part 8

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Author pov

All the four of them were shocked "You really are from that clan, god that's why your aura was different from us" Gun said recovering from the shock.

New just smiled thinly he don't know what to talk to them, it was so easy with Tay but not with these.

All of them were silent suddenly " did you and baby Tay become friends as much as I remember you both were ready to kill each others" Krist said who hates silence

"Well it was coz of mama Larry" New said suddenly "mama" All the four said, all of them know that she won't let others to call her mama/mom easily except for those she loves too much and they couldn't believe that New already have good impression on her.

And before they could speak more Tay arrived with coffee and a peice of cake "Here you go have this cake at least" Tay said passing the cake to new.

New was really impressed he was not expecting something like this from the young master he smiled at Tay who was standing next to him, but Tay was not looking at him he was looking at the lake.

This college had a beautiful lake nearby and the students sit there to enjoy, and this gang has a particular seat which is reserved just for them.

"Tay what happened? What's over there" Gun asked who noticed new's smile being dropped, "Tay" He called him again and it was when all of them looked at Tay but no response and new being himself pinched Tay to get attention and he did succeed when he got a glare from Tay

"what?why did you pinch me" He asked "why are you complaining PGun called you several times what we're you looking at" New didn't take the blame for hurting Tay, and the rest just sighed

"It's just that there's a person over there with black robe is it save to go to water?" Tay said but the five of them didn't see anything "But there's no one there" Krist said "what are you taking she was just-" He stopped when he saw no one there how is this possible Tay thought.

By then off got a text he smiled as if something great happened "Bye guys I have to go" He said, gun looked sad and rest were confused "Wait where are you going" Tay asked him, "oh I have a date now with sizy cya" He said and left without bothering about others who looked confused and sad.

Tay looked at gun, he knows gun have crush on off "Gun" He said looking at him having a concern look "I'm fine Tay dont worry it's ok" He said smiling faintly singtokrist too looked worried and new looked confused. "Why don't you come home I'll give you a company mom miss you too" Tay said and new was surprised to see Tay offering help

' just who are you Tawan? How many faces you have already? Which is the real you in this? And why do you bother me so much' New thought looking at Tay.

Gun looked sad "It's ok Tay I decided to move on I don't care with whom he wanders why should I be sad when he is not" He said to Tay "But P are you sure I'm sure p off will regret this" Tay said who still looked worried, gun smiled at him "Just let it be" He said not wanting to have more conversation about him and off.

Singto suddenly excused himself from the gang he said he have some work Krist looked at him with a question face but Singto just nodded his head as if he is telling something, to him.

New finished his cake by then "so can I leave for my class" He asked tay who was talking to Gun "ya ya go on I'm sorry I made you to sit for long" He said, he had completely forgotten about new.

New pouted that Tay just ignored him and kept talking to Gun, Krist noticed this 'Looks interesting' he thought with a smirk seeing Taynew's conversation

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