part 24

281 16 15

Author pov

A year later..........

The atmosphere was heavy, as if something was about to happen. Tay was walking away to look for some fruits while his brother was securing the camp.

Tay, his brother and his boyfriend were out camping. As he was searching, the young boy found a river and drank a bit, cleaning his black hair in the water. Suddenly, a noise made him jump.

"P?" Tay called, shivering in fear, hopping it was his brother. The noise resounded again and after a while, Tay saw someone walking toward him. "Wh....who are you?!" Tay whispered.

"Te!" Said the man excitedly as he ran towards Tay and hugged him tightly. Tay didn’t respond to the hug. Instead, he was thinking why the guy acted friendly with him even though it was the first time they met. He even has the guts to call Te. He only allowed his family to call him tay so who gave the permission for the guy to call him that? And Te how dare he mispronounce his name.


The guy finally let him go and stared at him with a frown.

“Who are you?”Asked Tay once again. The guy was surprised but he immediately recovered as he looked at Tay with a pair of sad eyes.

"I’m sorry. I thought you are a friend of mine. You looked just like him"

Tay could sense the sadness from the guy as he said that. It was weird. He didn’t know the guy but looking at the sad and disappointed face of the guy, all he wanted to do was to comfort him.

"Umm....." Tay couldn’t continue as suddenly he had a severe headache as if his head was going to explode. He never felt so much pain before.

The boy blinked to let his pain stop, seeing a young and gorgeous man. Even if he was dirty, Tay could see his beautiful face behind the dirtiness.

"I'm Tay Tawan, who are you?" Tay tried but the stranger jumped on him suddenly. "Please, I won't hurt you!" Tay screamed in fear.
"You..." Tay blinked when he saw the violet eyes shining brightly.

"Tay!!" Tay heard his brother screaming. The stranger froze and disappeared in the night, leaving a shocked Tay.
"What happened, where did he go?!"
"P.." Tay repeated.
"Calm down, I'm here!"

"Did he hurt you?" Luke yelled, hugging Tay against his chest.
"N-No." Tay stammered.
"Don't walk away again." Luke ordered, taking Tay's hand to bring them back to their camp.
The young boy didn't say a word, the kid understanding his brother was very angry.

"I'm sorry, p , please, stop being angry at me." Tay finally said.
"I'm not angry." Luke replied coldly.
"I was worried sick! Can you imagine how I would have felt if someone had killed you?! You are..."

"I know, the only brother of you,who is weak. Who can't even deal with one person I think you are only seeing me like that." Tay cut off Luke and turned his back to him to sleep.

"Baby ..."

"I'm tired, luke!" Tay snapped. The older sighed sadly but let it go. He hated making Tay sad but sometimes, life didn't give you other choices.

The stranger didn't come back despite Tay's wishes and the next morning, everybody left the camp with a silent (and mostly) sulking Tay and a sad luke.

"These guys are really stupid and stubborn." Joss sighed with despair. They walked for five hours without stopping, Tay staring at the road in front of him and Luke... Luke always throwing looks to his brother.

"Tay?" Luke finally tried.
"Hun?"Tay mumbled.
"Could you please look at me!" Luke frowned.

"Don't want to." Tay muttered stubbornly.
"Tay Tawan Plowden  , I order you to look at me!" Luke said coldly, using every Tay's names.

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