part 28

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Author pov

Tay woke up with a heavy headache, he looked around and didn't recognise the place he was sure it was not his room but then why did he feel like it's his as if this room was connected to him, he heard the opening of the door and there came New with a glass of water

"Te your awake! How are you feeling" But Tay didn't reply him,  he just stared at New. New who didn't receive any reply looked at Tay to see him starting at him "Te what's wrong?" New asked him but the latter didn't move or say a word this worried New he was about to call someone when "who are you? Why did you get me here? Where are parents and brother?" Tay started to question him and New was taken back he understood whom Tay was talking about but he acted as if he didn't know who it is.

"what are you talking Te your parents are here they will come home soon" New said he really looked nervous and it didn't go unnoticed by the other boy

Tay took a deep breath and said "you and me we both know what we are talking about New I know your not a normal human being so its better you explain everything about that creature and how do you know me, for sure you know me very well I want just want the answers and you just have to tell me and no excuses please" he said looking straghit into New's eyes. New knew that there is no escape now and he have to explain everything to Tay afterall it was his idea to get him back to their world.

"I'll tell you everything Te you just need to relax " New tried to pacify him but the latter didn't listen to him "where's my p, p Luke where are you p" Tay kept on calling for his brother "He is not here it's just me and you so don't waste your energy Tay" New said frustrated by Tay's behavior hearing this Tay kept quiet he understood that new is frustrated and felt embraced by his behavior

"Ok tay let me get you to your brother" New said and there was a hint of sadness in his voice as if he didn't want to let Tay go, and this time he called him by his name this made Tay a bit sad that New called him Tay and not Te, so he just kept quiet without saying anything. Seeing New's sad face Tay hugged him without any warning he himself was surprised by his behavior.

New was surprised when Tay suddenly hugged him. The last time he hugged the other guy, it led to their last kiss. With the way Tay was staring at him right now, he doubted he could control himself from kissing the other guy again so he looked the other side to avoid his glaze.

New finally let him go when he agreed to what was said by Tay. He was convinced the other guy thought he was crazy after kidnapping him  for the second time Surprisingly, Tay didn't freak out. Instead, he pretended as if nothing had happened between them.

"Let's go," Tay took his hand and led him outside. It wasn't the first time they hold hand but it certainly felt different than the previous times. And as for Tay, he went out as if he knows this place very well which really astonishing him, as much as he know it's the first time he visited this place but strangely he feels so familiar in here.

The two of them didn't talk much as they walked together. They went to New's destination first to meet a friend of a friend.  New talked with the guy outside of a house but Tay stood a bit far from them, not listening to what they were talking about. He was sure if he would be there then he would have smashed that guy's face for smiling like that, Tay really felt annoyed looking at him.

After New finished delivering the message, he brought Tay to a restaurant. The restaurant was really special for them but he doubted Tay would recognise it.

"It's weird..." Tay said as he observed the restaurant. "I think this is my first time here but it looks familiar" New didn't say anything. He simply pulled Tay to his favourite spot.

"Ah, you finally bring a friend here!"The waitress greeted them. As New frequently visited the restaurant, she had recognized him. But, what she said wasn't true. New always brought Tay, but it was past before she joined  the restaurant.

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