Part 14

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Author pov

Tay is walking alone in a abandoned building, he got a message few hours ago of "that women" saying she wants to meet him alone if Tay dont want others getting hurt, and New came up with the idea of him going alone but through off's magic they will create illusion. And they all will be connected through wireless.

Tay did as he was told by New. His parents also supported this idea but Tay himself was no sure knowing that he could do better whenever he is with New.

As he was walking he could hear the conversation of them through wireless but then at a point when he was walking he cannot hear anything.

But, slowly, he could hear a lot of voices in his head. The voices were getting louder each seconds Most of them sounded worried. He was a bit dizzy to hear all the voices talked at the same time but slowly, he started to differentiate each thought. His parents and friends Hmm, mostly they was worried for him and he could hear  little pray, hoping that everything will be okay. He heard even New's worried voice too tho he was the one who initiate this plan but looked worried and he did hear a I love you too which gave a smile on his face.

Then he felt it. A thought which was different than the other he was feeling. It was filled with angry and hatrate It didn't take much to confirm it. It was of course of that women he closed his eyes to sense where she was, he didn't know what prompted him to open his eyes.Maybe the sound of someone crying When he opened his eyes, he saw someone else standing before him.

It wasn't easy. Before he could go to that person, the woman suddenly appeared. She gave him a smirk.

"I know you will be here," she said softly, almost whispering. "But, I will not let you go near that man. I don't want him to be with you,"

There was something weird with the way she said it. But, Tay ignored it. For the first time, he wasn't afraid to see the woman. He didn't know where the courage came from, but he guessed it had to do with his feeling for New Furthermore, he knew this woman wasn't real. She was just an illusion. An illusion of her protection spell. But he wandered who that man is and why is she preventing him to go near that man.

He tried to approach that old man but the woman stopped him at every steps he took. He even attacked the woman with every little spells he knew but none worked on her. It frustrated him so much.

"GO AWAY! Who is that man" He shouted at the woman. But, the woman didn't move. She still stood there with her smirk. What should he do to make her go away? What should he do to destroy the protection spell?

"You don't know who he is?" She laughed seeing clueless Tay "It's ok my dear he is your grandpa in other words my fake dad" She said laughing like a mad women, Tay now convinced that his grandpa was innocent and she used him "let him go" But she didn't move at all so he called his grandpa for first time

"Grandpa!" He called he felt a bit awkward since it's the first time him meeting his grandfather.

His grand pa didn't hear him at first. But, he kept on calling him until he suddenly looked confused and started to look for his voice."Tawan?" He heard the old man saying"Y....yes," he answered. The woman looked at him but she didn't do anything. Yet.

"Where are you? I cannot see you," Grandpa told him.

"I'm here". Tay was about to go but that women didn't allow him "She won't let me in," he told. Even though they were quite far from each other, he could see how grandpa was confused with what he said. "What are you talking about? I don't understand. I don't see her anywhere nor you" He said.

He still seemed confused and Tay wouldn't blame him. He always had trouble to convince people. But, he won't give up.

"Stop. Now, it's the time for you to go," said the woman, ready to cast a spell. Upon hearing that, he knew he was right. His grandpa is the only person who can destroy the protection spell.

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