He wanted to comfort New he didn't like tears in the boy's eyes.  He wanted to tell him he is over there and he can see New.

As Tay was about to go and tell New that he is right there someone stopped him

"wait there my son you cannot go near that boy over there" Tay turned to see who it was, the appearance of the person looked like he was in his 50's "but why" Tay asked the old man "son you can see him but he can't" The old man said

"I'm not dead. I'm in a coma, right" Tay said confused.

The old man just smiled "everything happens for a reason son"

Tay shook his head. He didn't know. The last thing he remembered... that witch putting a fake explosive spell on others but the truth is she reversed his curse and made him faint. Tay shook his head a few times, refusing to believe that he is dead.

"Are you okay?" He heard a soft voice. It was the same old man

"I don't know. Am I dead? And that's new why is he sobbing so much is he ok?" But the old man didn't answer his question

"You looked familiar. What's your name?"

Tay just sighed "Tay Tawan Vihokratana"

"Ah, the cursed prince. You were in an accident. But, I don't think you are dead. You are still unconscious,"

"Accident? Yes. that witch I didn't know what to do, she would have killed them if I wouldn't have reacted" Tay said

"Don't tell me, son, I know everything and yes your body is still there don't worry your mate will take care of it if you don't want to get up yet...but son there's something you should know" said the old man and that confused Tay

"when you wake up you won't be remembering anything, nothing at all and once again you're going to go back to the human world not with your parents but with others" this news shocked Tay why how can he go with someone else when he belongs here with New " wh...why I belong here this is my place I belong here how can they do this to me" Tay asked "it's for your safety they don't want you to suffer like this" the man tried to calm the panic Tay "I don't want, New did he agree to this decision didn't he objects is he, ok staying away from me"

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