part 3

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Author pov

The four of them were shocked completely, because it was impossible for Tay to read people since he is cursed then how could this be possible they remember elders saying only when he meets his mate he might regain them slightly but not completely.

Thinking about it made them remember what they have been ignored for 18 years. Elders  they did say that this curse will only be held until he turns 20 and he should return to magic world before that Or else it won't be good for the wizards and Tay he is soon going to be 20 and they have to find his mate before anything happen to him or them.

But at the current situation they can't do anything they feel like fish out of water even though they hate it, they had to lie they didn't have any other choice

"Tay really my boy, your reading too much of comics these days" Singto said since he is the first one to recover from the shock.

"No Singto I-" Off did not allow him to speak "Tay go home and take some rest you look very pale, don't tell me your over thinking of what happened" Off said he is trying to make Tay leave the university for now.

"But p off-" He was once again cut "No buts just go home I don't want to hear you passing out on your first day" He said sternly to Tay, tho they love Tay the most but they never let Tay fo things of his own and had their supremacy over him. Poor Tay had no other choice and just left from there with a annoying face

As Tay left "How is this possible? He shouldn't have known about this now" Gun asked the others. "Even I'm in a dilemma Gun I too don't know how is this possible Singto do you have any idea" Kist asked "No but do you all remember what elders said about his curse"

"That means only one thing, Tay's curse will be broken and soon we will have our protector back" Gun said happily to others who were also smiling except Off who still have a doubt.

"But wait" Off cut him and the three looked at him "Does that mean that Tay's mate is a human and not a wizard like us" He said a bit worried this is when the reality striked them that they live in human world and not the magic one, "Unless.. " Singto injected "Unless he too is from our world and have just escaped to human world" He finished now even he was confused, as much as he knows there were only five families escaped the magic world and it's them.

"Let's inform this incident to them" Said krist and before anyone could reply they heard a new voice which they are very familiar with "Inform whom and about what? " It was Tay. His presence itself was a surprise to them

"Tay you scared us" Said krist "Didn't we tell you to go back home what are you doing over here and where you ear dropping us it's not a good thing" Gun said in a hurry

"No no I didn't ear drop anything why would I? It's that that I heard the last sentence what you were talking and yes I'm going it's just that I left my key on the table" Tay said grabbing his keys "Take care" Gun said to which he just nodded and left he was pissed as to why his friends are telling him to go home that badly.

"Phew I thought we are busted" Krist said as soon as Tay left from there "Good thing is that because of our powers he couldn't read our minds if he could we would have been in trouble" Gun said, he was still in a panic.

Off just sighed he took his phone and called Mr vihokratana "hello uncle" He said as soon as the other picked the call "Hello off it's been long since you contacted me I assumed you lost my memory" He said laughing

Off could hear Mrs vihokratana shouting at her husband from somewhere far, so he put the phone in speaker so the rest can hear they all loved this about the family they are always lively always playing,teasing with each other's.

"Ou I'm sorry about that your dear aunt is annoyed by me because I didn't take your Tay out to buy him his camera, tell me son is that even a reason to get annoyed and you know that idiot son of mine even forgot that I had planned to take him out" He said laughing and complaining about his wife

"Of course it is, my baby was waiting for that camera from days" She started to argue with her husband and the four who were listening to this were giggling on the other side "Come on honey I told you I'll take him out today" Tay's dad was pleading his wife

"Who can tell that you guys are the protector of the magic world" Krist said laughing listening to husband wife conversation.

"Ok ok sorry about that now let's talk what made you all call us something happened?" Mr vihokratana asked "Did my baby feel lonely there? where is he is he ok?" Asked the mother "Honey there are some other things in this world other than your baby" The husband answered her."As if you will leave him alone there" She said to him. They all know how much protective they are with Tay.

But then suddenly they asked the kids seriously what happened why did they call, these kids call them only if they are in trouble.

"The... The thing is" Off hesitated a bit to tell them. It's not hidden that, how funny the vihokratana are but they are scary when they are serious, and off dont know hearing the news how the couple will react

"Off tell us what happened" Mr vihokratana said in a serious voice which sent shiver to the others, off took a deep breath and "Uncle we think Tay got some glimpse of his power" He said them everything that happened nervously, and there was no sound from the other side of the line "Did the call get disconnected?" Singto asked gun who was holding the phone, the kids were about to hang up "You do know what you are saying if you are joking about this it won't be good" They heard a cold voice from thr other line they know that if they mess up with vihokratana it won't be good to them.

"Ye..... Yes.. Un.. Uncle" All of them answered but then "Did Tay meet his mate over there?" They asked them excitedly as if they were not serious a while ago

"No we have no idea who it is! But who ever they are, they can be a human too" Krist said

"Oh that doesn't matter dear we don't mind if his mate is a human or a wizard Tay's great grandma is also a human so it's ok as long as his mate loves him" Tay's mom said in a cheerful voice "Now where is my baby boy?" She asked them again and Mr vihokratana just sighed he is alone everytime it's always mother,son Vs him.

Singto said he already left and might reach any moment from now and then they heard the door bell and saw Tay entering the house.

Mrs vihokratana went to her son and hugged him tightly "let him breath honey he already looks exhausted" Said the father to which son laughed but he looked nervous and his parents acted as if nothing happened.

After hesitating Tay said everything what happened in university, he looked down afraid to see his parents reaction "Don't you guys think your son is weird" He asked to his parents with tearful eyes the parents were speechless after hearing the whole story.

"No baby of course not what I think is you should sleep it's because of sleepless nights" His mom said

Tay tried to argue but even off said the same thing to him "If you feel what you felt is true why don't you try reading mine and your dad's mind " She said seeing Tay unsure and he couldn't hear any voices in his head " I don't hear anything " He said to her "Didn't I tell you just take some rest you will be fine like before and dont over think anything"
Tay just sighed and went to his room


Is this story boring should I drop it? And write some other story?

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