part 12

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Author pov

New said everything to other four about what he and Tay heard

"This is bad if he come to know the truth we will be doomed how can we explain it's for his own good we kept him away" Krist said panicking

"Nothing will happen baby some or the other day he would know this" Singto calmed his boyfriend "Why dont we tell this to our parents that women is now out of control by the way where is Tay?" Gun asked

"Don't know p....his phone is off since last night I'm worried" It looks like New is hiding something "New why do I feel your hiding something?" Off asked him and the rest looked at New

New looked at off nervously "P... I... I saw......a glimpse of future I.....saw Tay fallen lifeless I don't know how much is it true but then...." He looked worried "He what? But how?" All of them said

"I think it's better we go to Tay's home all of our parents are gathering there today" Off said to which the others nodded but New looked worried "I know your worried but Tay goes for a long drive whenever he is upset so don't worry he will be fine" Gun said to which New smiled at him a bit

As the five friends reached Vihokratana mansion "See he is not here didn't I tell you" Gun said as Tay's car was missing

"You don't need to worry he will meet us tomorrow as if nothing happened" Off too joined, the five of them entered the mansion and the parents were having coffee talking something serious "Mom Dad" Krist called them for attention and the elders looked at the five kids

"Oh what brings the five of you here where is Tay?" Tay's mom asked them "Baby there are other things in this world other than your baby" Her husband said laughing "Really honey you will not care about him" She challenged him and the others just sighed seeing the couple except New who looked still worried

"Ahem... " New cleared his throat gaining their attention and all the attention is on him "Yes dear you have to say anything" Mrs V asked him she is all smiling looking at him.

"Ac... Actually me... me an... and Tay we...." He was very scared to talk to all of them together after all they are all powerful wizards and he never met all five family before this, he took a deep breathe

"Yesterday me and Tay we heard that evil women and someone talking, I feel Tay....he.....I don't know he looked different yesterday and...." New said and all of them kept quiet "And?" His mom asked him New gluped

"And I saw a future of Tay getting hurt badly he.... He lo.... looked lifeless and it's not" He said looking at them nervously "Aww dear don't be nervous you just told us what happened" Krist's mom told him smiling at her.

"Lord what should we do now this is going out of our hand" Singto's dad said worriedly "You kids were telling something about that women's appearance what was it?" One of the parent asked

"About... that... " The kids hesitated to answer, and the older knew that they were not having words to describe so they waited "Actually she looked exactly like you Lord" Off said it's very rare for the kids to call them Lord or Madam and Mr&Mrs V were shocked "What do you mean?" He asked

"That if you had a sibling she would look like you" Gun said this time and the husband wife looked so confused "I don't have any siblings as far as I know I'm the only son" He said and his voice showed how proud he was  a Vihokratana

"Then why did she look like one" Gun asked "It can be face changing spell or any illusion you kids were worried for Tay too maybe she used that opportunity" New's mom said "But mama now the main question is how should we tell Tay who he is or us" Singto asked he don't know what will Tay react

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