Part 17

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Author pov

Tay woke up after a while, and there was no one besides him he looked around and it was his room he felt like something was off but he couldn't point it what it was.

He got ready and came down from his room he searched for his parents but they were not there,which is a strange thing so he asked one of the maid she answered him rudely and he felt it very weird people in the mansion who ever are living there adores him very much but now the rude reply made him a bit sad. So he skipped his breakfast and went out of the house, nobody cared or greeted him when he passed from there.

Tay reached his college, everything looked normal way too normal except the way his friends behaved they too were very rude, which is completely opposite from how they were there these many days, they got mad for each and everything too Tay who was not used to this was broken, sad he didn't know what happened to everyone and New he was not with them where is he? Why he isn't with them.  "Tay let's go or we will be late" Krist voice intrupted his thought he blinked at them, Krist who don't like to attend classes is telling them to go early it was not him.

As they were going "Tay" He heard a voice calling him from his back when he was going back. He turned around only to be hugged by New. He was too surprised with the hug and that's why he didn't return the hug. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the way his friends smirked and then left him alone with the New

"Tay how are you I missed you so damn much" New said Tay was still in process, New never acted like this he is very shy when it comes to public but this he wasn't expecting this and miss him why? Seeing no response from tay he broke the hug

"Are you still angry with me because of yesterday? I'm sorry, okay! I don't want to be jealous but sometimes you are too close with that Namtan and the way she was sticking to you like a leach I hated it" New said pouting and on the other hand Tay was confused who Namtan he is hearing that name for the first time is she their classmate? What connection she have with them?. Tay was puzzled

"Tay... I'm sorry I won't be mad at you I promise" New said and Tay just gave him a smile and left from there, he was wondering the whole day what happened to all suddenly his p's who never dared to raise their voice got mad at him and now New who don't like to show their relationship public was acting like this, and he mentioned of a women whom he don't know.

After class New asked Tay to spend a night with him, as he was scared of something and Tay agreed to this but he kind of felt different whatever it is New never call him to his house, but for now he went with the flow after a while New fell asleep and Tay tucked him but he kept on thinking what happened today.

Today, New had been particularly edgy, clingy even, to the point where they've been receiving weird stares from everyone this is not them tho they are dating now they don't like getting attention but then Tay, he didn't say anything didn't have the heart to say anything at all just was confused because he knew New enough to know just when to keep his mouth shut. But once again he found this very strange

He reached down to brush New's bangs away from his eyes, let the tips of his finger lingered for a bit before trailing it down to the corners of New's eyes, the bridge of his nose, and down to the side of his mouth before brushing his chin.

New murmured in his sleep before turning to his side and Tay ducked down to press a soft kiss on top of New's head before getting up, he would probably fix himself a cup of coffee before he took a shower,and then tucked himself beside New and wished that he wouldn’t wake up to a punch on the face or a kick on the shin the next morning.

He got up without having new's presence next to him, he wandered where did he go and he came downstairs on his way out his eyes caught something familiar it was a brooch of Vihokratana's he looked at it, this was something which his mom kept it close to her heart and how is this here in this Dustbin he took it from there and then something happen the place where he was started to disapppear and everything around him vanished and the women appeared in from of him.

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