part 10

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New and others were still shaken off when all six parents asked the kids what happened and the kids don't know how to explain, when they themselves don't know what exactly happened

"Can any of you boys tell us what exactly happened" Asked Mr V he is very impatient where his son is related and seeing his son laying down with no life made him more angry and the other wizards are worried what will have if he looses his patience and same goes with Mrs V both the Vihorkratana look very very disturbed

Off who is the eldest started to talk "Ac.. Actually we do..... don't know what exactly happened we were usually coming home talking and having fun but then suddenly he fell and then Gun used his spell and Tay was getting his consciousness but then a women in black robe with face closed came to us saying she will tell us how Tay had other spell other than ours but in demand of new and then.....


You will have to let me take him,”

“NO WAY,” Tay who just got up suddenly immediately responded when he saw the woman pointed at New.Tay's presence itself was a surprise to all.

Instinctively, he positioned himself in front of New to protect him from the woman. Off also did the same, standing in front of New to block him from the woman.

"Oh ho your awake"said the woman as she took off her hood, showing her face for the first time. All of them gasped in surprise to see her face. She looked exactly like…

“You were going to tell us something "krist said annoying . "No I changed my mind now the only thing I want is him,” said the woman as she approached them.

Tay and Off get closer to New and they stepped away from the woman until they were standing against the wall. "I am politely asking you to give him to me. If not" she said "if not what" Tay glared at her angrily, this anger was not seen in Tay it was as if he is not the Tay they Know, he was really angry this is when they remembered the fierce of the Vihokratana
That is when the blue light came from Him.

"It can’t be! Only the most powerful magicians are able to use blue magic to make a concept real. And you are already cursed how can you" She said she was not expecting this so did other wizards they didn't know Tay had such unique and strong power that Lord Vihorkratana had once.

Tay ignored her and used his power even though he had no knowledge about these, it was as if he was controlled by his powers and looked as if he was a great wizard who knew magics from long

"look at his eyes and hand" Gun said looking at Tay and the rest followed him, Tay's eyes turned blue than his normal black and then he had a moon with a star kind of mark in his hand, it's a mark when wizards find their destined mate it forms automatically with his mate its not that it comes in hand it can be anywhere in the wizards body Kristsingto have that mark near their palm and offgun back of their back which both hid it from others and themselves.

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