part 27

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New pov

It was raining outside. And the wind was blowing hard. I had forgotten to take my coat… In a minute, I was completely soaked. But I kept running. There was a particular place I had to go… Absolutely.

At some point on my way, I stopped. I was out of breath. I leaned against a wall, trying to catch my breath back, feeling the rain pouring down my face, making my tears disappear.

I don’t want that. I want to be free. I want to choose the person that I would be spending the rest of my life with… I want to do till I’m old… I started walking again. I couldn’t run anymore. I was too tired.

I arrived about thirty minutes later at the third floor of a building. I hesitated for a minute or two before knocking on the door in front of me. A door I knew well.

My clothes were drenched as much as my hair… I heard footsteps at the other side, then sounds of key turning in the lock and the door opened.

"New"a voice said. "Kit " I answered without looking at him.There was a long silence while he stared at me. I didn’t dare to look up at  him. I just couldn’t.

" Why didn’t you take an umbrella to come here ?"he asked, then.
I’m waiting… As always… That’s somehow what my life is made of. Waiting… Always.

"I… I left too fast… " I whispered."Why? Baby What happened ?"I bit my lips, opened my mouth to tell him, finally looking back at him… But no words wanted to come out. I sighed.

Suddenly, he took my hand to lead me inside of his appartment. P singto was inside he gave me warm coffee and sat beside p krist, when will I get my chance to sit with tay like this once again how long should I wait for it.

" Tell me ! I’m not gonna guess" he said mockingly. He didn’t wait for my answer and just walked away to the bathroom. I stayed where I was for a minute til he came back, holding out a towel to me.
"So" P singto asked me this time but I just remained silent.

"Heey ! Too much suspense ! Just tell me already ! What’s wrong ?"

We were standing in the middle of his room I just headed inside of his room and they followed me, wearing a worried expression on their face. Then, before I could stop, P kit grabbed my arm and made me turn round to face him.
"New speak something" I looked straight at him. And he looked back at me. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"I… I’m… " I sighed. "I want to get back Tay soon as possible he will be in great difficulty if he don't bring him back P please" I watched his face carefully. For a second, I saw him frowned and the corner of his lips twitched. But then, his face became blank again.

"Really" He said I knew he won't believe me but this time I'm serious I raised my eyebrows. "Yes p I'm tired of all these things, they are already in hands of mama and papa there won't be any problem and me and Tay are destined so it's ok" I said I was really frustrated by all of this waiting it's been six months since I didn't see Tay nor spoke to him or went in front of him and today that nightmare of him getting hurt triggered me and this is it I'm done waiting I'm going to take back what is mine.

" You knew this would happen, didn’t you ?" he said calmly. A bit too much…I backed away from him a little, and he let go of my arm. "So you… Well, you’re right… Does it really matter, after all I'm the one suffering!" I whispered bitterly. I let myself fall on the couch near us.

"Newwiee" he sighed. "Stop jumping to conclusions so early. That’s not what I meant" He was staring at me. "We already talked about that, right? " P kit said but p singto remained quite as if he is thinking something I looked at them in disbelief are they really my friends "Ok let's go back and get Tay back" P Singto suddenly announced "Baby what are you telling we can't..... " He was cut of by p singto "it's ok kit let's bring Tay back and New have suffered unnecessarily, if you would be in his place what would you do? You would have given up on me? " He asked p Kit who kept quiet "He is right kit I completely agree with Singto" There was a new voice in the room, and it was p Off with P Gun how come they are here at this time🤔 let it be.
"What do you mean Off you know.... " "I know, I know everything and i think it's best time to get him back, to where he belong" P off said and that is how we decided to come back to human world thanks to p off, he was the one who convinced p kit

Its been 6 months since we came to human world and I'm a coward I've hid myself from Tay i see him everyday in front of my cafe but I'm scared to meet him, what if he don't recognize me what if he ignore me and the most if he ask who am I it will really break my heart into pieces so it's better to stay away from him now

Today there's some party in my cafe and, At my right, a group of women are chatting loudly, giggling, gossiping… To my left, men in black suits are talking seriously… About politics, obviously. One of them is frequently glancing at me. I looked away.

My suit isn’t black, because I’m not allowed to wear black suits,since there are many business people So we came up with other Color which is grey.

"Sorry for making you wait" I hear someone say in a polite way behind me. I turn round and take the glass the barman holds toward me.  "Château Latour 1998, is that what Mister wanted? " I nod hastily. I don’t know a damn thing about wine.

Then, I leave the bar, walking as quickly as I can, but not so quickly because I have to be careful with the glass I’m holding. I make my way through the people around me. There are not alot though, since it’s a private party, with ministers and politicians. And there he is the owner of this glass🙄 flirting with his boyfriend and making me work like his servant.

I arrived near a group of men, similar to those who were at the bar, since they are all wearing black suits… Or no, one of them has a white one… Great "Newwiee long time no see" says one of them when he sees me arriving. That's P Luke the one taking care of my love, how come he is here isn't it's kept for big business men and politicians. I really don't understand humans sometimes.

I smiled at him. P Off who was with us takes the glass I’m giving to him. He gives me the glass he was holding all this time in exchange. Because it was champagne, so he kept it for me. I like champagne.
"Hey luke" a man calls.p luke turns his head toward him,It was some business people there were talking business to him🙄 why do you come to party when you want to talk nothing but business can't you do that in your office. That's when their eyes fell on me and looking at it looks like they are talking about me.

I hate it. I hate when they’re talking about me like that, making jokes that aren’t even funny. Luckily, p luke and others doesn’t really like it either. But we have to do make with it. It’s the high society here.  I bow, respectfully. I know these men are all politicians I’m supposed to know… Maybe I know their names, but I can’t recognize them. The one who spoke looked pretty old… with white hair.

"Newwiee how come you guys are here" P joss asked me all of the sudden I guess it's time to tell them that we are here to take tay back with us "P we.. We are here to take Tay back to where he belong" As soon I said this the smile on P luke's face disappeared " Oh your here to take him, damn I never thought that letting go of that little prince will be this hurtful " P Luke said and I can see tears beaming in his eyes, one year and tay have this magic to make everyone near him as his🙂 he used to say he is lucky to have me but the truth is I'm lucky to have him "So when are you guys taking him, do he know about this" P joss asked me "ab... about th... that.. " How can i tell him I didn't dare to see him so many days
"What will he say let me tell you he didn't dare to see Tay, at all do you think he would have spoken to him" It was P Gun🙄why is he here and not with his boyfriend there, "is that true new? I think it's better you talk to him if you don't try how will you make him remember you" P Luke said ya he is right I want Tay with me I can't be like this maybe I should meet him tomorrow in this cafe.

I asked Tul about Tay's schedule and he gave me everything with a big smirk on his face why everyone act like this I'm just meeting my boyfriend that's all😾 and that idiot tul gave my project to Tay and he didn't even inform me anything about this I looked like a dumb person in front of Tay, but then seeing him made me very happy as if I've got everything what I want. But happiness is not writing to me I feel after me and Tay started to get along I saw how jealous he was if anyone come to talk to me that's really cute of him😹as days passed one night what shouldn't have happened had happened P krist tried to save that couple but he couldn't and Tay blamed him, now I have no choice but to tell him the truth it's better to take him back now so I used the spell and put him to sleep.

Hey guys I know it's a late no very late update and I'm really sorry for that.I'm stuck with my college work, exams and other things I'm unable to find time to write next chapter, next update might delay but I'll surly complete this story soon

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