part 6

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New's Pov

I was on my way to meet my friends and to show them at last I got response for my message, they always make fun of me when I didn't get any responses and  for the first time some one did. God bless whoever that person is.

As I was going off the stairs two people cut my way I was about to scold them but stopped when I saw who they were, I was shocked its P off and P gun.Are they here to scold me for I did to Tay in morning this is what earth warned me about

"Hello what brings you here" I asked them quietly,  I'm scared what they will tell me.

But I just wanted to show my friends that Tay is not that good guy at all, ahhh why am I thinking about that idiot again  damn thinking about him just makes me angry

"Nong we want to talk to you about Tay" P off said,  damn I was right. They are here for revenge of what I did to that friend of theirs. I should make some excuse and run from here I'm not prepared for this. "P  I....I have some work may I talk to you guys later! " I excused before they Could say anything to me

Phew that was close As I was walking running from them someone crashed into me and we fell down and the person landed on me and what his lips touched mine,  0h  my  first kiss is to taken by someone i don't even know😿

when opened my eyes I was shocked the person I hate the most it Tay Tawan, Arrr why should he be the on I wish it was a girl or someone else,but instead it was him why he comes everywhere I go, but then why is my heart so happy as if I've found my missing piece.

I pushed him off me and yes we did have lots of audience and looking to our position, may be most of them even clicked our pics and posted them on the university page. 

I stood up so did he but he looks lost "How DARE ARE YOU BLIND" I asked him this time I'm really angry how dare he stole my first kiss I had kept it for my mate "Excuse Me It's you who is blind" He encountered me

"Did I tell you to crash on me if I'm blind let this blind man go" I said, I won't leave him now! "oh please I left you in the morning but now once again you came Crashing on  me do you think I'm crazy? " he said now I'm super pissed

I was about to say something once again my friends and his interpreted us "New that enough let's go from here you already created a mess" Earth said madly he really looks pissed at me but why

"Earth why are you scolding me its him who crushed me " I argued "who told you to look behind and run?" Tay answered behalf of  Earth

"Tay that's enough" That was P Singto,he is known for his Calmness but now he doesn't look Calm Tay was about to argue when P off and Gun arrived.

Tay gave me a death Glare before going with them or should I say them dragging him . I'm real really pissed how could he do that to me "New don't you think-" I didn't allow earth to talk "I didn't do anything this time it was him and you know what he stole my first kiss"  I was shouting I don't care if people are look at me I looked at my friends they were
in shock but Earth he looked really pissed as if he will kill anyone now but why?

It should be me who should be pissed and not him. They didn't say anything after my outburst. I can't stay here with them now "I'm leaving" I told my friends and left before they say something else to me. I wanted to cool myself so the best place is home.

I reached home, it looks Empty oh yea Mom have a book launch today & dad must be busy in hospital. I went to the couch its better sleep for a while, I want to forget what happened today, who knows this is all dream and then when I get up nothing happens.

Even after trying so much, Damn why can't I sleep as soon as I close of my I close my eyes why do I see his face I'm really out of my mind, what should I do I can't sleep 'Who Are You Tay Tawan why are you invading my thoughts' I just sighed thinking about him will just irritate me more ,I wish mom or dad was here I would have told them everything and eased my mind.

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