part 20

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New's pov

I was scared I still am, is this what Tay felt before when the women kept on attacking him poor Tay he kept everything inside himself never said a word to us, but wait a minute thinking of him,Tay he looks different these days and the women telling she will destroy us does this have any connection with Tay.

No no of course not Tay have come out from her manipulation so he is in his self, but then his odd behavior suddenly should I trust him or not.

I better speak with rest of them and ask if they too felt this or not, "New wait here I forgot my bag I'll get it those people are sitting over there" He said pointing towards them this is the good chance to talk to them so I just nodded my head and went to them.

"Oh New what took you so long and where is that young master" P Off asked me as soon as I sat down

" New everything is ok? You look pale" P Krist said what I look pale then why didn't Tay ask me anything he should have noticed that usually if I have a small tension also he would ask but today he didn't "New"

"P dont scream I'm over here it self"

"I was calling you but you didn't respond what happened you can tell us" They said I hesitated a bit but I told them everything including Tay's odd behavior and to my surprise they didn't look shock or surprised, did they too noticed it

"That women how dare she attack you😡 So even you noticed it, yesterday I thought he was acting odd because of that women but then I don't know he feels so alien he is not our Tay, I feel it too" P Krist said and the rest nodded so they all agree

"It only means one thing our baby Tay is still under her spell" P singto concluded yes he sure is in her spell now how can we get him back.

I got a message and it's from Tay? Why did he message me

"P Tay just texted me asking us to come to parking lot why do I feel something is fishey"

"New is right even I feel something is going to happen lets be prepared and go" P Gun said

We went down and there Tay is standing and his eyes it looks blank! Damn I was right he still is under her spell

"Hello boys" That stupid women walked behind Tay to greet us "you I knew you were behind this, damn why didn't his spell still break" P off said "It never broke you idiots and he being a weak wizard was easily controlled by me, and you people didn't even realise what fools" She said laughing.

She turned towards me, "You it's all because of you all my plans were destroyed now be ready to get killed by your own love" She said and suddenly there was a bubble which formed with me Tay and that women I could hear the shouting from outside

"Your coward your using Tay to protect you" I said I was very angry on her she didn't have the guts to fight any of us.

She just smirked on me and the next thing I know is Tay is attacking me I was astonished "Tay baby it's me New who you love you so much" I said

"No way. I will never love a lier like you!" Tay yelled, a tear rolling down his cheek.
I have to talk to him calmly now or else he will I don't know what he will do "Tay I... "
SHUT UP!!" Tay cried, shooting a spell next to my face. When did he learn that it's......

"You love me because you know I'm sincere with you. You know I never lied to you and I loved you. You love me because you are like me. We are the same." I said softly.

Nothing is working that witch's spell is way too strong . I gasped when he suddenly threw a spell on me.

Why hadn't he threw it on my heart? I raised my eyes to see Tay lowering his wand , tears rolling down his cheeks, did my words work on him.

"What have you done, he is still alive?!" The women yelled. "I want to hear everything before killing him."

"Stupid shit! I..."

"Let him explain and I'll kill him after."

"No!" She snapped but Te hit her with his magic wand, making her fall on the ground. I sighed in relief and made a step but Tay pointed his magic wand toward me.

"The truth!" He said God how many times should I say this truth if I knew he was still under her control I wouldn't have talked to him last night.

"I haven't betrayed you. Nor your parents or your friends damn they love you way too much they don't even mind your cursed or not. Tay I don't know. You see, before you came in my life, I was empty. I was just trying to survive just for sake of searching my soulmate You came into my life, You were so different, so beautiful. Always trying to defy me and being so honest with me. I was too stubborn to tell you I had fallen with you after our first fight. You were so amazing, so perfect . In several weeks, you became someone very important. It was as if I knew you since forever, my feelings for you are sincere. I have never lied to you. Never." I looked at him with honest eyes. Tay lowered his wand, crying.

"You are not lying ryt" He asked me and now I can see the Tay I've fallen for my Tay, my sunshine. "I promised not to, don't you remember." I chuckled.

"I..." Tay's eyes widened and I gasped when I heard a loud noise.

"Tay!" I caught him before he could fall, blood already drenching his shirt. By now her illusion world was destroy and we are in real world dad mom and rest of them are staring at us, they were shocked completely

"I told you I would destroy you." She smirked.

"Bastard!!!! Hold on, Tay!!" I implored but my lover just gasped.

"Baby, please!" I yelled, screaming in pain "p gun do something he is breathing slowly" I was fully panicking, and vihokratana couple were ready to attack her

"It hurts, ne? It hurts to see the most important persons dying in front of your eyes. You know what I felt this day now."

"Grandpa didn't abandoned your mom she, died because of her own cruelty." Tay's dad said now who the hell is her mom to these🙄

"You don't understand. Even if your son killed someone, you would take your revenge if someone killed him." She said

"No. Because Tay would never kill an innocent." I panted, my hand on Tay's wound to stop the blood. She was laughing like a mad women

"You all be ready now that your future protector will die any moment whole magic world will be mine" She said and then disappeared, but she looked a bit week so Tay told the truth but if how can I believe that he was under her spell. P Gun's parents cured him he looks a bit fine now there are chances of his survival now Tay I love you please be alright soon.

"Dada can you tell us what secret she have with you all I can't see Tay suffer like this please" I said looking at them, enough is enough I'm fed up of waiting how long should we, he suffer. "New what is with that tone" Mom scolded me what else I can do I'm already tired "There's nothing fault in that these kids are fed up because of the secret and her attacks" Tay's dad said "I think it's time to answer all your questions now" He continued with a sigh.
Hey guys, how is it? I hope you enjoyed this one at last the secret will be reviled any guesses what will that secret be😁
Oh yea and dont forget to vote and comment😁

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