part 9

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Tay's pov

Hello there since the starting of the story I didn't introduced myself I'm Tay, Tay Tawan Vihokratana and I hate it.

No I don't hate my family or anything around me but I hate being a Vihokratana this name gain unnecessary attention and i dont like this, I hate getting attention because of my family background but what can do.

I started to know how bad this world is since my high school when my p's graduated for two years I have suffered without them and people whom I called friends used to bully me they used to ask money from me because I was rich, I didn't go to tell anything to my parents its not like I didn't know to fight I knew everything dad taught me very well but I was scared, scared that my parents and my only friends would be worried about me everytime and I didn't want to be a burden to them. Yes I know I'm not a burden according to them but I feel that.

And you all know a secret I know something which I didn't tell anyone about it not even my friends, one night my parents came very late I don't know where they were and I fell asleep waiting for them, actually I was slightly awake but they didn't notice it, mom looked very worried so did dad, he had a sad face which is very very rare dad is a fun person he and mom always have fun teasing each other's but that night he looked sad and angry I did hear some conversations of them but it was not so clear but one thing I heard it very clear them telling that ' I'm cursed' and my sleep was gone the moment I heard about it.

I didn't know what to do, I still don't know what to do so from then I started to realise that I'm different from others it's just that I'm always surrounded by my parents, P Off, PGun, PKrist and P Singto and they never made me feel different but when they left me alone for a year I did notice that I'm different from others I tried making friends too but everything went vain and instead I got bullied and I just hopped I'll graduate soon and be with them.

But in the course of in one year I found this strange intrest it's about magic I'm not a big fan of them but I don't know I feel like I...there's a world out there which is different from the world I'm leaving, and I did speak about this to my parents at once they looked shocked for once as if I've said something which is true but then they made fun of me as always 🙄both husband and wife like to make fun of their only son.

So as I said my parents just shrugged that topic I did search about anything related to that but no nothing was found except some "Lord V" Whose information is not available anywhere and as days passed I lost interest about this person. The only thing was that I got a strange dream not once but twice thrice it was a strange place where there were long trees, houses, people running here and there, but their attire was completely different they had a small stick like thing in their hand but before I could see more it always used to break and I get up sweating I hate this too when will I get rid of these things.

So yes I graduated and I'm excited to meet my four p's sometimes I don't call them p it looks too formal so I go by their names and sometimes they get annoyed by it😝 ya except Singto he is the calm one in the group.

Mom gave me so many do's and don't before going to sleep she was acting as if I will never come back what a joke but I just listened to her, and this make me wonder are they too protected towards me because I'm cursed? No no Tay my parents love me and because I'm different no they love me because I'm me.

I did dream about this mysterious world once again I got this nightmare what I would call it, and because of that I was slight late but thanks to my sweet mom I made it in time.

As I entred my new university which my greatest grandad built it looked strange to me I suddenly felt something suffocating me I don't know what it is but I felt as if my life will be complete over here.

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