part 18

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Author pov

As soon as they came back Mr&Mrs.V hugged their son tightly as if there's no tomorrow, but for Tay he just let them didn't say anything didn't even hug them or even looked at them, he felt bad for doubting his parents his friends

"Tay baby your fine she didn't hurt you anywhere" His mom asked checking if her son got hurt anywhere "Baby say something what happened did she say, do anything to you" Now it was his dad who asked worridly seeing his son not having any expression and Tay felt sad for what he did, he knew she is good in manipulating but still he fell for her trap. He felt ashamed of himself for thinking his parents hate him where in fact they love him the most "Baby what happened" His mom asked him again she gave him some water but still Tay didn't open his mouth he was in his world, everyone shared a look.

Mr. V looked at the five kids and gave a look of 'I want to talk to you' to them they gluped the five kids were worried for Tay very much especially New he was scared what has happened to his Tay

"Tay why don't you take some rest I'll call you during dinner" His mom said Tay didn't say anything just nodded his head, she kissed her son's forehead and Tay went to his room looking down, this was surprising to all tho Tay hate being Vihokratana but he never look down, this behavior of their son made them worry Mrs. V is already in tears she never felt this helpless before, she looked at her husband even he looked heartbroken.

"Kids what happened when you all went there? " Asked off's dad as the v couple were not in the condition to ask them

"we too don't know what happened exactly when we went to him he looked broken and then his eyes started glowing he said something like we broke him his trust and stuff and it's all because of that women she asked Tay to kill us but he couldn't" Off said what ever happened Mr. V was really angry hearing this

"I won't spare her if she comes before me" The rest could cut him and risk themselves "let's talk about this tomorrow we all had rough day hope Tay will be normal tomorrow" Gun's mom said

At night Tay and his friends we're having dinner, his friends stayed back as they were worried for him tay just kept quiet didn't talk to them he didn't even look at them, the atmosphere was weird so the rest of them started to talk "What should we do that women is too powerful" Gun started the conversation "Yea.. Yea if only we knew her weakness we could have destroyed her"

"But there should be something at least something where she will be easily exhausted" Singto said and Tay suddenly looked at them

Easily exhausted? Tay thought about it. He had never seen that women exhausted before. But, he realized that it must be the reason why she rarely show her magic, except recently.

Now that he thought about it, she looked pale after their encounters. She also had avoided using her illusion when his friends attacked her earlier. He wondered if it was because she was exhausted after what she did.

Learning that she had difficulty in controlling his magic made Tay almost happy. He wondered if he could use this knowledge to defeat her. But the happiness quickly disappeared. Even though she had trouble, she was still an outstanding witch. It will still be hard for him and his friends to defeat her "Guys I read her mind she" Tay said looking nervously at his friends, they knew Tay is struggling to talk to them after what that witch did to him and the five friends decided to do anything to get their Tay back, they miss that sweet boy and they don't want this sad boy "Yes baby tell us" Singto said looking at him warmly

"When.. When I was wi.... with her I.. Saw she is scared of being alone so she is doing all this, I didn't understand why but it looked like she have long connection with great grandpa that is why I saw him that day in that building" He said looking at them .

His friends we're confused they didn't know who she is what she is for but now Tay's new information is also not helping them, but they were happy that Tay is coming back to them, they decided to ask their parents what was that did she have any relationship with them or not.

Tay was in his room when he heard a knock softly on the door and  "come in" Tay said.

It was New,and he didn't know what to say. Tay's face was very pale"What are you doing here?" Tay asked him "I'm happy you're fine." New said ignored his question and sat next to him."Why are you here?"

"I'm your boyfriend, I'm meant to be here when you are in this bed." New said looking straight to his eyes "New... I... " He was cut off "Shut up. Except if you don't want me, don't throw me away."
"I've hurt you." Tay whispered.

"And I've hurt you. Maybe I haven't in reality but still you were hurt you felt betrayed but Tay I'm glad I was able to meet you."

"How can you forgive me so easily?" Tay sobbed.

"Because I am a idiot, I'm just crazy about you." New smiled, blushing at his words."I love you too." Tay said suddenly looking at New "I know." New stroked his cheek with a soft smile."You are really ready to trust me again?" Tay asked once again not sure

"I've never stopped to trust you. I told you nobody can lie to me and if you hadn't really loved me, I would have seen it a long time ago." New smiled, Tay felt the warmth coming from New, everyone tells him he warms people's hearts but for him it's New who makes others smile.

Meanwhile downstairs the parent wizards were having a talk since the kids were asleep "This women is really a threat she is manipulating my son way too much" Mr v said he was really disturbed "Lord this is going out of hand that women she knows everything what if she tell that to one of the kids" Singto's dad said "No she won't remember grandpa made sure she and the rest won't remember anything of the past" Mr. V said "But honey everyone thought she is dead even your grandpa was sure she is dead then how come she came back does this mean she just used magic to fool us" Mrs v said she was very concern "Lord don't you think we should tell kids about this" Gun's dad said

"No not yet it's better if they don't know why should we get them in un necessary worry they don't even know anything and how can i say to Tay how she is related to his great grandpa's " Dan said the rest kept quiet but they didn't know one person was listening to their conversation behind them who was completely shocked by the truth.

Small chapter since I didn't know what to write 😅 I hope this chapter is ok.

This women is related to Vihokratana's what you guys think who she might be what might her relationship be and who was that listening to their conversation.

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