part 26

293 15 2

Author pov

Days passed by Tay started to know New, but he didn't dare to be alone with him he don't know why he felt they know each other's from before but he was scared to ask New if the latter will be mad at him. To escape from it he tried his best to minimize the meetings with him and send Tul Or Max as much as he can.

"Tay I heard your going to open a new cafe in our building" Luke said curiously

"Yes P, but P I have a feeling I know that guy from long do you know who he is?"

Tay asked his brother, and luke didn't know what to answer

"N.. No... Ta.. Tay of course not" Luke answered nervously

"hmm I thought he is someone we know you know I feel that connection with him as if I've met him before the accident" Tay said

"Tay baby don't put too much pressure on your brain you'll get headaches your doc has warned you" He said worried

"It's ok P I won't, I'll leave for now I have work bye" Tay said to he brother and left Luke who was left behind sighed

"I don't know how you will react when you know the truth little prince" He talked to himself seeing Tay's retreating figure.

Tay was driving his car, there was only one thing occupied in his head and that is Newwiee he liked calling New Newwiee and he even asked Tul not to call him Newwiee he didn't like it when others called him by that name as if it was preserved for him, when he reached his office he had a bright smile on his face but his was cut shot when he saw the boy who occupied his thought was chatting with someone they looked close, way too close and he didn't like the scene before him, and this led to his sour mood.

New was his, how dare others take him from him he was really pissed he want to know who the other guy is but didn't dare to ask anyone

Later in noon he was itching to know who the other person is

"Tul where is cafe owner, I didn't see him from morning" Tay asked his friend

"What are you talking Tay YOUR Newwiee is working whole day in front of you, you stop being a grumpy cat and see around what's happening" Tul said who was fed up by Tay's grumpy mood

"I've seen that.... He.... He is... " Tay suddenly became nervous he wanted to ask who that person was with New in the morning but thanks to his sour mood he couldn't ask about this before

"Tay what is it what do you want to ask just ask" Tul said having a evil smile

"About....That...Whowasthatguywithnew" Tay said it in one go and sighed in relief and Tul just blinked at him and they let a laughter

"Is our Tay in love with someone" Tul said smiling and Tay suddenly got a flashback someone told him the same sentence before these words are familiar

"Tay... Tay what happened Tay talk to me" Tul panicked seeing Tay holding his head "Ahhh my head it hurts help me" He said holding his head and flashback started coming as a movie but everything is blur after a while his pain was gone he looked up to see a worried Tul New, and one more guy with him he looked a year or two older, but Tay was is no condition to talk now

"Te do you know how worried I was you idiot I don't want to loose you again" New said tears in his eyes he couldn't see Tay in pain he was worried as hell scared of loosing Tay very much and Tay on the other hand was speechless New worried for him he don't want to loose him, it really touched him but seeing the guy next to New made his blood boil

He didn't know why he felt like that "Te say something I'm worried over here" New said once again and now he is sobbing "Hey hey don't cry I'm fine this they happen since my accident but now I'm fine you don't need to worry" Tay said wiping his tears that kept on falling down

"hey don't baby I'm here I'm fine you don't have to worry love I promise I'll be fine don't cry" Tay said once again he don't know why he said these words he himself is too shocked and New felt warm as if his Tay talked to him, he hugged Tay tightly he missed this Tay very much and tay was confused by New's reaction.

Tay went home thinking of New's behavior and his which shocked him still thinking about it, now he is sure that he know New very well but how he don't remember anything about the latter but what he didn't expect is the scene in front of him as soon as he arrived home he saw his parents in blood and there was a guy over there

"What are you doing in my house?" Tay asked the boy, half shouting. He cannot think rationally right now. A part of him was screaming, telling him that the guy who stood by the door murdered his parents. But, another part of him denied the accusation. The wounds on his parents bodies didn’t seem to be made by humans. But, why was he in his parents house?

"ANSWER ME." He shouted at the top of his lungs when the boy remained silent. The boy flinched when he shouted but he didn’t answer him, much to his annoyance. "Did you kill my parents?"

"He is not responsible for the death." A familiar voice behind him said. He turned around to see New walking towards him, looking different than the guy he met in the coffee shop. He emitted a cool aura, not playful and friendly like the way he was with Tul earlier. There were someone else with him and was looking at Tay differently. It was the same guy who was with New this morning,

"Then, who is responsible? Is it you?" He asked, trying to keep his emotions in check.

"No." New shook his head. "But, I know who is responsible."

"Oh, really?" He retorted. "But, can I trust you? Maybe you’re trying to trick me."
He didn’t miss how hurtful New looked because of what he said. But, he didn’t care.

"Te… Mr. Tawan…" New uttered while trying to remain unaffected with the way Tay talked to him earlier. Tay noticed the slip out but he was too furious to say anything about that right now. "I know it’s hard for you to trust me. It’s even harder for me to explain. So, please forgive me for this."

For no reason at all, New suddenly snapped his fingers. And automatically, Tay felt his head getting heavier.
"I’m sorry." That was the last thing he heard before he slipped into unconsciousness.
I don't know where this story is going to end😂I hope you liked it and who might have killed Tay's foster parents and what is New going to do with Tay

I hope you guys liked this chapter do vote and comment ☺

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