Part 11

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Author pov

As his p's suggested he decided to propose New but he is not sure New will accept it or not

He was in his thoughts when he sensed someone looking at him. These days he didn’t like to be alone nowadays because he could feel someone was watching him and might attack him if he was alone.

Remembering how his mother told him that he have to very careful, he couldn’t help but think someone is trying to murder him after all he is rich. Or Maybe someone was holding a grudge against his family and that’s why his parents asked him to be careful.

That would explain why his mother was worried to let him go to the university
He let out a squeal when someone closed his eyes from behind, thinking that finally his stalker was ready to kidnap him. But relaxed when he felt a familiar voice "Gosh Tay why you are this scared you panicked as if someone tried to kidnap you" New said laughing, but not so funny for Tay he didn't want to be killer of fun so he didn't say anything

"Hey you okay?" New asked him and Before New could ask anything more others had returned "what happened guys" Krist asked seeing a worried New and a scared Tay, New didn't go to say anything as to he himself don't know what happened and Tay just shook his head without saying anything which worried others.

Next day......

"Tay what are you thinking so much I've been observing you from yesterday your giggling, talking,smiling by yourself you fine?" Krist asked him

They never saw Tay like this he looked like he is in love! But Tay didn't reply him so gun slapped his arm for attention "ouch p what happened" He said after earning a slap "So you weren't listening" Krist sighed.

"Tay are you in love" Gun asked him straight and Tay's face turned red to which they got some idea "You better spill it what is that made you so restless" Off said smirking

"Actually I.. I... I'm... In lo.. love with newwiee I guess" He said looking down to hide his blush and the others busted in laughter

"At last our baby Tay has grown up" Krist commented "But p I don't know how to propose" Tay said looking at his p with a sad face "Awww love when we are here why you should worry we will help you" Gun said but before Tay Or anyone could say anything "Help who?" Asked new glaring at Tay, Tay was really clueless as to why New looks pissed at him.

"Why are you glaring at me what did I do?" Tay answered with question "Why do I feel we will have a war here" Off said and when he completed his sentence they heard a bang on table

"what did you do? Your asking me reason?" New said equally annoyed "What I have no clue so I've asked you is there any mistake" Tay too stood up now to argue with New "Oh how can I forgot young master Tay will forget what he does" New mocked him which made Tay more angry

"You will you tell me Or should I leave" He still argued "ok so you wanna know then listen" New argued "Only if you speak I'll listen" Tay said laughing thinking it might be their silly fights as usual.

New was really annoyed "What the hell did you tell my friends about our relationship" New said, he just met his friends while coming here they asked him why he didn't say that Tay is his boyfriend they felt betrayed and New said there's nothing between him and Tay

And coming back Tay was speechless listening to this as much as he remember he didn't say anything about it since he was confused with his own feeling "But New I don't know anything" He said looking all confused this annoyed New more "Don't act like you don't know anything Tay I know you are not fond of my friends I get it, but why do you have to lie" New was really mad he didn't like that his friends felt betrayed that was the last thing he wanted, if he had to choose between his new friends and the old ones of course he will choose them and not his new ones, because he know them from long than these.

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